Page 294 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 294
The school corporations of the Province of Quebec are obliged to
make an annuai report ta the Government concerning their financial
operations or transactions. When the information is not forwarded
within the proper delay, the schooi inspector of the district is authorized
by law to caU upon the secretary-treasurer at fault and his travelling
expenses are borne by the school corporation. These statements are
prepared under the direction of the Bureau of Slatistics and show
receipts and disbursements and a full statement for the year ending on
the 30th of June. The ordinary revenue is made up from the taxes
levied on propel'ty and from the monthly fee payable for ail children
of school age. In certain municipalities a special assessment is added
ta the annual tax. A portion of the amounts received is supplied by
grants from the Government. These ordinary receipts do not cover
the cost of administering the sc1100ls throughout the Province. Recourse
is often had ta long or short, term loans to meet the cost of buildings
and repairs necessitated by the incl'eRse in the number of school
children. The credit of the sohool corporations has not however been
impaired as may be noted by the following statements. On the 30th
of June, 1926, the total assets of aU corporations, amounted to $83,-
923,195 and their Iiabilities ta $57,574,015, a surplus of assets over
liabilities amounting ta $26,349,180. For the last fiscal year mentioned,
the value of assessable property, according to the valuation roll was
estimated at $1,793,647,490. The number of property owners paying
the ordinary assessments W3.S 352,517. The ordinary and special taxes
amounted ta $13,942,382.
There were 1,800 sohool corporations in the Province of Quebec,
in 1926, 1,454 being Catholic and 346 Protestant.
38-Vnlue of Taxable PropHt.)·
PropTletor:J Per~ODs Amnont,s
YEARS pn~ in~ p~n ing coJ1f'r:i ...l 1lJ""lJIly on hHCalS
NbP.r !/.
l 92!po:?U .. .. . 352. 17 l.kU,-"124
Ilr~~Z5 ..... .•. :ln7.691 1.620,'I»iI
11l2:3-.4 ... ,.,. ~(~~.'W ~ 1,7 0, ~~6
1 _2-~3 . ..,' 31··..q 6 1.31:l,flI6
111:11-22 .. 3:1.1.818 J.0[l$,.'I.}4
L 21 , , •. ~:l".96U RR~,2l!l
J() ~20 , ::f27,870 l,lIlr.,~
1~18·19 . 310.û1lR tllb.7l'a
JUI7-IS .•.... , , :l1.2,ô;,:.-;:; l) ,.;71
Ifl1f;-17 " : ~t1.'UJ f"~:J,fI,17
Of,fu.:;" 1
YBARS Hltld l.iaHlitie.
l'CCL'lIpt~ 30th 0; Jun~
L1 1.oi'],.ï,jS 5'i,;-)/·1,Ol.i
1!l 5· Q () ,. 10,fi5/ 13~O
1\1::.1-:1 . 20,:~r:i9.175 l,,a..t.'11.1fJ i 117.1 :;.043
19:1.'I·_ ..• , ' 20,;j!lO,{ja~ ~.:''''',JOI f. ~,Ii!,.... ,RS'L
19~!!·Z;l. . If,.'a~, 17 2,714.,907 53,337,fH:iô
HI~I-,;2 . J6.Ii5.S, r.l!l 1,111.717 40.!I!.!1.001
1920·21.." , ". b;,M~,lH7 1.123,084 H,(;ij~.,iL3
1919·20 . 12.:JS~,I02 1,19U~SI 0,2 fi ..tlt·
1918·10 . Il.Zn,'1 ~ 7G",7·1:J :F,11I7,66\1
1\117-18., . 9,487,107 1.12S,9!1'; 34.74~,2H
1916·17., .•. 10,203,845 1,504.,723 30.710/;' 7
(1) AccoTding to tbe ,·•.Iuntion roll.
Edl"llCl frOID tbe F'ii'!ar~clal Sla~me-fd 0/ School C"rpOTat'io1l~1 Quebec.