Page 34 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 34


 l'he Ontario Register                          Eastern District l\.larriages
 28                                                                                                             29

 Hu  h  McTavish.       Andrew Hall  and  Margaret Davis,  both of  Williamsburgh,  on
 w·  re  hl .bald Mcl\lillan,   d  Erzabe  th  McKay  of  Lochiel,  9  June   19  January 1834.  w:  Richard Church,  Anny Davis.
 ·Alexander  l\lc Phie  an   ,  d   Mc Phie Jr.  [Note:  record of
                        Andrew Barkley and  Magdalene Bedsted, both ofWilliamsburgh
 834   w·  John McMillan, Alexan  er.  the  register  in which the
 1   ·   ·   ,   ated  later  tn   21  January 1834.  w:  William  Bedsted,  l\Iary Bedsted.
 this  marriage  was  Iepe   nd the  witness,  Alexander
 d as  Helen Mc Ka y,  a   John Barkley and  Paemelia Dicks,  both of Williamsburgh,  on
 bride  was  name
 Mc Phie,  was not named as  Jr.]   26  Feb 1834.  w:  Christopher Markley,  Henry l\Iarkley.
                        Thomas Armstrong  and  Margaret Kinsh,  both of Winchester,
                    1 April  1834.  w:  George and Rebecka Hummel.

 Marriages by Wm  Fraser of.   Isaac Garret  and  Nancy Allbrant,  27  May 1834.  w:  Isaac Ul-
 Breadalbane in Lochiel  Townshtp:   man,  Peter Holmes.

                       Michael Shoughnecy  and  Sarah Casselman,  both of Williams-
 .  .   1d Nancy McGillivray,  both of Lochiel,   burgh,  20 July 1834.  W:  Joseph Davis,  l\Iichael  1\Ioore.
 Murdoch 1\lcGllh vray  a.J   nd Allen Mc Ka y  of Lochiel.   Baptiste  Morriseau  and  Marie Louise de Forge,  1 Sept 1834.
 b   r   w. Janet Fraser a
 4 Feb 1834.  Y  tc·  ·   d  Catherine McRae  of Hawkes-  Both of Williamsburgh.  w:  Catharine de Campo,  John  La 1\fab.
 C   ·   ofKenyon  an   '   .
 Donald  l\Ic  uatg,   .  '   Archibald McGillivray and Nell   Jacob Wegar, ofWilliamsburgh, and Susannah l\lunroe.  of Ma-
 bury.  20  March 1834,  by he.  w:
                    tilda,  14 Oct 1834.  w:  Mary Ann VanAllen,  Henry l\Iunroe.
 l\IcCuaig of Lochi.el.  f Hawkesbury and Janet McLaren, of Loch-  George Empey  and  Maria  Mealy,  both  of  Williamsburgh,  on
 James 1\lcKenzte o   h  M
 iel.  21  l\.Iarch  18~4,  by lie.  w:  Duncan  McLaren  and  Jo  n   c-  21 Oct 1834.  w:  Peter Museller,  Nelson Empey.

 Intosh of Lochiel.   .   ·
 Barnabas Will ion and Catherine Lacey'  both of the Setg~eurte
                           Marriages by Rev.  Alexander McNaughton,  Lancaster:
 of the  Petite  Nation,  Lower Canada,  22  March 1834,  by he.  w:
 David Lacey and Robert Lacey of the same place.   .
                       Donald McSweyn, br, and Christian McLeod,  spr, 25  Feb 1-34
 Hugh campbell  and  Catherine  McLaren,  both  of  Lochtel,  on
                    w:  John Stewart,  Alex'r McKenzie.
 6 Feb  1834,  by  lie.  w:  James  McKenzie,  of  Hawkes bury,  and
                       Roderick Mcivor,  widower,  and  Marjory 1\IcPherson.  by lie ..
 Duncan McLaren of Lochiel.
                    23 Aug 1834.  w:  Angus  McPherson,  Kenneth  l\IcPherson.
 Angus  l\lcLean,  of Kenyon.  and  Susan Campbell,  of Breadal-
                       Thomas D.  Ross,  br,  and Margaret McBain.  spr. md.  bylic ..
 bane.  July 1,  1834,  by lie.  w:  Allan McKay and  Peter Campbell
                    28 Aug 1834.  w:  Thomas Ross,  Alex'r Ross.                                            ~
 of Lochiel.
                       John  Craig,  br,  and  Mary  Wirley,  spr,  30  September  1~34,
 Alexander Chisholm, of Kenyon, and Janet McLeod,  of Loc hi el
                   by lie.  w:  Donald McPherson,  John  Flannigan.
 8 July 1834.  w:  James Robertson and A.  McLean of Lochiel.
                       John McNaughton,  br,  and  Christian Gilchrist.  spr.  14th Oct
 John Munro and Catherine McMillen,  both of Lochiel,  by lie.,
                   1834,  by lie.  w:  James McNaughton,  John Cameron.                                     ~
 in December 1834.  w:  John McGillivray,  Allan McPhee.
                                  ·  s  ·der  br  and Jane Ross  spr. 30 December 1~34,
                       B  enJamtn  n1           ,     ,                      •
                   by lie.  w:  Hugh Grant,  Angus  Campbell.
 By Rev.  Hermanus Hayunga of the

 Lutheran Church of Williamsburgh and Osnabruck:
                                                 By Rev.  Hugh Urquhart,
                                     St.  John's Church of Scotland.  Cornwall:
 Henry  Barkley  and  Catharine  Dolly,  both  of  Williamsburgh,
 9 January 1834.  w:  John Whittaker,  John Barkley.
                      Sutherland Colquhoun and  Frances  French. 9 July  1S~N. by lie.
 P~ter Barkley,  of  Williamsburgh,  and  Margaret  Baldwin,  of
                   w:  Walter Colquhoun,  l\Iartin l\Icl\Iartin.
 Mattlda,  14 Jan 1834.  w:  Christopher Markley,  Sophia Mcintosh
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