Page 28 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 28


 The Ontario Register

 II  Scott Family Record
 ·  .   'tt   ages at the back of a  copy
 The following record lS  wn  en on p   f            ANCESTOR  TABLES
 of  Commemorative  Biographical  Record of the County ~ Ke.nt,
 .   t   1904)  The records concern brothers and.  SlS-
 Ontarw (Toron o,   ·   Wh'l  th'  ·   [Editor's Note:  The ancestor  table  presented here is the first
 ..:;.te_r_s_n_a-med  Scott who died between 1929 and 1934.   1 ell  bl~ lS   of what the editor  hopes  will  become  a  regular  feature of this
 .   th  records  are  of  interest as fu   1rth
 rather near our  t1me,   e   .  .   .   magazine.  Ancestor tables  have been more widely ll'Sed  in Eur-
 ·   ·   for each - all of which were  before  c1vll  regis-
 dates are g1ven     ope than they  have been in the  English speaking  world  al though
 ·   b   ·  1869  These records were written by  Mrs Wm
 tratwn  egan m   .   such tables have  long been a  conspicuous part of  The American
 Bishop  (Amanda Bradt) of  Palmyra,  and the  book in which they   Genealogist.  The  addition  of  such  a  feature  to  TOR  will  give
 are contained is now  in the possession of her daughter  Florence,   Canadians an opportunity to have their ancestral tables published.

 Mrs  Ross Wilson  of  Ridgetown.  Mrs  Bishop  had  been  adopted   In the event  that  there  are  sorne  who  will wish to contribute
 into  the  Scott  family  on  the  death of  her own parents,  and she   such tables, afew ground rules will be charted at this time. An-
 cons ide red the people mentioned he re as her uncles and aunts.   cestor tables will be accepted from subscribers only. It is hoped

                     that  those who do contribute will have considerable  Ontario an-
 Wallace Scott died on Saturday, January 26, 1929 at nine A.M.   cestry  although this is not  an absolute requirement.  In this  re-

 He was born  15  Feb 1855.  He was buried at  Morpeth beside his   gard it should be pointed out that  the  starting point  need not be
 wife who was Bessie Walters on January 28,  1929.  P.  C.  Cam-  the contributor but could well be a  parent, grandparent or anyone

 eron preached the funeral  sermon.   else the  contributor chooses.  The  places following  the name of
 Geo  F.  Scott died  October 4,  1929.  He was born February 8,   a  persan are  the  chief  places  of  residence  (which  are  not the

 1853.  He was buried at the Gosnell Cemetery [in Orford] beside   same,  necessarily,  as the  places of  birth and death).  When the
 his parents on Oct 7,  1929.  P.C. Cameron preached the funeral   wife's  P,laces  are  essentially the same as those of the  husband,
 sermon.             they need  not  be  repeated.  The  asterisk ( *)  indicates  that  the

 James E. Scott died on January 25,  1930. He was born July 11,   contributor would welcome more information.
 1851. He was buried in the Gosnell Cemetery beside his parents   The tables will be limited to six generations which is in keeping

 and brother Geo.  on January 28,  1930.   with the general period covered by this periodical.  Provision is
 John Scott  died  October 1,  1930.  He  was born  May 11,  1847.   made,  however,  for indicating the line of descent from the first
 He was buried at Pardoville on  Friday,  October 3,  1930.   ancestor  in  North  America  by  putting  the  line  in  parentheses

 Maggie  (Scott)  Kilgour  died on October 12,  1931 at the  Battle   following the name of the persan in the sixth generation]
 Cre.ek,  Michigan, Hospital. She was born April 4,  1862.  She was

 buned at Augusta,  Michigan October 15,  1931.
 William Henry Scott  died  January 15  1932  H   b   Ancestor Table of Mary McCall  Middleton (Mrs.  James  J.)  of
 ,   .   e  was  orn  on
 November 12, 1846.  He was buried in the Palmyra Cemetery on   539 Argyle Avenue,  Orange,  N. J.  07050

 January  17th.  P.  C.  Cameron  preached  the  funeral  ser   .
 the Palmyra Baptist Church.   mon m   - -1.

 Gilford Dudley Scott died March  11  1932   1.  Mary Gene  McCall,  1922-  ,  Richmond Hill,  ~.Y ..  Newark
 b   31  185 9   •   ·  He was born Octo-  and Orange,  N. J.
 R::  ~ C  é He was buried in Highgate beside his brother Geo
 .   .  .  ameron preached the funeral sermon   .   - -Il.
 Barbara E.  Scott  died  Februar   .   2.  Howard LaRue McCall, 1884-1968.  Lockport, Rochester.  Man-
 daughter Addie McGregor i  s·   y   23 1934  at  the  home of her   hattan,  Richmond Hill,  N. Y ..  Lake  Mohawk,  N. J .. Clear-
 E.  Scott,  and the daughter :f ~mcoe: She was  the wife of James   water,  Fla.
 r ·  Hltzel of Aldborough.
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