Page 107 - La Généalogie retrouver ses ancêtres
P. 107


                                                                                    The Ontario Hegister
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Abram  Green
                                                                               ..    to  search  for  death  records in Saginaw                                                                                                                            103
                                                          The  next step \\as                                        ·  ·      · h                ·
                                                                                 ·h· ch  would  appear  to  flt  ln wlt  the known
                                                       Two  were      f  oun  \\  1                               •                         .                         Green,  who  died  12 July 1929,  was  interred  in  Forest Lawn
                                                                      b  h
                                                       facts  An  A  ra  am       G reen  who  was born ln Canada,  was s mg le                                       Cemetery  in  the  lot  next  to  Albert Green.  Her death record
                                                      and  was an  e  ec       .·c·an  died in  Sagmaw,  4th Aprrl  1910  aged                                        was  obtained,  and  it was  learned  that  she  was  born  22  Jan
                                                                         1  tl 1 1
                                                               r::o  Also an Abram  Green,  who was  born ln Canada,  was                                             1853  in  Germany.  Her  husband  was  named as Albert Green,
                                                      about ;)  .                                                d      d  d.  d  .  S
                                                              ·  d  '"as a  gate tender for a  rail roa  , an
                                                      marne  .  "                                                            1e  m  aginaw                            and  the  record stated  further that she  died at 116 Second St.,
                                                      29  1\'o\  1911,  aged 58.  Of the two,  the  latter  would  appear to                                          Rochester,  Mich.  She was living with her nephew,  John Kem-
                                                      fit the facts  slightly better in that his name is given as Abrarn                                              ler,  at the time of her death.  It was  found  through the public
                                                      and he was  reported as married.                                                                                library  at  Rochester that  John Kemler was still living (1962)

                                                         Three newspaper items about the dea th and funer al of Abram                                                 at  the  above  address  in  Rochester.  A  letter  written  to  him
                                                      Green  were  then  checked  in  the  Saginaw Daily News.  It was                                                brought  the  reply  that  all that was known about Albert Green

                                                      Iearned  that  death  was  due to heart trouble and that he was a                                               was  that  he  had  relatives  in  Hamilton,  Ontario.  It was  also
                                                                                                                                                                      learned that Christiana 's maiden name was  Katz.
                                                      gate tender  for  the  l\Iichigan  Central  Railroad.  Rev.  Wilbur
                                                                                                                                                                          For  several  years  while  sorne of the above searches were
                                                      Nelson  of the  First Baptist Church  officiated  at the  funeral,
                                                                                                                                                                      going on, many cens us records had been searched at the Public
                                                     and Abram was  interred in Forest Lawn Cemetery in Saginaw.
                                                                                                                                                                      Archives of Canada in Ottawa,  particularly of places where it
                                                     He left one brother.  Albert,  of Saginaw.
                                                                                                                                                                      was  reported  that  Abram 's  wife  Alice Jane  and  her parents
                                                        An attempt was made to check the Michigan Central Rail road
                                                                                                                                                                      and relatives had lived.  The 1871 census  return for Brantford
                                                     records  for  Abram Green,  but  it  was  learned  that  their old
                                                                                                                                                                      listed an Abraham Green, apparently living alone.  He was  20,
                                                     personnel records were destroyed by fire in 1948.  The probate
                                                                                                                                                                      a  Baptist  of  Irish  origin,  born  in  Ontario,  and  was a  black-
                                                     court records were also checked, and it was learned that there
                                                                                                                                                                      smith.  The  occupation  ties  in  with  the previously mentioned
                                                     is no  record of a  will for  Abram.  The court ordered  that his
                                                                                                                                                                      statement of Mrs De Land who had heard that he was a black-
                                                     belongings be given to one Anna Armstrong.
                                                                                                                                                                      smith.  Also, he was listed as a Baptist, and Abram Green had
                                                        Regarding the brother,  Albert Green,  the Saginaw city dir-                                                  been buried by a Baptist minister. The age stated in the census

                                                     ectory  listed  only  one  Albert  Green  for  the  year  1911  the                                              indicates that he was born about 1851 and thus would have been
                                                     year of  Abram 's death.  He was a  bridgetender and resid,ed at                                                 about 60  if  he were  the Abram Green who  died  in  Saginaw in
                                                     900 Clark Street, Saginaw.  The Forest Lawn Cemetery records                                                     1911.  This  of  course  is  close  enough  to the age of 58 stated

                                                     were checked and the only Albert Green on record was an Al-                                                      for  Abram Green  in  the  death  record.  The same census.  ~e­
                                                     bert.~reen who was buried  8th July 1917  aged 75.  His death                                                    turn  also  lists  an  Albert Green,  aged 27.  of  English  ongm,
                                                    certlf1cate was obta·  d  f                    .     .       '
                                                                   .            me  rom whlCh  tt was learned that he died                                            born in Ontario who was a  Baptist.  The  age  indica~es  tha~ he
                                                    alt  the Pontiac State Hospital, 5  July 1917  aged 75  The record                                                was born about 1844 which is close to the aforementwned birtlfl
                                                    a so stated that he was b                                 '             ·                                                                                 .    .            Perhaps  the  matter o
                                                    his fath  r'                       orn    2  5  April 1842  in Canada and that                                    date of Albert Green as bemg m                   1842  ·
                                                               e  s  name was Bremen G                       Th                                                                                                             •     · the census  record.
                                                    Pital  death             d                     reen.         e  Pontiac State Hos-                               his being of English origin wa.s  an er:~~ 1 to Abraham ;.~.s being
                                                                     recor  was  als        0   h  k
                                                    name of Albert's  .f                      c  ec  ed,  and this stated that the                                    or perhaps an error ocurred m  refer                       g
                                                                             Wl  e was Ch  ·  t·
                                                    ing at that time  N                       ns tana Green who was still liv-                                        of Irish origin.                                           .    l\Iïlicent Crum of
                                                                                                                                                                                                           ·  1962 from  1\llss          1
                                                    that he was als~ s:;,~~:~e: death ~nd funeral notices indicated                                                      Th~n good news came tmr  of  Alice 1\Iillicent Crum  who was
                                                    Blumfield  and  Mrs  Al'  Y two. ststers inCanada,  Mrs  Polly                                                   Harnsburg,  Pa.,  daugh e                         Green.  Her papers indicated
                                                         .                      .      te  Mathias  alth            h       .
                                                    res1dence were not                   f            •        oug  thetr  places  of                                the  youngest daughter of  Abram                     f  d  Br-mt Co           Ontario.
                                                       It was  lat        f     more  ully identified.                                                               that  George A.  Gre~n was               of  Brant or  ,         '        · ·
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   . tt.  This \rould tie in possibly
                                                                     er  ound  from  cemetery  records that Christiana                                               when he married Ahce Jane Bea  ~ ·
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