Page 40 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 40


 The Ontario Register
                                      Loyalists of Sussex County,  New Jersey

 JOSEPH  BEERS .   ears in Jones (pp.  24,  251),  but his place   WIT.,LIA.M  DUMONT
 An  account of hlm app   .. tion was found against Joseph Beer
                       The incorrect spellings of this man's name gave a merry chase
 of origin is not stated.CinqutlSl on  20 June 1778.  The first default
 f G   ·ch  Sussex  oun y,   through the records.  It was  noted  in the  1\<Iinutes of the Sussex
 o   reenwl  ,   .  th'   ·n the Sussex County Court  at August   County Court  that the first and second defaults of William Doel-
 was recorded agams   lm  1
 Term  and  t  h  e secon  d de fault at November Term,  1778.  Joseph   man were ente red at the August and November Terms 177 8. This
 1·  t dated 10 December 1778 of those whose
 Bear 1S  name  on a  lS   name did not appear in Jones, but it was noted in the Newspaper
 esta tes had  been  forfeited  in  Sussex County.  [2 NE 434;  Sussex   Extracts  that  inquisition  had  been  found  20  June  1778  against
                    William Dedman  of  Mansfield-Woodhouse  (then Sussex County,
 County Court Minutes; 3 NE 46)
                    now Warren County), and that a  lot in that township belonging to
                    William Dedman was scheduled to be sold 22  March 1779 by  the

                    Commissioners of Forfeited Estates.  [2 NE 435;  3 NE  132]  The
                    name as entered in these records, in which there are numerous
 Henry Boughner enlisted as a  private in Capt Joseph Crowell's
                    orthographie errors, is nototherwise known.  However. a branch
 Company of the New Jersey Volunteers on 15  February 1777. In
                    of the Dumont family whose members generally took the variant
 November of  that year  he was  in Capt.  John Cougle's  Company
                    name of Demund did live in  Mansfield-Woodhouse  at that time.
 as was  Philip Boughner.
                    (See,  for example,  NJA  34: 138)
 Several  men  of  the  name  settled in the Niagara District and
                       It was subsequently noticed that a Lieutenant William Dumond
 the  Long  Point  Settlement  of  Upper Canada  as  is  well  known.
                    served throughout most of the war in the New Jersey Volunteers.
 Mrs.  Orrena Buchner Hanley,  of Toronto,  informs  me  that  in
                   His  name  was  sometimes  entered in the musters of that corps
 addition,  one  Thomas Buchner  settled  in  the  Western District
                    as William V. Dumond and perhaps once as William Van Dumont.
 who  possibly went to  that area from Kentucky.
                   It then  became  apparent  that  it  was  this  last  rendition  of the
                   name which had come to the attention of  Jones,  and,  of course,
                   the  name is listed  with the  "V's"  in that work.  No  information
                   is given,  however,  regarding the origin of the man with the ex-
 He  served as captain in the  New Jersey Volunteers throughout   ception of the statement that he was born in America about 1752.
 the Revolutionary War,  and at its conclusion  he  settled in  New   Inquisition was found  in the Morris County Court at Xovember
 Brunswick.  It is  erroneously  indicated  in  Jones  that he was a   Term 1778 against William "Deaman" for having joined the Brit-

 resident of Monmouth County although he owned property in Sus-  ish forces, but this would refer to the merchant William Demayne
 sex County.  This  idea  probably  arase from the  knowledge  that   who had come  from England with  Thomas  Gummersall in 1771.

 Joseph was a  nephew of Capt.  Thomas Crowell who was a  resi-  [2 NE 593;  Jones p. 59]
 dent of Monmouth County. Joseph Crowell  was  in fact a  resident
 of Wantage,  Sussex County,  un til  the outbreak of the war  which
 is e~sily documented from numerous deed and court ref~rences   WIT.,LIA.M  EICKLER

 to hu~, and .he  stated  the  same  before  the  Commissioners  of   Inquisition was found against  William Ickler  of Oxford  on  20

 LoyaltstCla1ms. [Loyalist Transcripts, New York Public Library   June 1778.  His  first  and  second  defaults  were  recorded in the
 v.  15  p.  389  ff;  See also  Ontario.  Bureau  of Arch'   S   d   Minutes of the Sussex County Court at the August and NoYember
 Report  (1904)  pp.   596 _ 991   1ves.  econ   Terms 1778  under the name  William Sigl::l.r.  His  n~m1e appears

 He  was  a  son  of Samuel  Crowell E   as  William  Ekler  on  a  list dated  10  December  1778  of those
 born  30  July 1 711  at  Woodbrid   sq,  of Wantage  who  was
 (Edward2,  Yelverton1)  a  d  S  ghe,  Ne.w  Jersey,  son of Edwarct3   whose estates had been forfeited  in Sussex County.  The name is
 n   ara  (Vall)  CroweU.   entered in Jones as  Eikler.  William Igler  was ta.-xed  in Oxford,
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