Page 215 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 215

The Ontario Registe r
                                                          210                                                                                                                                                Franc is  Wasley

                                                                         Rachel  \Vas ley.  Jonathan Cooper  and Rachel Wasley                                               before locating in Whitchurch.
                                                                    7  ·     were m  ·              ·                                                                          on July  24,  1806  Francis Wasley rece·  ed
                                                                                       d  July 5  1786.  (Docket  of John Chaprnan
                                                                                                                                                                                                     L  t  18
                                                                                                                                                                                            b  ·
                                                                             Esq ..   1783-1787,  in  the  Bucks County Historicat                                          20o acres  emg  o                  ,  5th  Concession  fU            a CroWn     grant of
                                                                             Society Llbrary.  Doylestown]                                                                  members  of  his  family  m us t  have  !iv ~  hxbrtdge,  and he  or
                                                                                  a wasley  is  refer red  to  as  "my  friend  and                                         order tohave fulfilled  the settlement dut~  t  ere  ~forehand in
                                                                    8.  Susann                 ·           f                 J  h           f
                                                                            relation" in the will o  Lawrence  o  nson o  Falls                                             thiS  lot  when  he  died  in  1831,  but  hisle:~lr~an~lS Still OWned
                                                                            Tp.,  dated  28 Oct 1800  and pro~ed 29 Decernber                                                                                                                   1
                                                                                                                                                                            horne  farm was  in  Whitchurch.  The  patent  to ~!~cates that his
                                                                            in the same year.  [Bucks Co.  Wtll  Bk.  6:305]                                                                                                                           34
                                                                                                                                                                            Whitchurch was not secured until  18                       and th·  d         •  Con 3 of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  37           1
                                                                                                                                                                           have  been caused by this  lot having been Cl                        S  elay is    sat  to
                                                             2  Francis  wasley  was  born  about  1751.  He  was  probably                                                   Francis Wasley helped to organize the y                        ergy Reserve 1  d
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  an  ·
                                                          the · Francis \\'asly  who  took  the  oath of  allegiance  on June 1,                                                  .             ·  d  ·                                     onge  treet Monthl'l,
                                                                                                                                                                           Meetmg of Fnen  s  m1806,  and he was an act·                                             J
                                                          1778.  He was  ta.'<ed  as  single in  Falls Township  from  1779 to                                                                    ·                                             tve member until
                                                                                                                                                                           his  death.  He  dted !Omo. 29,  1831 aged 80years  [F                          .      .
                                                          1783  when  he  married  Hannah,  the  eldest  daughter of  Henry                                                                 l         .                                           ·    am1  1  y  Btble
                                                                                                                                                                           of John Was  ey] Hts year of birth has been est;...,.,  t  d f                          .
                                                          and  1\Iary  (Dean)  Scott  of  Muncy  Township,  Northumberland                                                      .     .                                                         u..u.a e  rom thts.
                                                                                                                                                                              Hts  wtfe  Hannah Scott  was  bor n  in  Upper Makefield,  Bucks
                                                          County (now  Lycoming Co.)  Pa.  On March 8,  1785  he  was re-
                                                                                                                                                                           County,  Pa. ,  !Omo.  14,  1762 [Family Bible].  In the 1 ïïO's her
                                                         corded as the administrator of the  es tate  of his brother Daniel
                                                                                                                                                                          par ents  moved  westward  with  their  family,  and  on  Marcb
                                                         and one  of the  administrators of his  father's estate.  His bond                                                                                                                                         6
                                                                                                                                                                          1795  they  purchased  a  farrn  in  Muncy  Tp.,  Northumberland
                                                         describes  him  as  "Francis Wasly  of  Muncy,  in the  County of
                                                                                                                                                                          {now  Lycoming)  Co. ,  Pa.  Her  fa ther  Henry Scott was  the son
                                                         Northumberland,- yeoman."  In 1786 he  was taxed in Muncy Tp.
                                                                                                                                                                          of  John  and  Hannah (Merrick) Scott.  John Scott  was  a  son  of
                                                         as Francis Wesley  and his name appears from 1792 to  1795  in
                                                                                                                                                                          John and Jane Scott from  Thet,  Yorkshire,  England whoarrived
                                                         the Day  Book of Muncy Farm as  Francis Westley.
                                                                                                                                                                          in  Philadelphia in 1699 on the ship Brittania.  [Min.  Phila. Mo.
                                                            In 1801  Francis Wasley's eldest daughter Hulda was married
                                                                                                                                                                          Mtg. ,  Pubs.  Geneal.  Soc.  of Pa.  4:255-261]  Hannah  Merrick
                                                         to  Joseph Randall  and with her husband  went to  Upper  Canada
                                                                                                                                                                          was  a  daughter of  John and  Eleanor (Smith)  Merrick of Lower
                                                         to settle on a  part of the Lundy grant in  Whitchurch Township,
                                                                                                                                                                         Dublin,  Philadelphia County,  as is shawn  by  her  father's "ill
                                                         York  County.  (Samuel  Lundy  and  Isaac  Phillips,  two  Friends
                                                                                                                                                                         dated July 28,  1732. [Phila. Will  Bk. E:279J  John l\1errick \\as
                                                         of the l\Iuncy Monthly Meeting,  had secured a  grant of land for
                                                                                                                                                                         was  from  Herefordshire,  England,  "son of Thomas of \\"eston
                                                         twenty of more  families  in  Whitchurch and  vicinity).  On 9mo.
                                                                                                                                                                         under Penyard,  born  14th 12mo.  1654".  [Records  of  Friends
                                                         3,  1801  Franc1s Wasly  requested  to  be joined in membership
                                                                                                                                                                         ~eetings in Herefordshire, transc r ibed by Gilbert Cope,  in the
                                                         with  the  Society  of  Friends  at  Muncy  and  was  received  into
                                                                                                                                                                         Ltbrary of the  Geneal.  Soc.  of  Pa.]  For the  Scott family.  see
                                                         membership  llmo.  21,  1801.  Three  years  later on  8mo.  22,
                                                         180                                                                                                            also:  "Henry Scott - A  Pioneer of ear ly  1\Iuncy Township"  by
                                                             4  he  made application  for a  cer tificate  to  Pelham Monthly
                                                         Meeting in  Upper Canada.  The minutes  of the Pelham Monthly                                                  Mary Elizabeth Whitaker  in Now  and then.  1932.  IV.  N'os.  10

