Page 132 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 132

The Ontario Register

 .  E\•a.ns  Hector of \\ oodstock.
 Se  t. .  Rev.  Francis   '                                                                    127
 24 S  t
 In Galt on  ·  ep · •   Ronald  Wilkinson,  a.ged  26 yrs & 5 ds.
 .   r:th  ·nst   the Re\ .  Rober t  Peden aged 43.
 In Hanulton on <>   I   · ·
 At  Toronto on 3rd inst., the wife  of Dr.  :ar~er of Guelph.   L. D. S.  RESEARCH  PAPERS
 (Oct 19 .  1858)  In  Galton 12th inst. ,  Eh Balley,  blacksmith.
 On  16th Sept. ,  Thos.  Fairrie  of  Greenock,  aged  64 yrs,  a   Research papers  prepared  by  the Research Department of

 benefactor of the poor  particularly  for  purposes of education.   the Genealogical Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
 (Nov 9.  1858)  In Owen Sound  in the 71st yr  of her age,  Mary,   Day Saints,  107 South Main St.,  Salt Lake City, Utah.  84111.

 wife of the Rev.  J.  Winterbotham.
 In Galton 3 Nov,  Rober t Jamies on  of Dumfries, aged 77 yrs,   Du ring the past several months the Genealogical Society has

 a native of Scotland.   issued  a  series  of  brief  research  papers  on  an  interesting
 Near Galt on 29 Oct, 1\Iar gar et, wife  of David Soc tt, aged 56.   variety of subjects,  and  additional papers are planned for  the

 (Dec 7,  1858)  In Galton 27  Nov,  Phoebe Anne Maria,  eldest   immediate  future.  The  World  Conference on  Records  is ex-
 dau  of 1\Iorgan Williams of the Galt  Hotel ,  aged 7 ys 2  ms.   pected  to  yield  still  ether  papers  for  the  series.  While  the
          papers are short,  the information given is solid:  generalities
 On  27  Nov  at Beverly Street.  Tor onto,  George Arthur,  6th
 son of Wm  Cayley Esq.   and  extraneous  verbiage  have  been  eliminated  making  each
          paper  well  worth  the  modest  priee  of  fifty cents.  Librar ies
          building genealogical collections are urged to obtain the com-
          plete set before any numbers become o. p.

              The superviser of the research department of the Society is
          the Englishman,  Frank Smith of "Smith and Gardner," the co-
          authors  of  the  three  volume  work  Genealogical  research  in
 GPAI;  Genealogical  Per iodical Annual Index.  volume 6,  1967.
          England  and  Wales,  so far the definitive work on the subject.
 (Bowie,  Md ..  1969).  This is  the  second volume of the series to
          Each of the papers on  pre-1858 English  probate jurisdictions
 be edited by l\Ir.  George Ely Russell, and he is to be congratu-
          are  accompanied  by  well  executed  color coded _m~ps_ \\'?ich
 lated both for the stupendoüs task he  has  accomplished so well   enable one to distinguish at a  glanee the different JunsdiChons
 and for the  excellent format  he  has  given the series.  GPAI is   in a  county.  The papers already published are listed below ·

 the standard and authoritative topical , subject and au thor index
 to  geneal_og~cal pe_riodicals  published  in the U. s. ,  Canada and   Series A.  Great Britain:

 ~reat Bntam.  This  volume  indexes  124 different  periodicals
 (v94  numbers)  The  GPAI  ·   .
 0  1   •   Is a  contmuation (in point of chron-  1.  Major Genealogical Record Sources in Enfa~d and Wales
 J  ogyb)  of thhe ~ g_enealogical  periodicals by Donald Lines   2.  Major Genealogical Record Sources ins Iretaln  d
 aco  us  t  ree velum   ·
                                                       d Sources in  co  an
 the Gen~alogical  Publ ~sh_covermg 1858  - 1952  (available from   3.  Major GenealogiCal Recor   .  the Isle of Man
 5         4                            .  1 Record Sources m
 .  I:h~n;co.,  21-523 St.  Paul  Place, Balti-
 more,  Md. ,  at  15 00   .  Major Genea ogiCa    .        land and Wales by Canal  and
 GPAI  is being partiall  fi et)·  The  gap  between  Jacobus  and   5.  Population Movements mEng
 wall Lane  Mad·   y   led by Robert W.  Carder  16 Stone-  Navigable Rivers.   p  oblems in Wales and
 '   tson,  Conn  06443   h   '
 volume  covering   1953   _  ·  .   •  w  o plans to issue an index   6.  Welsh  Patronymics &  Place Name  r
 1957  1
 present  volume  is  aval  bl   n  December  of  this  year.  The   Monmouthshire.   .   PnX'edures - Fla\\'
                                                                      1 1
 5 5
 Stonybrook Drive  B  ~ a  e  at  ·  0  from  Mr.  Russell,  2906   49.  English-Welsh Genealogical  Rese:uc
 '  OW1e,  Maryland  2071r:   Charts.
   127   128   129   130   131   132   133   134   135   136   137