Page 7 - index
P. 7


                                 ThenertGPnrsl@dR~a~arehDlrectory will be publ~shedinJanuary 1986. The closingdate for
                                 entries:-  31 August,  1985.                                       !
                                 -~~ ~
                                 The Dtrrctu+c  ate reledsed i~multaneousl) .n San Fran~sr,~tUSA,, I.ondcnn (ENG )and Sjdnc)
                                 rAUS  and copnes are matled hy ,~rfact aelncg to nearby ruuntrles  All rcmtrthutor.; nn Nonh
                                 America. Br0ra.n. Eur~,p:andAu<tmla~~au.II rece!vchelrc~np) unthln2 uwk,c~l the hx,k\  bet"@
                                 ADirecloryis sent automatically ta each contributor he of charge. Some 3000 additional copier
                                 are printed for resale by Societicsaad prrchd by stateandld libraries ard individual genealogists
                                 worldwide. This widespread sale and distribution aftheDincloguenables a lam numberafversans
                                 to have access to the &dory   which is of grcat benefit to the contributors
                                 ENTRY WRMS:
                                 Ma) kobla#ned lrnmany ofouragentai~stnlon the reverr side tot he tide paye 01  I,, IU~  \
                                 Form>arc avs~lahls in FrenchandGerman a,uvll  as Engl~sh Cormsarcalwa ,tr~burl by a large   '
                                 nmkr of Gndogad Socletles and )ou \hwlJ rhrck utrh your local roclety fin1   I
                                 IMPROVE THE 1%  DIRECTORY:
                                 In response to suggestions made by users. some changes have been made in this Directory.
                                 Your suggestions onhow fuhlreDireaon'ercould be impmvedare welcomed. Write to the Editon.
                                 G.R.D. C/o any of the agents listed.
                                 SOCIETY LEllNGS:
                                 Societies may advertise FREE; heir particulars are placed at the end of the Directogu.
                                 FORTHCOMING EVERTS:
                                 Please advise the Editors of forthcoming regional, national or internatiod genealogical events.
                                 RESEARCH ARTICLES:
                                 Auhors may submittotheEditors research articles which dd w~th sub~ectsafintemtional interest
                                 andanlikely toassisra wide range of researchers, e.g. Military records inrhelblic Record Off1cc,
                                 London, England; the Petitions held in the Slate Paper Office, Dublin, Ireland; the records of the
                                 General Regismr Office,  Edinburgh, Scolland: and records held an other European repositories.
                                 Pnvavrcearcher<, pmle,,mnal   gcnealog~atsand ~rron~offennd ,r.rrta~asrocmled uith farml)
                                 hlstor) and genealogral  re~arch may  ldge darplay advensrmea,  lor f~lure Dm# loner
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