Page 8 - index
P. 8


                                Squnre Brackels  [I    NUMBERS  IN SQUARE BRACKETS at  the end of  each
                                                       research  segment  in  the  Direcrory  refer  to  THE
                                                       WE  REMIND  ALL  CONTRIBUTORS  TO  FUTURE
                                                       DIRECTORIES  TO  CHECK  ABBREVIATIONS
                                                       APPEARING  ON  THE  CURRENT  ENTRY  FORM
                                                       BEFORE ENTERING DETAILS
                                Place Names snd Codes   We are graleful to Colin Chapman for his agreement to his
                                                       Countv Codes for Britain and Ireland beine adoded in this
                                                       Direcriry. ~qaret~udinand Prledrich ~oimnersh~user have
                                                       supplied  the  abbreviations  for  France  and  Germany

                                                       misspellings ofplace names, we% correcled toassist usem and
                                                       contributors alike.
                                                       JohnBartholomew's Survey Gozeneerofrhe Bn'rish Isles (Ylh
                                                       dilim 1950) har been the ylvrceusd forcdonsofBrilish
                                                       pi-   nms. The CrMmlAlphobefi~lIoder fofhe TmwkmA
                                                       ondTovns. Parisks wdBnmnies oflrelond in 1851 and the
                                                       TapographrcalDinionnry oflrelondby Samuel Lewis (2 volr)
                                                       have  been invaluable for corrections  of Irish place  names
                                                       submined on forms. Somecities arelocated inmore thanone
                                                       county,e.g. Belfast: ANTandD0W;Brislol: SOMandGLS;
                                                       Birmingham:  WAR and WOR; London: MDX, SRY, KEN
                                                       and  HRT.  These cities  frque_ntly appear in the Directory
                                                       without acounryahhrevlatian following. The IP84Norioool
                                                       FiveDigirZip CodeondP.0. Direnory,supplied by theUS.
                                                       Postal  Service,  the  Canadian  Porrnl  Code Direcrory and
                                                       Australia  Past's  posl  code  lists  have  been  consulled  as
                               Family names            Names  being   searched  are listed  in strict alphabetical
                               alpha  sequence         order ~rcrpt those  prefixed  with  MC and  MAC which
                                                       have   been   sorted  together.  Names  containing
                                                       punctuation 0rspacese.g. O'BRIENand  DE LA PORTE
                                                       have  been  sorted  ignarine  the  punctualion  and  spaces
                                                       although  the  nvmcs  have  been  printed  in their proper
                                                       form.  Therefore  DE  LA  PORTE  appears  ofrer
                                                       DELANY.  This  is  a chnnge  from  previous  Dbrcrorics.
                                                       Names originally  prefixed  with  DE, VAN. LAetc. may
                                                       have dropped the prefix and will be listed  underthe first
                                                       letter  of the principal part  aithe name. Both variations
                                                       should be consul~ed.  Family  names such as JOLLY  -
                                                       JOLLEY - lOLLlE have nat beenexpanded  to all variants
                                                       with s (seeentry). All contrlbutorsare requested in futm
                                                       to recordon aseprato linevnrlpthofume rather than
                                                       clutter up a particular entry with twoar thravllrlnnls in
                               Past LXmetorirs

                                                       agcnls listed an the reverse side of the title page
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