Page 36 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 36

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 The  Ontario Register
 30                                                                                                             31

 .  h  Smith,  24  July  1834,  by  license.
 d  r  Grant  and  Sai a
 Alexan  e   .  h 'd Grant.   .
 . Daniel Cameron,  Atc   h   12th August 1834,  by llc.   NOTES  ON  SOME  LOYALISTS
 w.   .   d  Easter  Mc Cac  an,
 Robert  Hlll  an                                     OF  SUSSEX  COUNTY,  NEW J ERSEY

 .  J  hn vance,  James Hill.   h   o January  1835.  The
 w.  o   d  Sarah  Jo  nson,   1
 Robert  Johnstone  an   pescod.
 b  l'
 f  s  J ohnson  George
 witnesses were:  u u   .   h'  t  e  10  January 1835,  y  lC.   Thomas B.  Wilson
 John Woo  d an  d   Cathar me Jo  ns on  '
 w:  Daniel Clarke,  David Clarke .
                        The minutes of the Sussex County Court in the Hall of Records
                    at  Newton,  New  Jersey,  con tain  the  names  of  those  who were

 .  .   P  trick  of  Presco  '   and  Abigail  Anne  Brouse,  of   attainted of  treason by  that court  for having joined the army of
 \Vllllam  a   '  .   1834  by license,  by  Rev.   ex-  the  King of Great Britain  or for  having gone within the  British
 ld   Were marrled 29  May   '   'lt   Th
 J\lati  a.   th  d' st  Minis ter  of  Hamt  on.   e   lines. A corn paris on of these names with  those contained in The
 1\I  N  b  Wesleyan  Me  o  1
 ander  .n c  a  ·   d  Nich's Brouse Sr.   Loyalists of New  Jersey  by E. Alfred Jones,  the standard work
 witnesses were Michael  Brouse an
                    on the subject,  revealed four or five men who did not  appear in
 h   d Alnuia wart,  of Matilda,   that  work.  In addition,  there were several  others mentioned in
 Ephraim Lake.  of Edwardsburg  '  an  .   Rev  William
 .  d  27  September 1834  by llcense,  by   .   the records who were named in  Jones but whose place of origin
 were marne   '   ·  kv'll   The wit-  in New Jersey was not stated. Sorne details  regarding the loyalist
 Patnck, Wes eyan  Methodist  Minister of MerrlC   1  e.
 nesses were William Baldwin and Davtd Carman.   activities  of  these  and  a  few  other  men were ferreted out and
                    are presented here.
                       Researchers  are  sometimes  at  a  disadvantage,  or  become

                    disapointed,  when  they commence  searching out  materials re-
 Marriages by Rev.  Joseph Sawyer,
                    lating to a  "loyalist" ancestor, and this can be attributed in part
 Methodist Minis ter:
                    to the indiscriminate use of that term.  Almost every  American
                    who  settled  in  Canada  before  1800  has been called a  Loyalis t,
 Simon Wilson  and  Sarah Roger s  of Matilda,  12 January 1835 ·
                    and this,  of course, is not remotely the case.  Assuming for the
 w:  Isaac Keelar,  Alexander McDonald.
                    moment  that  the  settler  in  Canada was pro-British or at least
 Hiram Reed  and  Julia Shaver  of  Matilda,  29  March 1835.  w·
                    was unsympathetic to the thought of the Colonies being indepen-
 Lucas V ader,  Nelson V ader .
                    dent,  he more usefully might be described  as a  tory.  The term

                    "loyalist" would be reserved,  then,  for those who actively par-
                    ticipated in the struggle that  raged  in  the  Colonies  by  serving
 [To be continued]
                    in one  of the  regiments,  or by going within the British lines  in
                    other capacities,  and who,  at the conclusion of  that conflict, had
                    to  leave  their  country.  This  is not  to say that the  tory.  as  the

                   term is used here,  did  not  suffer  in any way.  l\lany  were fined
                   and  imprisoned  if  they  were  too  outspoken  in  their  views.  if
                   they  refused  to  take  the  oath  of  abjuration  and  allegiance.  if
                   they  refused  militia  duty  or for  other  offenses.  For  offenses

                   such as these,  however,  they  were not  attainted of treason and
                   their  property was not confiscated - at least not in New  Jersey.
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