Page 24 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 24


 18                                            St. Alban The  Martyr,  Rockton                                   19

                          Sarah Jane  dau  John  &  Ann  Carruthers d.  May 16,  1874 ae
                          12 ys  10 ms  13 ds ; Diana E.  Carruthers 1868-1942.
                      Champ,  John d.  Feb 4,  1880 ae 27 ys  &  8 ms.
                      Cook,  Maria dau Wm & Elizabeth d.  Feb 7,  1877 ae 23 y 8 m 6 ds.
                      Cook,  Thomas  E.  son of  Edward  &  Euphemia  d.  Dec 26,  1877
 Thomas  B.  Wilson       ae 9 ys.

                      Cook,  William d.  Feb 5,  1877  ae  58 ys;  Elizabeth  May  his  wf
 The  burial  yard  surrounding  St.  Alban  the  Martyr  Anglican
                          d.  Feb 7,  1904 ae 90 ys.  Natives  of Cornwall,  England.
 Church  is  kept in excellent condition.  A  ma~ker ~n the . church   Edwards,  Frederick John d. Jan 11, 1905ae72 ys;  Frederick G.

 states that  it was erected  in  1869.  Rockton 1S  a  vlllage m  Bev-
                          Smith b.  May 3,  1872 d.  Sept 3,  1911.
 erly Township,  Wentworth County.   Ellerton,  Thomas  d.  Jan  26,  1880  ae  75 ys  &  18 ds,  Native of

                          Yorkshire,  England.
 Abel  Percy Clarke d.  Feb 11,  1948  [age not stated]   Ellerton,  William d.  28  June 1879 ae 27 ys.
 Abel'  Percy Donald  Nov 7,  1915.  Killed in action  Aug 20,  1944   Gilbert,  Caroline 1844 - 1929.

 B~ried in Bretteville sur Laize, Canadian Military Cemetery   Gilbert,  Esther d.  Dec 14,  1923  [age not stated]
 France.             Hogan.  Jane Hutchinson relict of the late Craig Hogan d.  Sept 8,
 Allardyce,  Frederick John d.  Feb 9,  1928 ae 64 ys.   1873 ae 75 ys.

 Allardyce,  Joseph Mar 4,  1862 -Mar 8,  1956; his wf Jane Cook   Hopkins,  Hannah d.  9 Apr 1906 ae 73  ys  &  10 ms.
 Apr 15,  1862 - Mar 25,  1935.   Howard.  Mary wf Chas.  Howard d.  Mar 23,  1914 ae 78 ys.

 Anderson,  John d.  Oct 17,  1871 ae 71 ys.   Jackson,  George  d.  Sept 23,  1877  ae  60 ys 10 ms 3 ds.  Native
 Armstrong,  Hugh 1870-1929. "Woodmenof the World Memorial"   of County Northumberland,  England.
 Armstrong,  Thomas d.  Feb 28,  1910 in his 64th yr; his wf Ellen   Jackson,  Henry d.  Oct 15,  1902 in his  78th yr.

 Howie  d.  Oct 29,  1909 in her 64th yr ;  their son Hugh b.  Dec   Jackson.  Ida  Cornell  wf  Daniel  Jackson  d.  Mar 24,  1SS7 aged
 16,  1870 d.  Oct 6'  1929.   29 ys  & 10 ms;  Alexander Mackie McNabb 1875 -1949:  his wf

 Blackburn,  William  d.  13  Jan  1881  ae 42 ys;  his  wf  Margaret   Ida Marian Jackson 1887  - [not eut]
 Haggan  d.  8  July 1906 ae 78 ys .   Jackson,  James T.  1833-1907;his wf JaneMcPherson 1S43-LS90

 Blowey,  Philip Thomas son of Joshua &  Lucretia d.  3 Sept 1883   Jackson,  John d.  Feb 29,  1876 ae 56 ys.
 ae 7  ms  &  25  ds.   Jackson,  Matthew  d.  Jan 4,  1915  in  his  80th yr;  his  wf  Sarah
 Brant,  George 1828-1909; his wf Sarah Miller 1826-1913.   Howey  d.  Apr  6,  1905  in  her  68th  yr;  Grace  Knox  wife  of

 Burgess.  Agnes  E.  Bell wf George Burgess d.  May 15,  1887 ae   Andrew Howey  d.  Apr 11,  1889 ae 76 ys:  Mary Knox wife of
 22 ys 9 ms  13 ds.      William R.  Brown d.  June 25,  1878 ae 61 ys.
 Burgess,  Francis b.  May 26,  1822 d.  Feb 5  1893. his wf Mary   Jackson.  Nellie Armstrong wf George Jackson  d.  Sept 19.  1902

 Wright b.  Nov 10,  1829 d.  June 14,  1908.'   '   in her 33rd yr.
 Burgess,  George 1857  - 1941.   Jackson,  Thomas d.  Jan 12, 1909 in his 79thyr: his wf Elizabeth

 Burgess.  Nancy Wray wf of Wm Burgess d. 4  Mar 1882 ae 28 ys   Cumming  d.  Mar 13,  1933  in her 89th yr:  Sarah Jackson  d.
 Burgess,  William J.  Feb 26,  1854  - Feb 23  1934· h"   fM   .   Nov 24, 1928 in her 52nd yr; Isabella Jackson d.  Mar 6, 1965
 E  Cha  b   1   .   •   ,  1s w   ary
 .   rn  er am July 20,  1862- Jan 11,  1945; Leslie C  Bur-  in her 93rd yr.
 gess Oct 5,  1898 - Sept  o,   1916  .   ·   Kernighan,  Andrew d.  Dec  19,  1914 in his  93rd yr.
 Carruthers,  John,  a  native of  Cumberland  England  d  M   8   Kernighan,  Jane Kirkland 1837-1920.
 1872 ae 61  ys·  Ann  J  k   '   ,   .   ay  ,   Kernighan,  R. K.  -The Khan- 1855-1926.
 '   ac  son  wf  John  Carruthers  1823-1904;
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