Page 30 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
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 The  Ontario  Regis ter
 24                                                      Ancestor  Table

 3.  Emma Isabella Loughrey,  18  -  '   oswego Co. ,  N. Y.   24.  *William Loughrey,  ca.  1800-1871•,  Ireland;  Tyendinaga,

                                Hastings Co.,  Ont.
 --III.   Norfolk Co.,  Ont;  Waterloo,
 d  ·  R  McCall  1842- 1927  •   25.  *Eleanor (Ellen)  O'Ray  (Rae),  ca.  1800 -1871 +
 4.  E  wm  .   t.  Br ooklyn  and Rochester,  N. Y.
                      26.  *Alexander (or Archie?) Hamilton,  d.  1868±; Glasgow,  Scot-
 Iowa; L.ockpor  '   1854-1945  Leelanau Co.,  Mich;  Rich-
 5.  1\lary LoUlse  LaRue,   '   land ;  (Perhaps Ire! and and Ontario also)

 mond Hill.  N. Y.   t'   c   0  1.   27.  *Rose McAllister,  d.  1858±
 6.   W illiam Loughrey,  1861-1930,  Tyendinaga, Has  mgs  o.,  n..;   28.  Gurdon Merchant,  1783-1871,  Reading,  Conn : Sa ratoga Co.,
 Oswego Co.,  N. Y.             Delaware Co.  and Oswego  Co.,  N. Y.

 7.  Eliza Jane Mere  an   l 'e)  1863-1927,  Oswego Co.,  N. Y.   29.  Rachel Aylesworth,  1785-1842 ,  HalfMoon,  Sa r atoga Co.,  NY.
 h  t  (J  enn
                      30.  Elihu Humphrey Jr.,  ca.  1795- d. 1844;  Lexington,  Greene
 - - IV.   1\I  c   11  1 803-1883  Cha rlotteville  and  Woodhouse,   Co. ,  N. Y.
 8.  Duncan  c  a  ,
 Norfolk Co.,  Ont.   31.  *Sarah Cole,  ca.l795-1875; GreeneCo. and Os wegoCo. ,  N.Y.
 9.   Frances  1\I.  Hervey,  1812 -1893,  Poughkeepsie,  N. Y.,  and   --VI

 Woodhous e ,  Nor folk Co. ,  Ont.   32.  Donald4  McCall ,  1735-1819,  Island  of  1\Iull ,  Argyllshire,
 10.  John  LaRue,  1814 -1897,  Albany,  N. Y. ,  Burlington,  Iowa;   Scotland;  Basking  Ridge,  N. J. ;  Charlotteville,  Norfolk

 Chicago,  Ill ; Leelanau  Co.,  Mich.   Co.,  Ont.  (John3 MacColl;  Ian2 ban 1\IacColl; Domhnulll
 11.  Sophia 1\Ialinda Lackor,  1830-1904,  Royalton,  Niagara Co.,   ban MacCholla)
 N. Y.; Leelanau Co.,  Mich.   33.  *Elsie Simpson, ca.1740-1838; Pennsylvania ?; Bas king Ridge

 12.  John Loughrey,  ca.  1824 -1905 ,  Ireland;  Tyendinaga,  Hast-  N. J. ; Charlotteville,  Norfolk Co.,  Ont.
 ings  Co. ,  Ont; Oswego  Co.,  N. Y.   34.  *Abram5 DeCou,  d.  1792 ; Newton, Sussex Co ,  !\. J.  (Jacob4
                               Jacob3,  Isaac2,  Lawrence!)
 13.  Hannah Hamilton,  ca. 1826-1882;  ?Ireland.
                     35.  *Mary Ribler,  d.  1815?; Sussex Co. ,  N.J.
 14.  Reuben  Alans on  Mer chant,  1817 -1890,  Delaware  Co.  and
 Oswego Co.,  N. Y.   36.  Joel6 Hervey Jr.,  1746-1786;  Sharon, Conn: New  Paltz.  Ul-
                               ster  Co.,  N. Y.  (Joel5,  Thomas4,  Thoma s 3,  William2.
 15.  Christina Humphrey,  1827-1883,  Lexington,  Greene Co. and
 Oswego Co.,  N. Y.
 --v.                37.  Jane5 Diblee,  1744-1811 ;  Stamford and Sharon.  Conn:  :1'\ew
                               Paltz,  Ulster Co.,  and Poughkeepsie,  N. Y.  (Rev.  Eben-
 16.  Lt. Col.  Daniel  McCall,  1772-1848,  Basking Ridge,  Semer-
                               ezer4,  Wakefield3,  Ebenezer2,  Thomas1)
 set Co ..  N. J . ;  Charlotteville,  Norfolk Co.,  Ont.
 17.  Jane DeCou (Decew),  1780 (1772 ?) -1850,  Sussex Co.,  N. J.
                     44.  John3  Lackor,  Jr.  1749-1808: Pelham, 1\Iurrayfield (Ches ter)
 18.  James Hervey,  1782 -1825,  New  Paltz,  Ulster  Co.,  N. Y. ;
                               Mass; Augusta Twp  (Potter, Middlesex).  Ontar io Co. ,  X . Y.
 Sharon,  Conn;  Poughkeepsie,  N. Y. ;  ?Canada?
                              (John2,  John1)
 19.  *Mary (" Polly")  ---- ,  1782-1869,  Poughkeepsie,  N.Y.  and   45.  *Sarah Smith,  possibly b. 1754
 Woodhous e,  Norfolk Co.,  Ont.
                     46.  John6 Stebbins,  1771-1848: Deerfield, l\Iass: ~Iiddlesex. On-
 20.  *John  LaRue (Lerue) ,  ca.  1776?  - d. after 1820,  Virginia;
 Albany,  N. Y.               tario  (now  Yates)  Co. ,  N. Y.  (Lt.  Da\·id5,  John-1.  John3
                              John2,  Rowland1)
 21.  *  - --- ---- (Mary  Stewart  ?)  d.  ca.  1821  Albany  N  y
 22.  Timothy Smith Lackor,  1791/92-1868,  Che,ster,  M~ss ;.  A~­  47.  Sarah5 Sanderson,  1775-1848;  Conway,  l\Iass.  (J::unes4.  J o-
                              seph3,  Joseph2,  William1)
 gusta Twp.  (Potter'  Middlesex)'  Ontario Co  N  y  .  R   -
 alton,  Niagara Co.'  N. Y.   .,  .. '   oy   48-55*
 23.  Emily  Stebbins,  1796-18  C   56.  Gurdon7 Merchant,  1760-1837:  Redding,  Conn:  Half  Moon.
 '   onway,  Mass;  Lockport,  N.Y.
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