Page 202 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 202

Eastern District Ma  .
 Rev.  Hugh Urquhart                                                    rr1ages
 196                                                                                               197
 1\Iunro  20  February 1839,  by licence.   ·t  esses were: Stephen Woodman,  Chas  Sh
 James Doull  &  nne   '   wt  n   .  .   A     FI. ·        ~              ·    annon
 mond  John Arthur.   peter Gilhe &        nn      mn,  2;J  February 1840               ..
                    'r McCracken,  David McCracken
 w:  Charles Drum  S  ah Watson  25  February 1839,  by lie.  W:   M~   .           '  by hcence.  W·
 Adam  Knapp  &  ar   '
 1'   \\atson  Francis Knapp.   John R.  Smith  &  Jannet  Grant,  11 March                    .
 1                                                                                1840
 Wt  tam   1   &'  Isabella  Johnstone,  2 April 1839,  by lie.  W:   w·  Duncan Matheson,  Chas.  Derormier.   • by hcence.
 John  Dun op
 J  h  Kyle  George  Pescod.   ·James Manson &  Margaret  McLaughlin           17   M
 0   n   '   &  Margaret Dow,  28th May 1839,  by licence   lie.  w:  Hector  ans on,   W 1  1am McLaughlin.   arch  1840  b
                                                                                                   1  'Y
 Gilman Tay or  '  •   ·
 w·  Duncan Grant,  Alex'r Grant.   .   Alex'r Meldrum  &  Eliza McPherson 19  March    1840   b  .
 ·   s  art  &  Ellen  Munro,  18 June 1839,  by licence.  w:   w:  Duncan McPherson,  Arch'd Sinclair.   '  Y he
 James  rn   '
 George Morgan,  Th os Dorothy.   Robert Thompson &  Elizabeth Eastman,  15th April          1840
 John York  &  Sarah Dunbar,  21st June 1839,  by lie.  w:  John   lie.  w:  John Jardine,  Thos Thompson Jr.   '  by
 Skeith,  John Buchannan.   Moses  Kineer Jr.  &  Margaret Smallman 9th June                        by
                                                                               1             1840
 Donald  :l\lurray  &  Margaret Clarke,  25th June 1839,  by lie.   lie.  w:  Alex'r Smallman,  John Carpenter.   '
 w:  Malcom 1\IcCallum,  Dougall  Murray.   John Bole  &  Margaret Scott,  9 June 1840.  w:  Dixon Hill and
 John  Buchannan  &  Margaret  Lindsay,  11 July 1839,  by lie.   Mathew  Boal.

 w:  John Dunbar,  John York.   John Aitken Jr. &  Nicholas Brown,  30 June 1840,  by  lie.  w:
 Salomon Graham  & Jane 1\Iathews,  18  July 1839,  by licence.   William  Brown,  John Arthur Sr.

 w:  John Fairman,  George  Mathews.   George Day &  Mary Wiseman,  14th July 1840.  w:  Alexander
 Arch'd 1\IcCallum  &  Margaret Grant, 19 August 1839, by lie.   Ross,  Peter Graham.

 w:  John 1\Icintosh,  Donald  Murray.
                Donald  Grant &  Massey Clark,  16 July  1840,  by licence.  \V:
 Edwin McLean  &  Louise Nancy Sauve,  12th September 1839,   James  Cameron,  Alex'r McKay.
 by lie.  w:  Thomas Sauve,  Allan Ross.   Alex'r McLennan &  Christy McDonell,  31  July 1840.  by lie.

 John Kerr  &  Eleanor Knox,  30 September 1839,  by licence.   w:  Alex'r McDonell,  Reg.  McDonell.
 w: James Edgar,  Thomas Edgar.   Dougald  Murray  &  Nancy  Christie,  11 August 1840,  by lie.

 James Gillie &  Margaret Denny,  4 October 1839,  by licence   W:  Alex'r McLeod,  Donald Murray.
 w: Robert Pitts.  John Buchannan.
                John Johnson &  Pamelia Maria Empey,  20 October 1840,  by
 Thomas Whyatt  &  Dorotha Baker,  7th October 1839,  by lie.   lie.  W:  J. W.  Empey,  Wm Johnston.
 w: H.  1\Iilross,  Nelson Baker.
                Paul Curai &  Josette Lock,  21  October 1840,  by  licence.  w:
 Hugh 1\IcDermid & Margaret Sinclair, 8 October 1839, bylic.   Daniel  Cuzarin  Joseph Cuzarin.   .
 w:  Angus  McDermid,  Donald Sinclair.
                John Cline & 'Ann Far linger  24  November 1840.  w:  Wilham
 Charles Rattray & Louisa Chesley,  14 October 1839,  by lie.   Cl'   '                       .
                lne,  Alex'r Far linger.
 w:  Peter Chesley'  R.  Mc Donald.   Ch                                    b  1840  bv hcence.
                   arles Joynt &  Ann Dunbar,  24 Novem  er                            •  ·
 l' Alexander McKay  &  Mary Johnstone,  22nd October 1839,  by   W:  John y   k
 le.  w:  Alex'r McLeod,  David Clark.   or  &  Charles Stevenson.              1 40    bv licence.
               David Clarke  &  Jane  Grant,  31 December  b                          •  ·
 licJo~~ ~cCallum &  Christy Murray,  17th December 1839,  by   W:  John W  d   t                ,
 .  .  ougall Murray  1  Malcolm Mc Callum   p·   oo  ,  Donald Gran .      .  ·on  s Jan 1:;41.
 H ector McKay  &  M   M   ·   .   lnlay lVIcDonell  &  Mary McMillan,  of Ken)  ·
 Sutherland  Al   ary  c Ka y'  28 February 184 0.  w: Will1arn   by lie.  W:  Donald McMillan  Dd.  1\1cl\Iillan.   .   )f Rox-
 '   exander McLeod   Wl .                            '                 .·  t' c~uHClùll.  (
 Francis  Montl  &   ·   b   1   ham lVIclVIillan,  of Lochiel.  &.:  ChllS.)      GCt)  sutherland
 e   Margaret  Shales,   The
 3  February  1840.   orough,  28  Jan1841, bylic. w:John .:\tc:\ltllan.
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