Page 97 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 97


                                                                                      The Ontario Register
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Noted Ontario - Americans
                                                                                           Feb 12  1842- July 28,  1923)  agent and
                                                                                 HLIN (
                                                           JOHN 1\IcLAUG                            '                     A                                                                                                                                       93
                                                                      .         I  d.    service  was born at  vonmore,  Ont.,
                                                        inspecter m the  n  Ian                      '               hl'     H        d  28                                   WILLIAM MITCHELL (Nov  19,  1832- Aug 21,  1900)  justice
                                                                       ·       d  1\Iary  (Prince)  McLaug  m .                 e  m  ·        J an
                                                        son  of  Felix  an                                                 h      d  s·                                   of the Minnesota Supreme Court, was born in Welland County,
                                                                                    B  isson  of  French  Scotc  an
                                                        1864  1\lary LoUise  u                                  '                .     1oux  an-                          Ontario,  son  of  John  and  Mary  (Henderson)  J\tlitchell,  "both
                                                              ·  b
                                                        cestry.  y w  om        there were several children.  The1r home  was                                             natives of Scotland." He was  graduated in 1853 from Jefferson
                                                        at McLaughlin,  South Dakota.                                                                                     College,  Canonsburg,  Pa.  He died at Lake Alexandria,  Minn.
                                                                                                                                                                          He md.  (1)  Sept 3,  1857 at  Morgantown, Va.  (now w. Va.)  Mrs
                                                           JAMES  McMILLAN  (May 12,  1838  - Aug  10,  1902)  Senator                                                    Jane (Hanway) Smith, daughter of John Hanway of Morgantown.
                                                        from  Michigan,  was born at Hamilton,  Ont.,  one of three sons                                                  She died in  1867  leaving three daughters.  He md.  (2)  July 11,

                                                        of William and Grace (1\IacMeakin) McMillan  of  Wigtown,  Scot-                                                  1872  Mrs.  Frances  (Merritt)  Smith  of  Chicago,  daughter  of

                                                        land  who  emigrated  to  Hamilton in  the  1830's.  The paternal                                                 Jacob M.  Merri tt, and they had one son William DeWi tt 1\Iitchell
                                                        grandfather was a  sea-captain of Stranraer,  Scotland.
                                                          He went to Detroit in 1855 where he md.  7 June 1860,  Mary,                                                       CLARA MORRIS (Mar  17,  1848 - Nov 20,  1925)  actress,  was

                                                       daughter  of  Charles Wetmore  a  leading merchant of the city.                                                    born in Toronto, daughter  of Charles and Sarah Jane (Prœtor)
                                                       Four sons  and  two daughters were born to them .  As  Sena tor,                                                   La Montagne.  Her mother , Sarah Jane Proctor ,  was of Scotch

                                                       1\Icl\Iillan  was  largely responsible  for restoring  the  L'Enfant                                               and  English  ancestry.  She  was  r escued from a mad dog by a
                                                       design as the city plan of Washington.  He  gave as gifts  Grace                                                   French-Canadian cab-driver ,  Charles La Montagne, whom she

                                                       Hospital, Detroit. and a  Shakespeare library at  the University                                                   married. After the birth  of three children, the eldest of whom
                                                       of 1\Iichigan.                                                                                                     was Cl a ra,  it was discover ed th at the marri age was bigamous.
                                                                                                                                                                          The mother assumed the  name  Morrison (the maiden name of
                                                                                                                                                                          either her mother or grandmother) and went to Cleveland, Ohio
                                                          CHARLES  WESLEY  MARSH  (Mar 22,  1834  - Nov 9,  1918)
                                                                                                                                                                          taking  Clara  with  her.  The  other  childr en were adopted:  the
                                                       inventor,  manufacturer  and  editor,  was  born  on  the  family
                                                                                                                                                                          daughter by a  family in Buffalo;  the  son,  who died at six.  by a
                                                       farm  near  Trenton,  Northumberland County,  Ontario,  son of
                                                                                                                                                                         family in Cleveland. When Clara began her stage appearances
                                                       Samuel  and  Tamar (Richardson)  Marsh.  When he was eleven
                                                                                                                                                                          she shortened the name to Morris .
                                                       the  family  moved  to  Cobourg,  Ont.,  and when  he was fifteen
                                                                                                                                                                             She md.  Nov 30,  1874,  Frederick C.  Harriott of New  York,
                                                       mo~ed to a  farm  near  Shabbona,  DeKalb County ,  Illinois.  He
                                                                                                                                                                         and they resided at Riverdale,  N. Y.  and later in other nearby
                                                       res1ded  for  most  of  his  adult  life at  Sycam ore,  Illinois.  He
                                                                                                                                                                         commum 1es.            Mr  Harr1 ·ott  died  29 May 1914  at  Whitestone.
                                                       md.  (1)  Jan 1,  1860,  Frances Wait and after her  death md.  (2)
                                                                                                                                                                         L. I.  [NYT,  May 30,  1914,  p. 11]  Clar a's  mother,  ~arah . .r:ne.
                                                       Jan 10,  1881,  Sue  Rogers.  He was survived by his  widow and                                                   died30Aug1917, aged95,  at Clara's home in Colom~l Heto~ts,
                                                      by three childlen of the first marriage  His  b  th                          .     l     .
                                                       the DAB  (see below).                                  ·         r o  er 1s  a  so m                              Tuckahoe,  N. Y.  [NYT,  Aug 31, 1917,  p.7]  Clara.diedat,:\e\\
                                                                                                                                                                                                              erty finally went  to her  SlSter.  \\hom
                                                                                                                                                                         Canaan,  Conn.          H  er prop                                        time
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 e  .  ·
                                                          WILLIAM WALLACE  M                                                                                             Clara had been unable to trace during her  own                       11
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       h  d'ed in~oyember
                                                       inventor  and  man  f  t            ARSH  (Apr 15,  1836 - May 12,  1918)                                             From the New York Tlme                s  it is  learned that the s1ster was
                                                                                u ac urer  was b
                                                                                                                                                                                               B  t '  of New  York Ctty, w  o  l
                                                       a  brother  of  Charles  Wesl'e                  orn near  Trenton,  Ontario,                                     M  rs. E  1za P.  ur lS                             t she did not h[n·e a  family.
                                                       Sycamore  illinois  wh                hy  ~arsh (above).  He  resided  at                                         1928,  aged 78.  It would appear  tha                    f     d  to  be·  Ne\'ada  S.
                                                                    '            •     ere  e  dted  H             d                                                                                          M  rris  were  oun                  ·
                                                       Mary Jane Brown  of Ch·                          ·    e  rn  ·  (1)  Jan  8,  1871,                               Four  cousins  of  Clara               0      or  e Wm Proctor and  Elizabeth
                                                       Nov  9  1893  E                  lcago who died  in 1891.  He md  (2)  on
                                                         .     '        '    mma  L.  Eldred                                          ·                                  Proctor, Frank B.  Proctor,  Ge f h~lf-brothers of Clara l\Iorris
                                                       Wtdow and by two chïd                         ge.  He  was  survived  by  his                                     Proctor Sigsbee .. Descendants  and  Buffalo,  and  from  them  it
                                                                                   1  ren of the  fi rst ma rriage.                                                      were  found  to  hve  in  Boston
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