Page 208 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 208


 R  ev.   H.  Urquhart
                                            Eastern District 1IK             •
                              John Mc Rae

                             David McLean,  26                            Margaret c!l ....
 Benjamin Z.  Johnston   Janet Calvert   Christopher J ohnson, 45         Christiana  liK  D
 William Ira Brown   Sar ah  Serviss                                      A              UlC  Onald  22
                             John King,  27                                 nn McLennan,  28  '
 John  Farish   Sarah Ann Kennedy   Isaac Gallinger,  27                  Sarah Otto,  16
 Robert Ross   Jane Cameron   Al ex and er Fraser,  24                    Margaret Bain,  17
 Donald McLennan   Nancy Munro                                            Catharine Aird,  21

 John A.  Campbell   Margaret Fraser
 Duncan Robertson   Catharine Kennedy

 John Ross   Mary Grant              Re v.  George Fergus on of Cornwall
                                         Wesleyan Methodist Minister                    '
 Donald McDonald   Catharine McLennan
                                                        1838-1839·                  '
 Rev.  Robt Dobie   Ann Eve Cline
 Guy  Theodore Robertson   Sophia Jane Carr
                    Alexander McPherson, of Williamsburgh  &H
 Joseph Hardy   Margaret Blakely   of Cornwall,  18 Dec 1838. w:  Hugh McPher~on, ~~Brownen
 \\'illiam Haggart   Espie Ross
 Joseph Bird   Mary Bell   Andrew Irving,  Moses McPherson.                                 ·  rownell,

 Angus  McLeod   Margaret Clough   Henry Allick  &  Elizabeth Werley,  of  Osnabruck,  13 Aueust
 William S.  Wood   Ann Martin   1839.  w:  Geo.  Werley,  Abigail Elliott,  John Hough    ,  an  d p eter
                W  l  ey.
 Dennis  Gillespie   Fanny Mel ton
                   Edward  Shanick  &  Margaret Crowder,  of Matilda,  15th Oct
                1839.  W:  Henry Crowder,  Ann Crowder,  Jeremiah Tuttle Sr.,
 1856           Jeremiah Tuttle Jr.

 John Walker   Eliza Cline   John Drappo &  Evsonia Lavis,  of Matilda, 3 September 1839

 James Milroy   W:  Benj.  Wallis,  Anny Gosnal,  Tony Wallis,  Wm  Lavis.
 Eliza Hamilton
 Ambrose Dunn      Edward Adams  &  Elenor Anderson, of Matilda, 10 December
 Ann Kennedy   1839,  by lie.  w:  John Anderson,  Sarah Cook.
 John Wintele Haldimond   Margaret Mattice
 Alex'r 1\IcLennan
 Flora McLennan
 George Ross
 Ann Grant
 Donald McDonald
 Ellen Kinnear
 William Alguire   Nelson Fader  &  Cornelia  Thompson,  both of Matilda,  were
 Phebe J ohnston
              lllarried  5  June 1839  in  Matilda,  by Rev.  Joseph H.  Leonard.

              Minis ter  of the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church:  witnesses  were
              Michael Wooley  and  John Stenburgh.

 Alexander McDougall
 Donald Grant   Margaret Mc Lennan

 Richard Grirn   Ann McLennan
 Catherine Kinnear
 Coll McDonald   [Marriage Register of the Eastern District to  be Continued]
 John Grant   Emily Farlinger

 Samuel  Graham   Allen Grant
 Jane Fulton
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