Page 91 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
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                                                                                                                                                                                                     Noted  Ontario - Americans

                                                                                                                                                                            Presbyterian  clergyman,  theologian  and  author  was born at
                                                                              NOTED ONTARIO  - Al\IERICANS                                                                  Guelph,  Ont.,  son of Robert Beattie a  Scotch                   emtgran  armer
                                                                                                                                                                            and h1s  wlfe  Janet McKinley.  He was  educated at the Uni v.  of
                                                                                        Thomas  B.  Wilson                                                                  Toronto  and  Knox Theological  College; he was a  minister for
                                                                                                                                                                            five years at Brantford.  He md.  (1)  in 1879, Jean G.  Galbraith
                                                                                                                                                                            of Toronto  who  died  in 1897.  He  md.  (2)  Lily R.  Satterwhite
                                                                                                                                                                            who survived him.  He  died  while a  professor  at the  Presby-
                                                            It is weil  known  that Thomas Edison and Walter P. Chrysler
                                                                                                                                                                            terian Theological Seminary,  Louisville,  Ky.
                                                         were  born  into  Ontario  families  which  had  migrated  to  the

                                                         United  States  and  that  Alexander  Graham  Bell  had  close
                                                                                                                                                                               DAVID WILLIAM  BRUNTON (June 11,  1849  - Dec  20, 1927)
                                                        associations  with  Ontario  by  virtue of many years  residence
                                                                                                                                                                            mining  engineer  and  inventer  was born at  Ayr,  Ont.,  son of
                                                         there. Americans, possibly, are more apt  tothink of Sir Will-
                                                                                                                                                                            James  and  Agnes (Dickie)  Brunton,  bath  natives of  Scotland.
                                                        iam Osler  in  connection with  Johns  Hopkins  rather than  Ox-                                                    He  md.  11  Feb  1885,  Katherine,  dau  of  John C.  Kemble,  a

                                                        ford.  l\Iany native Ontarians made marks  in the history of the                                                    merchant of  Stone Ridge,  Ulster County,  N. Y.,  and  they had
                                                        United States although notall their names are household words.                                                      four children.

                                                        Several  of  these  are  listed  below  together  with  their birth-
                                                        places  and,  in  most  instances,  the  names  of  their  parents.                                                    FREDERIC  LISTER BURK  (Sept 1, 1862 -June 12,  1924)  an

                                                        There  doubtlessly  are many other  candidates  for  such a  list                                                   educator,  was  born  at  Blenheim,  Ont.,  son of  Erastus Burk
                                                        who  arenotmentioned here.  Perhaps one of these is Margaret                                                        and  his wife  Matilda Turner,  a  native of  England.  At the age

                                                        Fox.  the controversial medium and spiritualist (Oct 7,  1833-                                                      of se ven his family moved to Coloma,  El Do rada County, Cali-
                                                        1\Iar 8,  1893)  whose  birthplace is stated only as  "Canada"  in                                                  fornia  in which state  he spent the greater part of his life.  He

                                                        the standard  biographical sources.  Another may be  John Dy-                                                       md.  in  1898  Caroline  Frear  (B. S.,  Wellesley,  M. A.,  Stan-
                                                        ~ond (1\lay  3.  1836  - Mar 5,  1922),  Louisiana  sugar planter,                                                 ford).
                                                        mventor and editor.                                                                                                    A sis ter of Frederic Burk was Ada Jane Burk who md. 23rd

                                                           This  list  was  culled  from  the  p:lges  of the  "D'ct·                             f                         January  1867,  Nathan H.  Stevens  of  Blenheim  and  Chatham,
                                                        A       ·        .                                                       1  wnary o                                 Ont.  Nathan was born 1 Sept 1841  in Darlington.  Durham Co.,
                                                          mene an ~wgraphy" (N .Y.' Scribner'  1943) 21 v.  abbreviated
                                                        as DAB.  wtth additional notes from  the "National' C  1                               ct·                         Ont. ,  son of  Enoch Stevens (b.  12 Sept 1806 in Darlington}  by
                                                        of  American Bio  ra  h  "                                                 yc opae  1a                             his  first wife  Clarissa.  daughter of  William Hall  of Osha\\a.
                                                        1967)  49 v  (NCAgB) P  Y  (Ann Arbor,  University Microfilms,
                                                                           1                                                                                               An  account  of  the  Stevens  family will be found  in the  "Com-
                                                                      • •           ,  as well as a  f         0  th
                                                        the  New  York Times (NY1).                       ew        er sources including                                   memorative  and  Biographical  Record  of the  County of Kent,
                                                                                                                                                                           Ontario"  (Toronto,  1904)  pp.  56-59 .

                                                           . JAI\IES  BASSETT  (Jan 31,  1834-
                                                        mtssionary to  Persia (Iran)  and                 Mar 10,  1906) Presbyterian                                          SAMUEL RODGER CALLA \VAY (Dec 2-!,  1850- June 1. 1904)
                                                        was born at l\Iundus  near H               ·rt author of works on that land,                                       railroad  executive,  was  born  in  Toronto,  son  of  Fredcrick
                                                        from  Wabash  College  (I  d.amt  on,  Ont.  He graduated in 1856                                                  William Callaway of Wiltshire, England and his \\ife  ~iargarct

                                                        who  took  their  degrees ~r~ana) '. t~e third  of  three  brothers                                                Rodger of Crieff,  Scotland.  Ile md. at Hamilton. June ï.  1Sï5,
                                                        Angeles,  Calif  leav·                  m  thts mstitution.  He died in  Los                                       Elizabeth Ecclestone.
                                                                             ·'       mg a  widow
                                                                                                       '  one son and four daughters.
                                                            FRANCIS ROBE                                                                                                       HUGH  JOSEPH  CIIISIIOLl\I  (1\Iay 2.  1S4ï- July S.  1912)  a
                                                                                  RT  BEA TTIE  (Mar 31
                                                                                                                  •  848  -Sept 3,  1906)
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