Page 26 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 26


 The Ontario Register
 20                                                                                                               21

 ·e dau Wallace &  Eliza d.  20 Aug  1875 ae  17 ys
 1\IcDonald,   l\laggl
 1  1
 1 m  20 ds.   6 Dec  1905 in his  84th  yr ;  Ma co m   M  c-
 l\IcDonald  \\ta  ace  .   d  E         FAMILY RECORDS OF KENT COUNTY
 Donald, d.  May  2,  1936  in  his  72nd  yr;  hi~  wf  Gertru.fe   f.
 939  in her 62nd yr ;  Ehza  Hogan  Wl  e  o
 Frazer  .   23  1
 d  A  ug
 wallace  c   ld d  ·   25  oct 1890  in the  65th yr  of her age.   I.  Joseph Scane of  Howard
 M  D  ona
 ·   s   h   t·ct  of  the  late  Jas .  Lowr y  and  w1fe  of  the
 McGUlre   ara  re 1
 late J: T.  Smith,  d.  Sept 21,  1892 in the  93rd yr of her age.   The following record is from a  Bible now in the possession of
 1\IcKnight,  John d.  Sept 23,  1898  ae 66 ys 8 ms 16 .ds ;  T.  Roscoe   a  grand-daugh~r of  Joseph Scane,  Mrs.  Gordon Geddis  (Myrta

 McKnight  d.  Jan 9,  1949 in  his 86th  yr ; Carolme Langtry wf   I.  Scane)  of  R1dgetown.  The Bible  bears the  following  imprint:
 of John l\IcKnight d .  Dec 21,  1891 ae 58 ys .   Philadelphia,  William W.  Harding,  1864.  The  entries are written

 Plastow.  James B.  d.  June 10,  1894 ae 47 ys  10 ms 21 ds ;  his   in a  uniform  hand  through  1864,  but  thereafter  they  appear  to
 wf Amelia A.  Bennett 1844-1925; their dauAmelia A.  Alberta   have been written as the event  occured. The records  were copied

 d.  Apr 18,  1877 ae 1 yr 5 ms 18  ds .   by the edite r  on July 5,  1968.
 Ramchisel.  Fredrick  1826 - 1898;  his  wf  Ca r oline  Ashenbaugh
 1828-1922: their son John 1857-1933; their dauAnnie d.  6 Jan   Joseph Scane of Howard and Harriet Spence of the same place

 1894 ae 33  ys  &  2 ms.   were married the 29th day of  Dec'r 1858.
 Riddell.  Charlotte Barlow wf of Rober t  Riddell  1829-1908.   Joseph Scane son of  John  &  Elizabeth Scane born 10 June 1829

 Riddell,  John 1857-1947; his wf Mar y  1859-1914; their children:   Harriet Spence  daughter of  John B.  &  Ellen Spence  was born
 Harry LeRoy 1890-1957; Annie Leona 1893-1957.   21  November 1837.
 Riddell.  Margaret A.  Jackson wf John  S.  Riddell 1866-1945.

 Robinson,  Richard d.  Oct 16,  1897 ae 68  ys ; William d.  Dec  24,   Births of the children of Joseph &  HarriBt Scane:
 1884 ae 28  ys; Isabella M.  d.  July  26,  1864 ae 9  ys; Richard   Elizabeth Alice  born November 11  1859
 H.  d.  Sept 6,  1873  ae  4 ys  &  9 ms;  Christina Z.  d.  Aug  9,   Ellen  born May 26,  1861
 1864 ae 2 ys  &  4  ms.   John Thomas  born October  28,  1862

 Smith,  James T.  d.  Feb 12, 1886 ae 77 ys.  Native of Monaghan,   George William  born July  9,  1864
 Ireland.               Louisa Jane  born May  6,  1866
 Stockwell,  George 1808  - 1882;  his  wf  Clarisa Copeman  1803-  Minnie Ellen  born June 14,  1868

 1887: G.  Washington  1834-1922;  his  wf  Elizabeth Kernighan   Jane Ann  born August 26,  1870
 1837 - 1893.           Mabel  born December 26,  1871

 Stockwell.  Chn of  Geo.  W.  &  Elizabeth:  Mary Jane  d.  Apr 30,   Anna  born April 14,  1874
 1863 ae 3 ys & 11 ms;  George d.  Sept  19,  1862 ae 1 y  5 m  2 ds   James Manley  born August 12,  1876
 Stockwell,  Sarah Elizabeth  dau Geo.  w.  &  Elizabeth d.  15 Se  ~   Mary Maud  born  August 31,  1878
 1868 ae 4 ys  6 ms 22 ds .   p   Hatty Ethel  born October 27,  1882

 Toland.  Sar ah Toland  wife of  ___  [ins  .  t·   Deaths of the children of Joseph &  Harriet Scane:
 Vingoe,  R  b  t H   cnp lOn worn away]
 o  er   .  1880-1946; his wf Helena Robinson 1880-1944   Ellen Scane  died December 23,  1861
                        John Thomas Scane  died March 25,  1869

                        Jane Ann Scane  died January 5,  1871
                        George William Scane  died  Octobcr 15,  1872
                        Elizabeth Alice  died January 29.  1895
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