Page 103 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 103


                                                                                      The Ontario Hcgis ter
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Noted Ontario - Americans
                                                                                    . t  d from the Ontario College of Pharmacy
                                                           ·       Henry gra  ua e                                          1  f     t                                                                                                                          99
                                                        r:user.                             d  studied subsequent y  or wo years
                                                             1      .  of seventeen an                                                                                   al though  he  died  in  that  city,  much  of  his time in the inter-
                                                        at t 1e age        .           d his brother,  .1\I.A.  Slaven, were prom-
                                                        .  Philadelphia  He  an                                                                                          vening  years  was  spcnt  in  Canada.  He never  lost  his  dcep
                                                        m                    ·     f the United States. and for sorne years  they
                                                        inent contractors o                                                     f  th                                    interest  in  Canadian  politics,  and  he  was  an intimate friend
                                                                   .         tt      t  to  construct a  forerunner o                 e Panama
                                                        engagedm an a  emp                                              1       d      t  ·1  d                          of Sir Wilfrid  Laurier among other Canadian leaders.
                                                                      B  Sl  e
                                                        Canal.  H.  ·         av   n was also  in the wholesa e  an  re a1                     rug                           He md in March 1873 ,  Adelaide (d.  1921)  daughter of Alex-
                                                                                                                                 ·  h
                                                        busmess  or  som         e  "ears  at  San  Francisco.  (Nelt  er  of  the                                       ander St.  Denis.  He was  survived by his only child,  a  son.
                                                        Slavens  are  in  the  DAB;  these  notes  come  from the  NCAB,
                                                        3:82).                                                                                                              Sir WILLIAM JAMES WANLESS  (May  1,  1865 -Mar 3, 1933)
                                                                                                                                                                         medical missionary in India who was knighted for his services
                                                           WILLIA.l\1  HENRY  SULLIVAN  (Aug 9,  1864  - Jan 26,  1929)                                                  and also awarded the  Kaiser-i-Hind Medal,  First Class,  was
                                                        lumberman and ci vic leader, was born at Port Dalhousie,  Ont.,                                                  born in  Charleston,  Ontario,  son of  John and Elizabeth Wan-

                                                        son  of  Timothy  and  .1\Iargaret (Sinnett)  Sullivan.  He  attended                                            less.  He  was  educated  in  the  schools  at  Charleston,  ~fount
                                                       schools at St.  Catharines.  He became  engaged in the lumber                                                     Forest and  Guelph.  He graduated from the University 1\ledical
                                                                                                                                                                         College,  New  York  City,  in  1889,  and  in  the  same year he
                                                       business at  Buffalo,  N. Y.,  in Pennsylvania and  ultimately  in
                                                                                                                                                                         sailed for  India where he remained until  1928.  At his retire-
                                                       Louisiana where he founded the City of Bogalusa (named from
                                                       the stream.  Bogue Lusa).                                                                                         ment the Aga Khan presented him with a  farewell  address  en-
                                                                                                                                                                         closed in a  silver casket.  He died at Glendale,  Calif.
                                                          He  md  (1)  Oct 4,  1886  at  Buffalo,  N. Y.,  Elizabeth Calkins
                                                                                                                                                                            He  md (1)  Sept 5,  1889,  Mary Elizabeth Marshall  who died
                                                       who died July 11,  1918.  He  md (2)  Jan 27,  1922 at Slidell,  La.,
                                                                                                                                                                         Aug  12,  1906.  He  md (2)  Dec  5,  1907,  Lillian Emery Havens
                                                       Ella Rose Salmen  who  died  less  than  two  months  before his
                                                                                                                                                                         who survived him.
                                                       own death.  Three  children  were  born  to  the  first  union  and
                                                       two  to  the second.
                                                                                                                                                                            JAMES CRAIG WATSON (Jan 28,  1838  - Nov  22,  1880)
                                                                                                                                                                         astronomer,  was born on a  farm  near Fingal,  Ont. ,  eldest of
                                                          EDWARD  WILLIAM THOMSON (Feb 12,  1849- Mar 5,  1924)                                                          four children of William Watson by his wife Rebecca Bacon. a

                                                       editor, author and poet, was born in Toronto,  a  son of William                                                  native of Nova Scotia, and grandson of James Watson.  I~ 1850
                                                       and  Margaret Hamilton (Foley)  Thomson.  (The  "Encyclopedia                                                     the  family  moved to Ann Arbor,  Mich.  At the age of thtrteen
                                                       Canadiana"  states  that  he  was  born  in  Peel  County  and  it                                                he bad acquired such mechanical skill that an .incompetent ~n:

                                                       na~~s his mother as Margaret Hamilton).  He was edu,cated at                                                      gineer was  discharged so that he could take his pla~e.  Dunn~
                                                       Trmtty  College  Scho  1  w  t                                                           .
                                                                                     o ·     es on.  Before  he  was  sixteen  bts                                       this  time he studied Latin and Greek.  He  entered hlgh scho~l.
                                                       hatred o.f slavery and his admiration of Abraham Lincoln  en-                                                    but as his ability was greater than that of his teacher, ~e ~mt.
                                                       duced  h1m  to 1eave hom               d       .    .                                                            At  the  age  of fifteen  he  entered  the  .Univ~rsity o~ l\l~clu.gan
                                                       th     .  .                      e  an  en 1st m  the  Union army  during
                                                         e Ctvll War  He  served .  b  th                                                                               which  was  the start of a  long associatiOn wtth that  mshtutton,
                                                       C     1        .  ·  .              m  o       the 3rd and 5th Pennsylvania
                                                         ava ry.  Hts  hfelong  ad  ·  t·                                                                               first  as  a  student  and  then  as a  professor of astronomy .. ~e
                                                       his publication ·          t       mira ton  for  Lincoln  is  reflected in
                                                                            m  a er years of rrWh              L'                                                                              .       r  of the Washburn Observatory at thel m-
                                                       poems''  (1909)        0    h"                     en  mcoln died, and other                                     later became directe                .     .         .    and  ublications gained
                                                                           ·    n  1s  return  to  0  t  .                                                              versity of Wisconsin.  HlS  dtscovenes  d  thp  \'orld  one  of the
                                                       Queen's Own Rifles  and                        .  n arw  he  enlisted  in  the                                     .              .  .       d         ds from aroun             e \       ·
                                                       of 1866.  For a  number  sfaw service  during the  Fenian Raids                                                  h1m  recogmtwn an  awar                                .        t·tled 1 nio·ht  Com-
                                                                                                                                                                                                   .  h
                                                                                        o  years  he  w                 .  .       .            d                       more exotiC  of whiC  was              the decorat10n en 1               "   t'>
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           h  l\I  d .. dich of Turkev and
                                                       was employed in the c              t      .           as  a  Civll  engmeer an
                                                                                                                                                                                                        ·  1 Order of t  e
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  e  Jl
                                                        h                            ons  ructton of  th  C  .                                                          mander  of the  Impena                             A      tt  \Vaite who  sun·ivC'd
                                                       t  e  rapids of the Ottaw  R"                         e  arillon Canal around                                    Egypt (1875).  He  md in 1\Tay            1860   •  nne  e
                                                                                       a  IVer.  In     187  9 he Went to Boston  but
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