Page 204 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 204


                                     Eastern District Marr·
 Rev.  Hugh Urquhart                                                    Iages
 198                                                                                              199

                     t  osborne Johnstone  &  Amanda  E  t
 Collin Mcinnes,  of Cornwall,  &  Isabella McDon~ll, of Char-  IW  b  w·  Adam Johnstone,  John  Jardin  as man  4 A
                                                                                          Pril  1843
 I  tt  burgh   2  l\Iarch 1841, bylic. w: Alex McMartm, Wm Rose   byhc.   ·   e.                    ,
 0                 'lliam Milne &  Catharine Kennedy                        M
 J:leS B~rton & .Mary Ann  Leyden,  of Charlottenburgh, 1 th   W 1   h   '   3   ay 1843  b  l'
 August  1841 ,  by lie.  w:  John 1\IcDonald,  John Wood.   w·  John Kennedy,  Jo  n  Neil McLean.   •  Y Icence.
 Malcolm Gordon &  .Margaret Tuill,  of Cornwall,  7 Sept 18 41   ·Norman McDonell  &  Esther  Proud,   16 May 1843  by t·
 by lie.  w:  James Hampton,  Alex'r McCracken.   .   Jo  h  n  M cDonald,  John Ault.   •     lC.  W;
                samuel  Wilson &  Jane  Mullen,
 Robert  Neil,  of Onondago,  U.  S.,  and  Mary  Ann  Leltch,  of   18th May  1843.  W:  P.  Gil!ie
             and  Thos Henderson.
 Lancaster,  1st October  1841,  by  licence.  w:  John Aitken  and                                  '
                John Barlow &  Mary Jardine,  26  September                               b  .
 James Leitch.                                                                    1843
 John Samuel Wood,  of Cornwall,  &  Lucy Anne Harley, of the   w:  John Jardine,  George Johnstone.   '  Y hcence

 Indian Lands,  2  Nov 1841.  w:  Wm Harley St,  Wm Harley Jr.   Andrew  Jardine  &  Sarah Ann  Wood,  14 November  1843   by
 George Cline &  Caroline Silmser,  of Cornwall,  31 Dec  1841   lie.  w:  Wm.  D.  Wood,  John Bailey.   '
 by lie.  w:  Henry Silmser,  Oliver Groves.   David Swanson  &  Elizabeth McDonald,  6 February 1 844 ,  by

 John Aitken Sr.  &  Christian Taylor,  8  January 1842,  by lie.   licence.  w:  John Gunn,  Peter Stuart.
 w:  John Hunter,  John McKenzie.   William Craig &  Margaret Manson,  22nd  February 1844,  by

 William Hogg &  Isabella 1\.IcDonell,  15 April  1842, by lie.  w:   lie.  w:  John Craig,  Daniel  Manson.
 Wm  1\Ic Gruer,  D.  McMillan.   Ira Warner  &  Catharine Alguire,  11 June  1844,  by licence.

 John Aitken Jr.  &  Mary Murchison,  5  May  1842,  by lie.  w:   w:  Francis Sharkey,  Salomon Alguire.
 Arch'd 1\lurchison,  John McKenzie.   Alexander Mullin & Mary McGillivray,  21  June 1844, by lie.

 Robert Kirk  &  Jannet Aitken,  23  June  1842,  by lie.  w:  John   w:  William  Mullen,  Angus Urquhart.
 Aitken Sr.,  Alexander Kirk.   Hugh  McKnight &  Isabella Lyle,  25th  June 1844,  by licence.
 John Ault  &  Mary Jane Wood,  29 June  1842,  by licence.  w:   w:  Robert Caldwell,  Robert Barr.

 Norman McDonell,  William Wood.   Nicholas  Farlinger &  Janet Kirk,  1st July 1844.  w:  William
 William  Garvin  &  Ann  Low,  29th July 1842,  by licence.  w:   Murdoch,  Edward Far linger.

 Thomas Hilliard,  John McGrath.   George  Groves  &  Margaret Mitchel.  8 October 1844,  by lie.
 William Ross  & Hannah  Hallasy,  1 August 1842,  by licence.   W:  Oliver Groves,  Geo.  Robertson Jr.
 w:  David McCracken,  John Magrath.   Robert  Barr  &  Phoebe  Wood,  26  October 1844,  by licence.

 1\lark Appleby  &  Elspeth  Fraser,  11th October 1842,  by lie.   W:  William Skelly  Robert Caldwell.
 W:  Wm  Milne,  Nehemiah Priee .   Valentine  Best & Mary Ann  Ross,  14th Jan 1845.  w:  Samuel

 . Hugh Thompson &  Mary Ann  Empey,  15  November 1842,  by   Eamer,  George Snitsinger.
 he.  w:  Donald Ross,  John Ross.                                                    1845
               William  Gillespie &  Mary McLean.  4 February                               • by lie.
 Peter Finney  &  Flora Mcintosh  15 November 1842  by lie·
 w:  George Kennedy  Angus  p·   '   '   W:  Hugh  McLean,  John McLean.              b     r)  1'45
 •   mney.     Grendal A.  Streeter &  Margaret 1\IcLean,                      25   Fe  rua      ~
 John Brownell Shell  &  El'
 w·  st  h   tzabeth  Wood  20  December 1842.   byDlic ·  w: William  Gillespie,  John C ·  1\Iurchison.  ., r.;  b" lie.
 .  ep  en Brownell,  Ira Warner   '   a  ·                          6  F  b ·uar''  o:  v,   J
                                                                                     1 4
                  ntel  Philips  &  Harriet  G1·oves,  2
 James Small  &  Ann  McK'   ·   w.  Ge                                   e     •  ·
 w:  Robert Atch·   mney,  4 January  1843,  by licence.   ·   orge Robertson Jr   George Graves.   , ls45
 .   tson,  John McLennan   R                   · •                   . .     ')7  Feb1ualj  ....   ·
                 enneth P.  Murchison &  Marv C ·  GI
 Dam el Craig &  Caroline   .   b  y l'                     .         1115  •  ~
 w:  Hector Manson  J   Manson,  7  March 1843,  by licence.   D le ..  W:  James Clint,  John Neil  1\IcLean. '4r:  bY  lie.  w:  \\'nt
 •  ames Craig.                                                           1
                 avld Allan  &  Susan Millar.  22  l\Iarch  ~  :.>,                 •
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