Page 209 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 209

Ancestry of Herbert H

                                                                                                                                                                              r.  William Min thorn,  b.  1716  in  England  He                          .
                                                                                                                                                                           Boston,  Mass. ,  where  he matured  and  th ·                            restded  near

                                                                                                                                                                           he  P urchased  near  Hartford  Conn'  He                        hen  on a  farm Which
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       '         ·      re  e di  d  ·
                                                                                                                                                                           md.  Mary Gilbert dau Joseph and Elizab  th                             :  m 1805.  He
                                                             THE  ONTARIO ANCESTRY OF HERBERT CLARK HOOVER                                                                                                                              e  (Smtth}  Gilbert
                                                                        31st PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES                                           '                       II.  William  Minthorn,  born  c. 1740  in  c                          .
                                                                                                                                                                                              . d  )
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            onnechcut  He  md
                                                                                                                                                                          Hannah (E      Id  r1  ge  Lewts,  a  Widow with two chïd                        ·
                                                                                                                                                                                            d  El·  b  th Eld  ·                                1   ren,  daughter
                                                                                                                                                                          of James an              tza  e           rtdge. About 1802 \V'll'                  .
                                                                                                                                                                          sons  James an  Jo               and daughter Lucy Divt·n              1   tarn, Wtth  his
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               e, went to Canada
                                                               Herbert Clark Hoover was  born September 10,  1874 at West                                                 and settled on Yonge Street at Toronto.  William d
                                                                                                                                                                                            .  h  1 M .  th
                                                            Branch.  Iowa.  a son of Jesse Clark  and  Hulda Randall  (Min-                                                          1  M   tc  ae        m  orn b.  20 Oct 1764· d                  .  c. 183 0.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     .  .
                                                            thorn)  HooYer.  The  mother.  Hulda Min thorn,  was  born May 4,                                                                 m  mllttary service.                          ,  . as a youna man
                                                            1848 at Norwich in Oxford County,  Ontario.  The material pre-
                                                                                                                                                                                    2.  Mary Minthorn,  md.  Evan Van  Epps b.                           July rGG
                                                            sented here indicating the lines of descent of President Hoover                                                                                                                          17           1
                                                                                                                                                                                    3.  William Minthorn,  b.  29  Oct 1767.  d.  aged
                                                            from Ontario families  is taken from  the  Genealogy of the Her-                                                      +4.  John Minthorn,  1768-1859.                                          90  ·
                                                           bert Hoover  Family by Hulda Hoover McLean (Mrs Chari~.
                                                                                                                                                                                    5.  Joseph Minthorn,  a  rnusician,  bad seven sons.
                                                           McLean)  published in 1967 by the  Hoover  Institution  of Stan-
                                                                                                                                                                                    6.  Lucy  Minthorn,  b.  3  Oct  1772.  md.  John Divine.  a
                                                           ford  University.  Mrs McLean,  daughter of the late  Theodore
                                                                                                                                                                                             distiller.  They had sons:  James Divine. and John
                                                           J.  Hoover (1871-1955)  and niece of Herbert  Hoover  bas most                                                                    Divine a  lawyer who settled inl\Iichigan where he
                                                           graciously given  her  consent  to have this material printed in
                                                                                                                                                                                             helped draft the first constitution of that Sta1P.
                                                           this periodical.  The arrangement was made by the editor who
                                                           accepts  res           ·b·t·ty  ~                                                                                       7.  Nancy Minthorn,  md.  Ernest Van Epps b.  23 1\Iarch
                                                                           ponst  1  1      J.Or  the  clarity of presentation and for                                                       1776.
                                                           errors of transcription.  The material as it relates to Ontario
                                                                                                                                                                                   8.  Norman Minthorn b.  25  Feb 1778  in Connecticut. He
                                                           bas been fuUy  extracted  from the genealogy compiled by  Mrs
                                                           l\lcLean,  but many add't·             1 1 .       .                                                                             md.  Maria Mabie  of Schenectady and they raised
                                                                                           t  wna  mes  m  the  American and Eng-
                                                           hsh ancestry of H  Id  ,~,  .                                                                                                    a  family  at Watertown,  N. Y.
                                                                                    u  a n'hnthorn Will  be found  in that work.
                                                              l\·Irs McLean         ·  t                                                                                           9.  James Minthorn.
                                                                                pom s  out  that  the weakest line in the Ontario
                                                           ancestry  of  President  H                  .
                                                           researcher  h                     oover  lS  the  Sherwood  ancestry.  A                                    H III.  John Minthorn,  b.  4  Oct 1768(9  ?)  near Hartford.  Conn.
                                                                           w  o could pre          t                                               .
                                                           line would  be                 .  sen  an  authoritative  article on thts                                     e d.  17 Dec 1859  John  lived near  Lindsay and near Toronto
                                                                               performmg a s             .    f
                                                           ealogy,                                  ervtee  or  North  American gen-                                   With  his father and. brothers.  He subsequentry settled in Mari-

                                                              Mary (Wasley)  Minthorn                                                                                  Po~a,  Victoria County. He and his  wife are buried in the  Little
                                                           President Hoover             d        was  the  maternai  grandmother of                                    Brtt  ·                                                                                ·  d
                                                                                                                                                                             atn Cemetery  near  Oakwood.  He md.  in  Canada.  Lucm  a
                                                           article by  K  w  T'  an  the  Wasley  line  is presented in a  fine                                        Sherwood  b.  13  Nov  1794.  Her  father  \vas  said  to  ha\·e  been
                                                            h               ·  ·  otten  corn             .
                                                           t  e need of print·                    mencmg  page 208  which obviates                                     'I'holllas Sherwood  a  nephew  of  one  of the  Judg·es  Sherwood.
                                                                                 mg de ta ils h
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ·r  1 · -4
                                                           Totten for first rnak·            .    ere · The edi tor is  indebted to  Mr                                Rer   mother was  Endymia Winn.  Lucinda d.  1 ï  Apn                            b:J  •
                                                           a rio famuy connect· tng hun aware of President Hoover' s  ont-
                                                                                     tons  (see       1                                                                          1.  John Wesley l\Jinthorn,  1812-U101.  had sons  Lyman
                                                                                                   p.  54  of this volume).
                                                                                                                                                                                           and Albert.
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