Page 95 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 95


                                                                                        The Ontario Register

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Notecl  Ontario - Americans
                                                                                         ....  B· ·1ev of Salisbury,  N. H.  In 1862  the"                                                                                                                          91
                                                                   h'      1\Ian    A  nn....  •   "                                                 J
                                                          Hamps  tre.  •  ·d  l\  H  which became their permanent resi-
                                                          mO\ ed to Concor  ,              · ·                                                                                   JAMES JEROME HILL (Sept 16,  18a8- May 29,  1916)  presi-
                                                          denee  He died at  Franklin,  N. H.                                .           .                                   dent and ch~irm~n of the board of the Great Northern Railway

                                                                              ·~  ?
                                                             The  NCAB  (..,:..   47 )  st· tes  that the date of h1s  marnage was                                           Company, fmancter,  who played an important role in the found-
                                                          ·:>3  August 1  860  an  d ad  ds  that  his wife was a  daughter of Maj.                                          ing of the  Car1adian  Pacifie Railway.  He  was born near Rock-
                                                          w           • 1     f  Salt'sbur'  It  also  mentions  that he and Anna                                            wood,  Ont.,  third of four children of James and Anne  (Dunbar}
                                                          Isaac Bat ey  o                   ·' ·                      .         .                 .
                                                                 ·,  h'ldr·en  only  one of  whom  survtved  h1m,  Kathermc
                                                          ha  d SlX C  l        •      •                                                                                     Hill.  At the age of  eleven  he became a pupil in the  Rockwood
                                                                  re of Harry A.  Norton of Winchester,  Mass .                                                              Academy  of  which  William Wetherald  was  principal,  but his
                                                          C  .  ,  Wl            •
                                                                                                                                                                             education was eut short by the  death of his father in  1852.  He
                                                                                                                                                                             went to St.  Paul,  Minn.,  in 1856  which became his permanent
                                                             WILLIAl\1  ReTALLACK GARRISON (June 18,  1834  - July 1,                                                        place of residence.  He  md.  19 Aug 1867,  Mary Theresa,  dau
                                                          1882)  financier.  was  born at Goderich,  Ont.,  son of Cornelius                                                 of Timothy and Joanna (Miles}  Mehegan,  natives of Ireland.

                                                          Kingsland  Garrison  and  his  wife  1\Iary  Noye  ReTallack,  but
                                                                                                                                                                                WILLIAM  LEE  HUNTON  (Feb 16,  1864  - Oct  12,  1930)  a
                                                          was  taken  as  an  infant  to  St.  Louis,  Mo.  Cornelius,  who  is
                                                                                                                                                                             Lutheran clergyman.  editor and author.  was born at  Morris -
                                                          also  in  the  DAB.  was  born in  New  York and lived in Ontario
                                                                                                                                                                             burg,  Ont.,  son of Rev.  John H.  and  Lavinia (Baker) Hunton.
                                                          only a few years.

                                                             The NCAB  (7 :262)  provides  the  information that Cornelius
                                                                                                                                                                                CHARLES HERSCHEL KOYL  (Aug 14,  1855  - Dec  18, 1931}
                                                         md.  in  Buffalo,  N. Y.,  Aug  7,  1831,  l\Iary  Noye  daughter  of
                                                                                                                                                                             civil engineer, was born at Amherstburg, Ont., son of the Rev.
                                                         Esther Ferguson and William ReTallack of Cornwall, England.
                                                                                                                                                                             Ephraim Lillie  and  Frances (Culp)  Koyl.  He  was  educated at
                                                         Cornelius  died  in  New  York City  on  May 1,  1885.  His  wife,                                                  Victoria College (1877)  and  Johns  Hopkins.  He md.  (1)  on 6th

                                                         Mary,  died 28 September 1876.
                                                                                                                                                                             Nov 1885 at Washington, D.C.,  Georgiana Thatcher Washburn,
                                                                                                                                                                             and after her death he md. (2) on27 April  1901,  Adele T.  San-
                                                             ELGIN RALSTON LOVELL GOULD (Aug 15,  1860- Aug 18,                                                              ford.  He died at Evans ton,  Illinois.
                                                         1915)  economist and  reformer, was born at Oshawa,  Ont,, the

                                                         eldest son of  John  T.  and  Emily Adelaide (Cronk)  Gould.  His                                                      JOSEPHUS  NELSON LARNED (May 11,  1836 -Aug 15. 1913)
                                                         g~andfather Joseph Gould emigrated to  Ontario from  England.                                                       librarian and author, was born at Chatham, Ont., son of Henry

                                                         Hts mother's  ancestors were early  settlers in  Dutchess  Co                                                       Sherwood  and  Mary Ann (Nelson}  Larned.  (It was stated  that
                                                         N'y  H                                                                                    .,
                                                            ·  ·.  e  was  educated  at  Victoria  College (1881)  and Johns                                                 his  parents  were both u. S.  citizens who  temporarily resided

                                                         Hopkms (Ph. D ..  1886).  He  md.  on 27  Sept 1887  Mary Hurst                                                     in Ontario.  During  his  boyhood  the family mo\·ed to Buffalo}.
                                                          Pu rnell of Baltim             H  d ·                                 '                                            He md.  29 April1861,  Franc es Anne Kemble  l\IcCrea. da~ghter
                                                           ·h·l                   ore·  e  ted on a  train near North Bay  Ont.
                                                         w  l  e on a vacation trip.                                                        '                                of Judge Walter McCrea  of the  Algoma Dis_trict,  Ontarw.  He

                                                             An  obituary  in the  NYT  Au  ust 19                                                                           was survived by his wife and their three chtldren.
                                                          a  brother  was  Cl            d     ·     g          •  1915,  p. 9,  states that
                                                                                   aren  on I  T  G  Id  f
                                                          New  York City.                       ·  ·     ou     0    the  Police  Board  of
                                                                                                                                                                                WILLIAM  LIVINGSTONE  (Jan 21,  1844 - Oct 1ï.1925) lake
                                                                                                                                                                                                              bl'sher and banker was born at Dundas.
                                                                                                                                                                             carner, newspaper pu  l                                            .  .
                                                             JAY  HAMBIDGE  (Jan 13  186                                                                                     Ont      son o   f  W1  tarn    and  Helen (Stevenson)  Ltnngstone.  T le
                                                          christened  Edward Joh  H '                  7  - Jan 20,  1924)  artist  was                                           · '                     t   ï  .  his childhood ,,·hcre the remamder
                                                                                          n  ambridge  H                                    '
                                                          Ont., the  eldest of  ·            h'             ·     e was  born in  Simcoe,                                    fam~ly ~oved to De  rtol Hten md  in June 1866.  Susan.  daughter
                                                                 .                  nme c  lldren of G                                                                       of hts  ltfe  was  spen .                   ·
                                                          and hts wife Christina Shields.                     eorge  Fowler Hambridge                                        of his partner,  Robert Downie.
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