Page 93 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
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                                                                                         The Ontario Register

                                                                                   ·er  was  born  "on  the  Canadian  s ide  of  Ni-                                                                Noted Ontario - Americans
                                                                           f  t
                                                           paper manu ac ur  ·                                                                                                                                                                                     89
                                                           agara  Falls"  son of Alexander Chisholm,  who came  ~s a  boy
                                                                                                                                                                            Research  at  the  University  of  Pittsb                   h  H
                                                           from Scotland. and his wife Mary Phelan.  The father dred when                                                                                                           urg  .     e  was  a  son  of
                                                                                                                                                                            Robert Augustus Kennedy Duncan, an Irsihman who had settled
                                                           Hugh was  about thirteen years old.  In 1865. he moved  to  Port-
                                                                                                                                                                            at Brantford,  and his wife Susan Hawley                        c      d'
                                                           land,  Maine,  where  he  md.  in  1872  Hennetta Mas on  of  that                                                                                                          ,  a  ana  1an.  He was
                                                                                                                                                                            educated  at  the  University of  Toronto  ('92).  He  md.  27  Dec
                                                           city.  In  later life  he moved to  New York City  which  was  his
                                                                                                                                                                            1899 Charlotte M.  Foster of Brantford. He died at Pittsburgh.
                                                          place of residence for a  number of years prior to  his death.

                                                                                                                                                                               ALEXANDER  HUGH  FERGUSON  (Feb  27,  1853  - Oct  20,
                                                             HENRY TOMPKINS  PAIGE COMSTOCK (1820- Sept 27,  1870)
                                                                                                                                                                            1911)  s urgeon, was born at Manilla, VictoriaCounty, Ont., the
                                                          for  whom  the  Comstock Lode  at  Virginia City,  Nevada,  was
                                                                                                                                                                            s eventh  of  nine  children  of  Alexander Ferguson and his wife
                                                          named,  was born at Trenton,  Ont.,  fifth and youngest child of
                                                                                                                                                                           Annie  McFayden,  both  natives of Argyleshire,  Scotland.  The
                                                          Noah and Catherine (Tompkins)  Comstock, both  of Connectic ut                                                    family later  moved to  Winnipeg.  He md.  in  1882,  Sarah Jane
                                                          families.  His father was born  at  Warren,  Conn., about 1790                                                    Thomas  of Nassagaweya,  Ont.,  who.  with two sons,  survived
                                                          son of a  Congregational  minister ·at that  place.  Noah and his                                                him.  He died in Chicago.

                                                          family left Trenton, moving first to Cleveland, Ohio,  and then

                                                          to  Blissfield.  1\Iich.  Henry died while travelling; he  is  buried                                                CHARLES HENRY FOWLER (Aug 11,  1837 - l\Iar 20.  1908)
                                                          at Bozeman,  1\Iontana.                                                                                          bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, president of North-
                                                                                                                                                                           western University,  was  born at  Burford,  Ont.  [The account

                                                             GEORGE  ?O~WAY (1818 -c.1863)  Chipawa (Ojibway)  chief,                                                       in the  DAB s tates that the place was Burford,  now Clarendon,
                                                          \\ esleyan m1sswnary, au thor, friend of Longfellow and others                                                    Ontario]  He was a  son of  Horatio  Fowler  of  Connecticut an-
                                                          ~as bor~ in the fall  of 1818 near the mouth of the River Tren~                                                  c est ry,  and  his  wife  Harriet  Ryan,  daughter  of  Rev.  Henry

                                                          1                                                                                                                Ryan  an Irishman  who was one of the  founders of  Methodism
                                                           ~ On~ano ~lthough his family were residents of the Ri ce Lake
                                                                                                                                                                           in Upper Canada .  Horatio Fowler  took the patriot side  in the
                                                          dl~tnct. Hts Indian name was  Kah-Ge- Ga- Gah-Bowh.  "He is
                                                                                                                                                                           Rebellion of  1837  and sought refuge with relatives in  western
                                                          sald to have died near Pontiac'  Mich. '  about 1863.
                                                                                                                                                                            New York.  He  later  settled  on a  farm  near  Newark,  lllinois
                                                                                                                                                                           where Charles Henry was  raised.  Charles Henry Fowler died
                                                             A~~~~~ LOUIS EDGERTON CROUTER (Sept 15,  1846- June
                                                          26                                                                                                               while a  resident  of  New York City.  He  md.  in 1868,  Myra A.
                                                          so~ of Abra~:~o~ of .th~ deaf, was born near Belleville, Ont.,                                                   Hitchcock,  daughter of  Rev.  Luke  Hitchcock  of Chicago,  and
                                                          Abraham was desc::~~ router  and  Elizabeth  Eliza  German.                                                      she and one  son,  Carl H.  Fowler,  survived him.

                                                          bers of which w            L       . rom a  Huguenot  family  s orne  mem-                                           The  NCAB  adds  the  information  that  Horatio  Fowler  was
                                                                                ere  oyahsts at th  ï
                                                          olution. At the age of tw  t                    e  tme of theAm er ican Rev-                                     born at  Troy,  N. y. ,  and that his wife Harriet Ryan was born
                                                          to Philadelphia where in ;~~A~bert moved to Kansa s  an.d  later                                                 in Vermont,  daughter of  Henry Ryan who helped plant .:Uetho-
                                                          Bell as president of th  Am  . e succeeded Alexander  Graham                                                     dism in  Ve rmont  and Ontario.  [7:310]

                                                          Teaching of  Speech  to ethe  erlCan Association to Promote the
                                                                                                                                                                               JACOB HAROLD GALLINGER  (Mar 28,  1837 - Aug 17, 191S)
                                                          Yale,  and they had nine chi~::~. He md.  30 April  1895,  June
                                                                                                                                                                           U. S.  Sena tor (New Hampshire), physician, was born on a farm
                                                                                                                                                                           near  Cornwall,  Ont.,  the  fourth in a  large  family.  He was a
                                                             ROBERT  KENNEDY  DUNCAN
                                                          a chemist whose philoso  h               f  .  (Nov 1,  1868 - Feb  18  1914)                                    sonof Jacob and Catharine (Cook) Gallinger andwas descended
                                                                                                                                                                           from Michael Gallinger, a  German who settled in NewYork in
                                                          responsible for the foundfn: ~f t~dustrial research was ~n part                                                  1754  and later  moved to  Canada.  He  md.  3 Aug 1860  in ~ew

                                                                                                        e Mellon Institute of  Indus trial
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