Page 213 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 213

Francis Wasley

                                                                                                                                                                             17 ?.6  the  sixth  of  thirteen  childr                   f
                                                                                                                                                                                _.  '
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  en  o  Samu  l
                                                                                                                                                                            (B urges)  Buntmg of Falls Township  S                                e  and  Prise ilia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   .  amuei  wa  th
                                                                                THE  FRANCIS WASLEY  F AMIL Y                                                               of  Job  Bunting  and  grandson  of  Anth                              s  e eldest son
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ony  Buntin         f
                                                                                   OFNEWMARKET,  ONTARIO                                                                    verbyshire,  England.  (For  Phebe  Buntin  's                           g  o  Matlock,
                                                                                                                                                                             aternal  and  maternai  lines  see  Dav·  , g  .  ancestry  in  both
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       lS  Htst  B  k
                                                                                                K. W.  Totten,                                                              III:  184, 214).  Phebe's  parents  and ali her-· ~ Q.ountl,
                                                                                              London,  Ontario                                                              active members of the  Society of Frie  d                         gra_ndparents  were
                                                                                                                                                                                        .                                             n  s  makm(J' he          b'
                                                                                                                                                                            right Fnend.  However  the  minutes of  F  II                            o     ra  trth-
                                                                                                                                                                           9mo.  7,  1750 record that Phebe Wasly m:d: !~onthly Meeting,

                                                              The origin of the Wasley family has not be en definitely ascer-                                              for marrying out of the unity of Friends.                               knowledgement
                                                           tained.  They  are  apparently  of  German  descent and were lo-
                                                          cated in Bucks County,  Pa.,  where references are to be found

                                                          between  1730  and  1785  to  Johannes  and  Michiel in Middleton                                                   1.  Francis Wasley married by  New Jers                           1·
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ey  tcense dated 6th
                                                          and  Newtown  Townships  and  to  Francis in  Falls Township.  In                                                December 1749,  Phebe Bunting. No  definite 1·  t  f th                             .
                                                          the  early  records  the  surname  is  spelled  in  many  different                                              of  Francts  and  Phebe (Bunting)  Wasley  has  be                      o     e chtldren
                                                                                                                                                                               .                                                                  en   1  ocated.  but
                                                          ways:  \Yesel.  Weasel.  Weisel,  Weesile,  Weesely,  Weasley,                                                   varwus  references have  been found  to seven:
                                                          \\'heasele.  Wasly,  Waslee,  Wasely,  Whesele,  Westly,  Wesley
                                                          and others.                                                                                                              +2.  Francis,  1751-1831.

                                                             The first ancestor who has been definitely  traced is Francis                                                           3.  Daniel,  d.  1785  in Bucks County.
                                                          Wasly Sr.  who was  married  by  New  Jersey  license  dated 6th
                                                                                                                                                                                     4.  Samuel  Wasley.  Samuel Weasel  was  taxed in  Falls
                                                          December 17 49  to  Phebe Bun ting,  the record stating that both
                                                                                                                                                                                              Tp.  as single  in 1779,  as married in 1781. and as
                                                          were of Bucks County,  Pa.  Francis Wasley was not a  member
                                                                                                                                                                                              Samuel  Weisell, married man, in 1785. [Pa Arch.
                                                          of  the  Society of Friends  as  the  minutes of the  Falls Monthly
                                                                                                                                                                                              III,  13: 22, 130, 517]  Samuel  Wheazle  m~ 1\Iary
                                                          Meeting,  9mo.  7,  1750  record that Phebe Wasly made acknow-
                                                                                                                                                                                              Vandergrift.  In the settlement of the estate of ber
                                                          ledgement  of  ber marriage  to one of  another profession.  Tax
                                                                                                                                                                                              father,  Cornelius Vandergnft  on  Sept 9.  1779 at
                                                          records  sho\  that  they  lived  in  Falls Township  but were not
                                                                                                                                                                                             Newtown,  she  is  described as 1\Iary \Vas ley. [Rec.
                                                          land owners. In  the Pennsylvania Archives  Series III  Francis
                                                          Wasley is  h                h          .                     ·                '                                                    Newtown Pres.  Ch.  by W. S.  Ely]
                                                                        s  own  ont e  tax hsts for Falls Township as follows:
                                                          1779                                                                                                                      5.  Michael Wasley.  Michael  Weasley was appointed an
                                                                 and 1781- Francis Weasel;  1782 - Francis Weasley; and
                                                          1783  -.Francis Wesel.  [13:22. 130, 282, 326]                                                                                     Ensign  in  the  4th  Batt.  Bucks County  Militin  in
                                                             The mventory of th              t  t                                                                                            place of John Gregg  29 Oct  1779.  [Pa.  Arch.  \'.
                                                                                       e es a e  of Francis Wasley dated  Dec 22,
                                                          1  784  and also that  f h'                                                                                                        5:339] Michael Weasel  was  taxed as a single mnn
                                                                                    0     ts son Daniel dated Feb 22  1785 are on
                                                          record  m  the  B  k  C                                                •                                                           in  Lower  Makefield  Tp.  in  1783  [Pa.  Arch.  III.
                                                          Administrations:~ s              ounty  Court  ~ouse. In  the  Register of                                                         13:340]  and Michael  Wasley \\'itnessed the will  of
                                                          named as  f'  t            Bucks County Damel "son of the dec'd" was                                                              William  Milnor  in  Falls  Tp.  on  :Z nw.  20,  1 ïS5
                                                                         trs  administ  t
                                                          late of Bucks c                   ra or  of the  estate of  "Francis wasly
                                                                               ounty,  yeoman"            d                                     .  l                                        [Bucks  Co.  Will  Bk.  4:383]
                                                          Francis  Wasly  "                            an  after  the  death  of Dame •                                            6 ·  Mary Wasley.  Joseph White  and :\f~u-y \\'a~ley \~~~-e
                                                                                  son  of  the  dec 'd"                                            d
                                                          administrator  [B  ks                              was  named  as  the  secon                                                                                                                  0 1  1
                                                                             .     uc     Co  Adm                                                                                           md.  by  Henry  Wynkoop.  Esq.  on  J~me -. ·                       --::
                                                             Phebe Bunting  w·f  f  ·                  •  Bk.  A,  56]                                                                      [Bucks Co.  Deed Bk.  ~1:2151 They ln·ed m Uppn
                                                                                 '   1 e  o  Francis Wasley,  was born  March 2,                                                                                                                  102 1961
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            3 3
                                                                                                                                                                                            Makefield Tp.  [Pa.  Arch.  III.  1 = ·                   ·
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