Page 100 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
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 The  Register
                                          Noted Ontar·           A       .
 was learned that Charles Lal\Iontagne had fied to South America   -  mencans                           95
 at the time of the discovery of his bigamous marriage but that   O'Higgins,  and John B  of T

 he was in Buffalo in 1874.  His  first wife,  Bridget,  reportedly   ·   oronto,  survived him.
 had  been  something  of a  dangerous nemesis  both  to himself   DANIEL DAVID  PALMER  (Mar   _
                                      •                              7  184   ::>  -Oct 20,  1913)  the
 and  to Sarah Jane and Clara.   founder of  chiropractie  who  led a     ·  t  ·
                  .              .                                   pertpa etw and stormy life
                 111  attemptmg to advance the art he founded  H                              b
                                                                                 .  e was  orn on a
 PHILIP STAFFORD 1\10'\0N  (Aug 10,  1848  - Aug 13,  1923)   farm  ~t Lake Scugog.  He  resided for sorne time in  Iowa and
 clergyman,  was  born  in  Markham,  Ontario.  His  father,  Job   later  111  Los Angeles  where  he  died  H   ·
                   .            .                                       .  e  was  marned  three
 Hibbard Moxom,  a  grenadier  in  the  British  ar my,  came  to   hm es.  H1s  son,  Bartlett Joshua Palmer,  born  in  1881  was
 Canada  as a member of a  regiment sent out at the  time of the   also an early chiropractor.     '

 Rebellion.  When the troubles ended,  he left the army to study
 for the ministry,  and became pas tor first of a  Methodist,  and   JAMES EDWARD QUIGLEY  (Oct 15,  1854  - July 10.  1915)

 later of a  Baptist church.  He md.  Anne Turner  who had been   Roman Catholic Bishop of Buffalo, Archbishop of Chicago, was
 brought  to  Canada  from  England  by  her  parents  when three   ?orn_ at Oshawa, Ont.,  son of James and Mary (Lacey)  Quigley

 years of age.  In 1857  the 1\Ioxom 's settled in  Dlinois,  first at   tmmtgrants to Canada from  Ireland in 1847. In his infancy his
 Dement and then at DeKalb.  Both father and son served in the   parents took their family to Lima and then to Rochester, N .Y.
                 He died at the home of his  brother,  Joseph M.  Quigley.  chief
 Civil \Var.  In  the  1870's  the  father  was  pas tor  of  a  Baptist
                 of police in  Rochester,  and  he was  buried in a mausoleum at
 Chu~~ at Bellevue, Mich.,  from which he resigned about 1871.
                 Mount Carmel Cemetery near Chicago.
 .  Phthp 1\Ioxom md.  (1)  Sept 6,  1871,  Isabel Elliott,  who died
 ~n .l\lay 1919,  leaving three sons and one daughter.  He md.  (2)
                     McKEE  RANKIN  (Feb 6,  1844  - Apr 17,  1914)  actor,  was
 m June 1920,  1\Irs.  Jessie Braman Daggett of Indiana.
                 born in Sandwich [EssexCounty]. Hewas namedArthurl\lcKee
                 Rankin,  but he dropped his  first name soon after going on the
 ~VILLIAM WALTON MURPHY  (Apr 3,  1816 - June  8  1886   stage. He married in 1869, Kitty Blanchard, a  popular actress,
 Umted States  consul-general  who  is  ch'  fl   '   )
 being  one  of  the  f   d   te  Y  remembered for   and they starred in many plays. They had two daughters,  both

 born in Ernestown ~:~ ~:: t~~ the  Rep~blican Party.  He  was   of  whom  were  on  the  stage:  Phyllis,  who married  the actor
 at  an  early  age  At  the a   en ~o Ovtd, Seneca County,  N.Y.   Harry  Davenport,  son  of  Edward L.  Davenport:  and  Gladys.
 and, after resid~nces .   ge. of  mneteen  he went to Michigan,   who  married  Sidney  Drew  son  of  1\Irs.  John  Drew  although
 m  varwus towns  h   ttl  d  .   .   apparently not of Mr.  John Drew.  Lionel  Barrymore.  grand-
 C  ounty.  He md.  in   Ell   •  e  se  e  m  H1llsdale
 •   en Beaumont   son of theDrew's. delighted intellingthe story that his grand-
                 father  went  on a  lengthy theatrical  tour to Australia with  the
 novelist,  journalist  and  "   GINS  (Nov 14, 1876 - Feb 28,  1929)   sister  of  Mrs.  Drew,  and  when  they  returned  they  brought
                 back  as  a  surprise  a  baby  girl.  1\lrs Drew.  howeYer.  had a
 man"  was born at  L  d  prose laureate  of the  commonplace
 d  .   on  on  Ont   surprise of her own  and  produced  Sidney for their inspection
 an  hts wife  Isabella St  h  . , son of  Joseph  P.  O'Higgins
                 and approbation.  The Drew's were obviously affable and oblig-
 and the mother was  of ~P enso_n.  The father was an Irishman
 at  th  U  .   ancashtre  En  1  d   ing  toward one another as  Mr Drew  promptly  adopted Sidney
 .  . e  mversity  of  Toronto   '   g an  ·  He was educated
                 while Mrs Drew  adopted the little girl,  christening; her Adine
 WBtlhams  of  Toronto.  He  d'  .dHe  md.  in  July  1901,  Anna G.
 uck Farm   t   le  at  his  co  t   Stevens  and  she  was  remembered  as  "Aunt  Tibby''  by  the
 his  .   '  a  Martinsvme nea   un ry  home,  Double   '
 Wtdow'  two brothers  Ste  h  r  Bound Brook,  N  J  Besides   Barrymore's.
 '   P  en who  m  d   .   ·  ·   Not mentioned in the DAB is 1\IcKee  Rankin 's third daughter.
 a  e  his home with Mr.
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