Page 61 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 61


                                                                                             The Ontario Register
                                                               56                                                                                                                                        Western District Marriages
                                                                                        .        b '  Rev.  Charles Stewart,

                                                                                !\la;:;~:~ B;ptist Church,  Mersea                                                                      Marriages by  Rev.  Isaac  Elliot,  Baptist 1\Iinister:

                                                                                    arsh and Eleda Jackson,              6  Nov 1831. w: Jeremiah                                 Daniel  Vanhorn and  Mary Serens,  1 Dec 1831 in Harwich,  w:
                                                                  Samuel L_am             ron  John Wilkinson.                                                                 John Fisher,  Joseph Blackburn.
                                                               Grant,  Damel Keny             :    F  x     21  November 1831.  w: John Oiler,                                    James  Fields  and  Martha Serins,  12 April  1832  in  Harwich.
                                                                  John Snider and Jullan  o  '                                                                                 w:  Daniel Vanhorn,  Peter Traxler Jr.

                                                               Peter Wright.                  d  M  ry Earl  29 November 1831.  w:  John                                          Ira Sturdevant  and  Susan Greson,  4  June 1832 in Sombra.  w:
                                                                   Jeremiah  Grant  an              a            '                                                             Isaac  Fowler,  Hector McDonald.
                                                                 t  art  John Earl,  Daniel Kenyon.
                                                               S ew       '        b      d Mary Reave  13  December 1831.  w: James
                                                                   James Cam  Y an                             '                                                                  Alexander Kerby, of Sombra, son of John and Elcy Kerby, and
                                                                Stewart  Thomas Boyl,  Benjamin Slater.                                                                       Elizabeth Bury of the same place, daughter of John and Elizabeth
                                                                                        d  and  Nancv  Girty  13  March  1832.  w:  John
                                                                   ClaYes  Ber ran                       J           '                                                        Bury of Orford, were md.  14 September 1831 at William Bury's
                                                                1\Ialott.  Peter Wigle.                                                                                       in Sombra by William Jones,  J. P.  The witnesses were: Claude
                                                                        · ·  ·  Sl  ter  and  Ruth  Bruner  3  July 1832.  w:  Almeran
                                                                   BenJamm          a                                '                                                        Gouin,  Louis Gahanan,  Abraham Smith.
                                                                Field.  John Stewart.
                                                                   George Ainslie  and Catharine Reave,  3 July 1832.  w:  Samuel                                                Amos  Jinkins Davis and Miss Alice Sutherington, both of Gas-

                                                                Sessians,  Michael G.  Fox.                                                                                   field,  were  md.  4  March  1832  by Rev.  A.  K.  McKenzie  of the
                                                                                                                                                                              W. M.  Church.  w:  Peter Haws,  Joseph Wigle,  Joseph Sheldon.

                                                                            By Rev.  Matthew Whiting of the M. E.  Church:
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Marriages by Israel Smith,  Esq,  J. P.

                                                                   Phillip Bruner,  of Gosfield,  and  Miss  Mary Ann  Munger,  of
                                                                                                                                                                              [Note: These marriage records were repeated later in the regis-
                                                                Colchester,  1  Nov  1831.  w:  Joseph Munger,  John Buchannan.
                                                                                                                                                                              ter. Differences in the later entries are given here in brackets]
                                                                   Cornelius  Quick,  of Mersea,  and  Miss  Catharine  Malott,  of
                                                                Gosfield,  15 Nov  1831.  w:  Theodore Malott,  Wm Lockhart.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Lavel Brown and Jane Palmer, bothof Howard, were married
                                                                    Theodore  1\lalott,  of Gosfield,  and  Miss  Elizabeth  Quick,  of
                                                                                                                                                                              22 March 1832  in Howard.  w:  William Brown,  Hannah Bell and
                                                                Mersea,  13 Dec  1831.  w:  John Buchannan,  Benjamin Quick.
                                                                                                                                                                              John Palmer.
                                                                    Ebenezer Loveless,  of Gosfield,  and Miss Elizabeth Roharts,
                                                                                                                                                                                 George Reeder  and  Mary  1\IcKerracher,  both of  Howard.  on
                                                                 of 1\Iersea,  17 Jan 1832.  w:  John Manchester  John Stewart.                                               5  April  1832,  in  Howard.  w:  John Reeder,  Eleanor Gosnell and
                                                                    James  Stockwell,  of  Gosfield,  and  Miss  Margaret  Oats,  of                                          John Hatch.
                                                                 Mersea,  20 March 1832.  W:  Joseph Munger,  Wm Burtan.                                                         Jonathan Chase  and  Eleanor  McDonald,  both of Harwich.  on
                                                                    Alexander Cascadden and Miss Mary Bruner  both of Gosfield                                                5 April  1832  in Harwich.  w:  Matthew  [MathiasJ  Chase.  Walter
                                                                 20  March 1832.  w·  John Williams  Ge                        B  '
                                                                    F          [  .       ·                     '      orge  runer.                                           Galbraith,  Peter Carlisle.
                                                                   . races  Sic] Warrow  and  Margaret  Hunt  both  of  the  Huron                                               Gilbert Field and Mary Ann Gallano,  both of Howard.  31 :May
                                                                 V 11
                                                                   l  age,  10 Dec 1831  w·  Th                                '
                                                                                              ·    ·     ornas McKee,  Joseph Warrow.                                        1832 in Howard. w: Wyatt Turner, Edward Scarlett. Da\·id Gallano
                                                                                                                                                                                 John Reeder,  of Howard,  and Eleanor Gosnell,  of Orford.  on

                                                                                                                                                                             16 August 1832  in Orford.  w:  Joseph Gosnell,  Sarah iiicKinley,
                                                                     John  Wigle,  of  Gosfield  a  d
                                                                 md. at Mersea by J  h  P  '  n  Salome  Fox,  of  Mersea,  were                                             George Reeder  [and David McKinleyJ
                                                                                            o  n  attan  J  p                                              ·t                   Anson [AmosJ Chandler and Sarah Ann Slater. both of Raleigh
                                                                  nesses were·  Georg  F                   '  ·  .,  5 October 1827.  The Wl  -
                                                                                   .         e  ox,  and Shem Fox.
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