Page 6 - index
P. 6


                               The Genealogical Research Directory (G.R.D.)  has become an important international
                               research iml. We believe it to be the cheapest and most convenient means by which persons
                               may exchange research data with distant relatives.
                               This is borne out by the wbsrantially increased panicipation of family historians in this
                               6th Direclory. Some 5254 individual contributorsfrom twenly countries havesubmttted
                               more than 80,000 entries to this Directory It is larger in size, with 704 pages, than the
                                              . -  ..
                               5th Direcrorv  (456 Daeesl Dublished in 1984.  and became available  to contributors
                               worldwide oiy'four  months after the closing date for receipt ofenbies. If demand warrants
                               it, Directodes may be issued bi-annually fmm 1986.
                               Wcagainrecordourthank\t(~ouragl'n~, Margarrt Audln!FMNCE).  Am)  Lru~,(Ni',.
                               Nent Scnrl'lncr-YmtastCSA).  Eliwkth S~rn~wn Phlli~ Stm~';on ICKl. Elrzaklh
                               Th&~r\ell (SWEDEN).  Jcannstv  T)wn  (CANADA)  md krid;rh  Wollmcr\hauscr
                               (GERMANYI. u ho not onl) ass~stdgre~tl) utth the pr~~mota~nof Dtrrcror) alul lhc
                               hubstan1i;rl amount uCms~l recel%eu. hut also w  d oul \artou$ pnbhlemhand gal' US urkl
                               ddt~ce Thanks alsom Gal Ainswanh.  Philip Graham. John Pickeu and John Spurway.
                               Wegratefully acknowledgetheassistanceof thc many genealogical wcietics which sent
                               our forms to their members  inretumforafinancial contributiontowards mailing expenses.
                               30 January  1985.                      K. A. Johnson & M. R.  Sainly.

                                               CONTACTING CONTRIBUTORS

                               Thought and care should be exercised when a reader of this Direnory wishes toconlact oneof the
                               contributors listed.
                               Points to Nolr:-
                               1.  When addressing the envelope, spell the country ofdestination out in full ifwriting to another
                                 country. Write the hill address as shown; even if il does not make sense to you, the post office
                                 of destination will undcrrtuld. Be particularly clear in writing out postal codes.
                          i    2.  Donotmakc ywrinitialconlaEt withcontributors by telephone. you may beintmding on rhsir
                                 privacy and valuable time.
                          (    3.  We  sugsmt you scnd a postage stamp fur local reply or two international stamp coupons if
                                 correspnding with overssas contributors.
                               4.  Send all international mail by AIR.
                          1    5.  Enclose a simple family tree chat ifpossible as it can be understad far moreeasily than pages
                                 of explanations
                               6.  Donolwrite toevrryperron researc~ngaparticul~r~meunlessyou~reinte~Itedinth~tnamc
                                 worldwide. It can be irritating for contributors to receivequeries whichobviouslydonot inany
                                 way relateto their entries in thcDirectory, c.g. Ifacontributorissearchingthename MULLER
                                 inSNngan,Gennmy  1700-1750, do~twritetoUrmabout yourMULLERancestor. whohvek
                          1      in New York USA in 1875or Brisbane AUS in lBBOuders you believe that hecame from Smugan.
                               7.  lfyou expect help try to help Mhers. If the family names of your anceslors are not listed in this
                                 Directory, then you obviously have not entered particulars of them.
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