Page 200 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 200


 Rev.  Hugh Urquhart                          Eastern District M               .
 194                                                                      arrtages
 .   k·  &  1\Iary  Ferguson,  17th March 1836,  by  .e.   l  ·cence.  w:  Dougald McMillan,  Duncan  ..
 William  Clar   11  1                   od  &          .                    lvJeMillan
 .  l Clark  Rufus  Johnston.   Donald  MeLe      Eumce  Christie            9  J        ·
 w:  Dame   '  &  Janet Martin,  25th March 1836,  by lie  w   w:  Michael Cri tes,  David Christie.  '   anuary 1838,  by lie.
 James Harvey  '   ·  :
 William Harvey,  John Harvey.   Robert  McGee  &  Jane  Kerr  16th  J                1
 John S.  French &  1\Iary Ann Chesley,  1st June 1836,  by lie.   John McGee,  Robert Kerr.   '   anuary  838,  by lie.  W:

 . S y  Chesley'  Alex'r McDougald.   James  G.  Downing &  Matilda Grant    27   J
 w.JoÎm.Reid  &  AnnE.  Anderson,  4  June  1836,  by lie.  w:  Wm   w:  James  Garret,  Thomas  Marshall. '   anuary 1838, by lie
                    John Colquhoun &  Jean Craig  13  Febru
 Miller,  Robert Shepherd.   Alex'r Colquhoun,  John McDon~ld.                        1838
 James Sandison &  Christian Duncan,  28th July  1836,  by lie.                 ary         • by lie.  w:

 w:  William Duncan,  John McDonald.   Rufus S.  Collins  &  Mary Drew,  5th March  1838    b  .
 William Kennedy  &  Nancy  Finney,  15th August 1836,  by lie.   w:  John Wright,  Walter Collins.   '  Y hcenee,

 w: Angus  Finney,  Alex'r McNaughton.   Adam  Johns ton  &  Margaret Campbell,  21st March            b,
 John Bell  & l\largaret Copland,  19th August 1836,  by lie.  w:   lie.  w:  Nadab Eastman,  Daniel Campbell.   '  ~
 P.  Stewart,  Jas.  Lochhead.   Andrew Miller  &  Nancy Sprowl  19th Aprill838  b  .
                                                                    '                      ,  Y  1 lC,  W:
 William  Grant & Christian Mclntosh,  27 August 1836, by lie.   Robt Hamilton,  John Sprowl.
 w:  Peter McKay,  Alex'r Hamilton.   John Abrams  &  Christy Ferguson,  24 April 1838,  by lie.  w:

 John 1IcGregor &  Jane Wood,  4th October 1836,  by lie.  The   Duncan Ferguson,  Wm Abrams.
 witnesses were:  Calvin Davies,  William D.  Wood.   Robt.  McMonagle  &  Elizabeth Robinson,  31st May 1838,  by

 Duncan Cumming  &  Peggy McDonald,  8  November 1836,  by   lie.  w:  James Robinson,  Wm Alexander.
 lie.  w:  Alex'r McPhee,  Alex'r Cumming.   Simon Christie &  Mary Murray,  !9th June 1838,  by licence.

 Robert Cumming  &  Margaret McLaren,  15  November 1836,   w:  Donald Murray,  David Christie.
 by lie.  w:  John McLaurin,  Alex'r Cumming.   Alexander Mc Gregor  &  Margaret Murphy,  12 July 183S,  by

 Alonzo H. Brooks &  Olivia Ann Campbell,  14 December 1836   lie.  w:  John McLaughlin,  Edward Keapen.
 by lie.  w:  Caleb Knight,  Horace Spence.   William Cummings  &  Jane McNaughton,  24 July 1838, by lie

 Donald Davidson & Janet Sprowl,  12th  January 1837,  by lie.   W:  Donald Campbell,  John McLaurin.
 w:  John Davidson,  Alex'r Robertson.   Alex'r Aird &  Mary Morrison,  20 Sept  1838,  by  licence.  w:
 Duncan Cameron & Janet Cameron  25 January 1837  by lie.   Duncan Campbell,  Angus  Morrison.   ~     .
 w  Al  '  C   '   '   Farquhar McRae &  Mary McRae,  20  September 183b.  by he
 ex r  ameron,  Donald McRae.
 M_alcolm McCallum  &  Margaret  McDermid,  1  March 1837 •   W:  Donald McRae  John McRae.

 by he·. w:  David McDougald,  John McDermid.   J  ames Mc Lean  &  Mary Ann Carnegie,   15  Oct  ber 1 '3'  by
                                                                                               ....  "·
 _David  Thompson  &  Sarah Dixon  11 April 1837  by lie.  The   lie  W:  James Carnegie  Francis L.  Carnegie.
 Wltnesses were·  Th   h   '   •
 John  Fi   ·   ornas  T  ompson,  Robert Thompson.   Andrew Foulds  &  Ell~n Foulds,  19 Dec  1838,  by licence.  w:
 lie   . Al n ~yson, M. D., & Isabella Fraser,  27 June 1837,  by   Areh'd  Foulds,  Robert Roy.
 . hw.   ex r  MeLean,  John S.  McDonell                                                1539
 T  ornas  Thornpso   &  M   ·   .   Benjamin Wood  &  Christy McKay,  2nd January             '  by lie.
 w:  William Bell  Thn   ary  Kirk,  18th August 1837,  by be.   W:  Alexander McKay,  John Wood.   -:::n~  bY lie.
 .  .   •   ornas  Moss   J  0  h                                        ?.5  January    1,,.,. ·   ~
 William McKay  &  J   ·   n  Finlayson &  Christy Sinclair.  -
 Witnesses were·  p  t  anet Gray •  20  October 1837,  by lie.  The   W:  John Davidson  Donald Sinclair.   .:::39  bv lie.
 .  e  er MeKay  W'll'   J  h             '                                F  bruarv  u       •   •
 Alexander p  k   •   1  1am  Grant.   0   n  Davidson &  Isabella Sprowl,  11  e     ·
 ar  &  Mary MCMillan,  27th December 1837 •  bY   W:  William Bain,  John Aird.
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