Page 102 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
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 The ontario Register
                                         Noted Ontario - Americans
 Doris,  who  was  kindly  adopted  by 1\Irs.  Rankin;  she becarne

 the first wife of Lionel  Barrymore.   WILLIAM HENRY SCHOFIELD (Apr 6,  1870- June 24  1920
                 s cholar and au thor ,  pr ofessor at Ha                   d                     '       )
 Additional  details  regarding  most  of  the  above  mentionect   .   rvar  , was born at Brock-
                 vtlle,  Ont. ,  son of  the  Rev  William H                        d
 people and a  fine  genealogical chart  of the  Drew- Barrymore   .   .   ·   enry an  Anna (Parker)
                 Scholfteld.  He rece1ved the A B  degree fro  v·  t  ·  c  ll
 dynasty  will  be  found  in  that  splendid  guide  to  the  theatre,   ·  ·   rn  tc ona  o  ege
                 in 1889.  He resided at Cobourg for a  t'me                        d h      1
 "Enciclopedia dello spettacolo" (Roma, Casa  Editrice le Mas -          1     ,  an     e a  so taught
                 modern languages at the  Collegiate Institute  in  Hamilton.  He
 chere,  1954-1969)  13v.
                 entered .the graduate school  of Harvard and received the Ph.D.

                 degree  m  1895.  He  died  at  Peter boro,  N. H.  He  md.  4 Sept
 WALTER MALINS  ROSE  (Nov 25,  1872 - Feb 12,  1908)  legal   1907,  Mrs.  Mary  Lyon Cheney of Boston.

 annotator  and  digester whose novel  annotations  and arrange-
 ments  of court  cases  occasioned  a  distinct  departure in the   COLIN  ALEXANDER  SCOTT  (Feb 11,  1861  - Apr 5,  1925)

 field of legal studies.  He was born in Toronto, a  son of Henry   psychologist  and  educational  r eformer,  was  born  in  Ottawa
 J.  Rose.  In his youth  the family moved  to  Ontario,  Calif.  In   son of Rev.  Robert  Scott by his wife Isabel Laird (Scott).  The

 1895  he  received  the A. B.  degree  fr om  Stanford,  and in the   family  removed  to  New  York City  where  his  father's  work
 following year he graduated from  Cornell University.  He died   brought them  into happy association with Henry Ward Beecher.

 in Los Angeles.  He md.  19 Oct 1899,  Mar y  Holt  of Holt,  Ky.,   He  attended  the  preparatory  department  of  the  College of
 and she,  with a  son,  survived him.   the  City of New York,  1876 - 1877.  He  r eceived the degree of

                B.A.  in 1885 from Queen's Univer s ity,  Kingston, and the Ph.D.
 RICHARD .P~NNEF~THER ROTHWELL (May 1,  1836- Apr   from Clark University  in 1896.  He  was also a  painter of sorne

 17 ·  1901). mmmg engmeer,  editor  and  one of the  founders  of   note and studied for a  time (1885-87) in the Ontario Art School.
 the Amerwan Institute of Mining Engineers,  was  born at  Ox-  He died in Boston.  He md. in 1881,  Helen McColl of Kingston,
                daughter of the noted Gaelic scholar.
 ford.  Ont., son of the Rev John Rothwell.  The father  a  native
 ~f ~?un% Meath,  Ireland  and  a  graduate  of  Trinit; College
 u  1~,  ec.ame  a  clergyman  of  the  Established  Church  H~   ALBERT BENJAMIN SIMPSON (Dec 15, 1843 -Oct 29, 1919)
 marned Ehzabeth Ga   tt  f   ·   clergyman,  founder of the  Christian and l\Iissionary Alliance,
 Canada.   rne  o  Athearn Castle  and emigrated to
                was born at Bayview,  Prince Edward Island, son of James and
 Richard matriculated at Tr.  .   Jane (Clark)  Simpson.  His  family  moved  to  Ontario  in 1547.
 ayear there he transferred to mlty College,  Toronto,  but after   James Simpson was amiller, shipbuilder and exporter at Bay-

 at Troy. N  y   from  h'  h h  Rensselaer  Polytechnic Institute   view,  p. E. r. ,  and,  after  184 7,  a  farmer  r esiding  ni ne miles
 ..   w  lC   e  was   d
 eer in  1858.  He  resided  at W1k  gra  uated  as a  civil engin-  from Chatham,  Ontario.
 New  York  City.  He  md.   ~a es-Barre,  Pa.,  and  later in   Alb~rt graduated from Knox College , Toronto,  in 1 ~65.  and
 29   1862
 Baden,  Germany  and  h   Y   •  Bertha  Hillebrand  of   on Sept 12 of that year he was  ordained by the Ham il t~~ Pres-
 '   s  e  and their  daughter survived him.   bytery  as pastor of  Knox  Church,  Hamilton.  After 1  ( 1 most

                of his active life was spent in New  York City.  He  md.  13 Sept
 man Catholic Bishop of Buffal~ an 1,  1825 - Apr 10, 1896)  Ro-  1865,  Margaret,  daughter of John Henry of Toronto.  and they

 of St. John's College  Br  kl  '  author,  educator and founder   had six children.
 Co  t   '   oo  Yn  wa  b
 .  un Y • Ontario  son of M   .  '   s  orn at Almonte  Lanark
 1mm·   '   ar tm  and c  th  ·   '   HENRY  BARTHOLOMEW  SLAVEN,  was  born  19  Oct  1S5~l
 Igrants  from  County  Cl   a  enne (McCarthy) Ryan
 moved to  Pottsvme,  Pa.   are,  Ireland.  In  1828  the family   near P1Cton,   0  t   of  Patrick SlaYen  a  farmer and stock
                                       n  . ,  son
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