Page 157 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 157
7-List of members of the Legislative Assembly of the Province, by electoral districts
showing lhe parly lhey belonged to, logether with their majorHies at each '
Iillect·ion slnce 1867.
Dl\"" Mnjo- DI\Lc M.~jo-
COUl"TlBO AlI D MEMllERO of Pl\rt.)" COUN'l't.l:Œ A.NO l\fEhrfn:Hs of Party
E:lec:t.ion rit.y eLt:cLioll dey
(Foy·med 0/ pa-yt of Ternisca- 1908 L. 215
mingue) J912 106
1913* Ac"1.
Perr•.ul., Joseph-Edoullrd lU~3 L. 1916 ~22
Aut,hier, HecLor. 192~" 1019 769
1027 1923 '118
1927 1
IR,,7 c. Acel.
Ib71 186 Po(~eTlChr~~t.iRn H~~TY.. 18G7 L. r)!"~
IH7.:ï Accl. 1871 Accl.
Meiklo, RDher. G. 1~78 L. (il Duln.c, Fr~~lX3.vier... 1874* C. 227
Oweoe, WiHiorn ..... IH~I C. 200 1875 553
l~mG Accl. POlrier ,Joseph . 1878 L. 393
l"HO 711 Blanehet, Jean. IBSI C. Acel.
Sîmp:lOn, John. lfoi!)2 37 1882'"
\Veir, Will~~m A .. IH\)7 L. U3 1886 197
1900 Accl. 1890 286
1904 l'ai rier 1 Joseph . 1892 420
1\100'" B61~,nd,llCl:~-S . 1807 I.. 755
)908 390 1900 Accl.
Hay, J"hu 19LO" 7U Gad bou., Arthur . 1902* 90G
Sloter, Hnrry .. 1912 C. ilS Ul04 Accl.
Hay, J~hn . 1916 L. 1,,158 1908 657
1919 Accl. 1912 2,548
1923 173 1916 A ccl.
Soin L-Jncque., .To.epb-Lcoll. 1925* C. 435 1919
Danliereau. G~or~cs . 1927 L. Accl. Fortier t J.-Hugbe6 ... 1921" Accl.
1023 1,963
ARTI-lABASKA 1927 Accl.
(Pormed 0/ paYI. Q/ Dmr..- (Sce: FRO".,.RNAC)
mOfl.d-A rt!tabas"'"
Girouard, Jo.eph-Enl\ . 1890 L. 348
1892 97 Bergevin, CéLeBlïn .... 1867 C. 324
1897 793 Cortier, Georgee-ELienne.... 1871 426
Tourigny, PnuL . 1900 Aecl. DiF~on,EHe-Htl1culf:. 1873" L. 678
1904 1875 59
1908 1,799 Def;lcvin. C,~lc.~tin. 1878 c. 238
1912 370 1881 635
Perrault, J 08.-Edounrù ... 1916 1,499 B1B90D. Elie-H ereule.... 1886 L. 22
)919 Ace!. 1. ., 1890 1
1919'" PLünte,MoÜ!e.... 1892 C. 93
1923 1,443 DiB~?D 1 Elie-Bel~cuLe..... ]892'" L. 917
1927 2,5GG 1897 272
Plante, Arthur .. 1898* C. 46
BAGOT, Acbn,~e. 1900 L. 31
1904 115
Gendron. Pierre-SaDluel. 1867 C. '257 Plante, Arlhnr... HI08 C. 16
1871 288 fulbert, Edm,',"'d ~~thur . 1012 1" 61
1875 Accl. 1916 289
Dupont, Flavien . 1876'" 210 Bergevin, Achille , 1919 876
B)ais, Narcisse . 1878 L. 170 Plante, Art.hur . 1923 G. 542
C..avnnt, Antoine . 11>.'11 C. 167 P"I.illeau, Loui..s-Jo""ph. 1927 L. 261
Pilon, Jooepl1 . 1886 L. 90
McDonaJd, ll'Iil.nn. 1890. C. 77 BELLECHABSE
1897 47 Pelletier, Onésime . 1867 L. 77
I~OO Accl. " Il 1871 680
1904 Frade., Pierre . 1876 C. 252
C. Cou..orvativc.-L. Libcrol.-I, Illde[lelldent.-~. NaLioonli.t.-Lo.b. LlLbour.-Opp. Oppo.ition.
" ·By--ell\olioll.