Page 32 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 32

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 The Ontario Register
 S  m  ronius,  cayuga  Co.  and  Constantia,
 Saratoga  Co.,   e  p   6   5   t4  Ab"  h  ·3
 Oswego  Co.'  N. Y.  (Gurdon  ,  John  '  Samue  ,   IS  ai  ,

 John2'  John1)
 *Hannah Van Duzer,  1762-1847.   .
 ·   5  A   1   worth  1755-1825; W.  Greenwich, R.l., and
 58.  Abraham  Cy  esN y  (~enJ·amin4  Philip3, Arthur2, Arthur!)   MARRIAGE  REGISTER OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT
 Saratoga  o.,  ·  ·   '
 ·  c  denwise  1764-1802· Ralf Moon, Saratoga Co,
 59.  *Catherme  ry   •   '

 N.Y.   b   C                               [Continued from  Volume  1,  p.  248]
 Elihu6 Humphrey,  ca.1764- d.  1850-1855;  S~ms ur~,  onn;
 .   Lexington,  Greene Co.,  N.Y  (Major Elihu  ,  John  ,  John3
 John2,  Michael1)                               Marriages by John Carroll
 61.  *Elizabeth Burgess,  ca.  1770/1772 -d.  1855/60; Conn; and
                                               Wesleyan Methodist Minister:
 Lexington,  Greene Co.,  N. Y.

 62-63*                 George Munro  and  Miss  Emaline Dailey,  both of Matilda,  on
                     24 Sept 1834.  w:  Reuben Rose,  Hector Munro.

                        John N.  Casselman  and Miss  Eleanor Morgan,  both of Osna-
                     bruck,  by lie.,  15  Oct 1834.  w:  Lenas H.  Gurley,  John Hickey.

 ELIJAH C.  WOOD MAN    George Allen and Miss Susanna Pemberton, both of Williams-
                     burg,  6  Nov  1834  w:  Philip Becker,  David Cook.
                        Jacob Bouck  and Miss  Hosanna McGuire,  both of Matilda,  on

                     13 Nov 1834.  w:  David Mcintosh,  Charles Mcintosh.
 From  the  New-York Daily Tribune,  February 8,  1848,  p.  3:   Samuel Hubbert, of Prescott, and Miss Maria Ovadna Brouse,

 DIED:  On the 13th of June last, on board the Young Eagle (Capt.   of Matilda,  25  Nov 1834 by lie.  w:  Isaac Rose,  Ed.  Brouse.
 Lathrop),  Elijah C.  Woodman,  of London,  C. W.  aged 62 years.   Abraham Gardiner and Miss Catherine McDonald. both of Ma-

 Mr.  Woodman  was  a  native  of  Maine,  but  emigrated  in  early   tilda,  11  Jan 1835,  by lie.  w:  Jas McDonald,  Alex.  McDonald.
 life to Canada. He took an active part in the  rebellion, for which

 he  was  transported to  Van Diemen's  Land.  After  suffering in-  By William  McKillican,  Congregational Minister,
 credible  hardships  for more than  five years,  he was  pardoned   9th Concession,  Lochiel:
 by the Queen; but was obliged to remain an exile there,  suffering

 much  from  privation  and  want,  until  March  last,  when  Capt.   John Brodie and Ann Ross,  of Lochiel, 6 August  1 "33.  w: John
 Lathrop kindly gave him   h   ·   Jamieson,  William Jamieson.
 .   a  passage. He  as le ft a wlfe and several
 chlldren  to mourn the loss of a  kind  husband  and  father  from   Angus McLeod and  Catherine McMillen,  of Lochiel.  ï  August
                     1833,  by lie.  w:  John McMillan,  Hugh Mcl\Iillan.
 wl hok~ they ~ad been cruelly separated for nearly ten years ' Wh ile
 oo  mg  dally  for  h"s   t   h   ·   John McGillivray, ofLochiel, and Christian Chisholm, ofKen-
 h  d  f   d   re urn,  t  ey  received  the  tidings that he   yon,  10 Dec  1833.  w:  James Benton,  John l\Iorrison.
 ad.  ouon  a  grave and a  resting place  from  his  troubles  in the
 In  1an  cean.         Allan McPhie and Ann McKay,  of Kenyon.  23  Dccember 18:33.

                     w:  Alexander McPhie,  James  McKay.

 - Contributed by John D.  Morrell  B   kl   Andrew Brodie, ofLochiel, and Isabella :\IcDonell. ofHawkes-
 ,   roo  yn,  N. Y.   bury,  31  Jan 1834.  w:  David l\IcDonell.  Donald l\:IcArthur.

                        Mathew Johnson and  Mary l\IcCabe.  of Lochiel.  12  .!\tay 1S34.
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