                                                         ~eeti?g dated on 2mo.  6,  1805  state  that  this certificate was                                             and 11.  Hannah Wasley d;ed 5mo.  21,  1835  in her 73rd year.
                                                          recelved and  excepted."  [Pelham  M. M.  Records at  the  Univ.                                                 The Will of Francis "Wesley" is listed in the probate records
                                                         of Western  Onta  ·           L                                                                                of  York  County  although  neither  the  original  papers  nor the
                                                                 .              rlü,  ondon]  The  date  when  Francis  wasley
                                                         and  h1s  fa mi ly       ttl  d  ·                                                                             copy  book  containing  it  can  now  be  found in that office.  For-
                                                                               se  e  m  Whitchurch  is  not  definitely  known
                                                         smce  the applic  r           f       .                                                                        tunately  a           .                             f'l  .  the  n.-.üli  Re!!istrv at
                                                                                                                                                                                                              .  l  9?7'>  1 QT>J  f ht.'  \\ ill  is dated ~"th
                                                         aft     th         .  a        or this  certificate  may have been made                                            .      ,     regtstered  copy is  on  1  e  m                    J.A; -=~   ~    .~s
                                                            er  e  fam1ly  mov  d  It  ·                                                        ·t                     Wlutby [Dxbrt'dge M                              ... .  v....
                                                         lived  f  or at least  tw     e  ·     lS family  tradition  that  the  fanu Y                                Oc                            emona           OJ                                    ,..,  ,...  t
                                                                                         year s  m  Markharn  Tp.,  York  County,                                      1   tober 1830  With  a  codicil  9 Jul~·  1$:31 and  \\aS  pro\·ed '  ::;ep
                                                                                                                                                                         832        .                                     ·                 .  · \\'hitchurch,
                                                                                                                                                                             ·  In tt  he is described as  Francis  \Vt'sle)                   01
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