Page 8 - index
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Antoine Hudon and Wilfrid Hudon both of DOver,N.H. She resided
in this community since 1914$
ALICE B. was born Septo13 1899 at Lac Megantic,P.O. and died Dec.
31,1979 at a nursing Homa in Ber1in,NoHe She was the daughter of
Nazaire and Delvina Rancourt e NazaireBs first marriage was with
cel~na Sanschagrin Feb.7,1871 at Ste Marguerite,p.o.
Her husband was Arthur Nichols who died in 1958. She had one son
Alfred Badeau of Greensboro,N.Ce and four daughters: Mrs. Isidore
(Aldora)Pelchat of BristoluConn. and Mrs. Cyril(Gertrude)Leclerc
of Gorham,N.H. ~nd Mrso Frank(Theresa)Vaccaro of St.Peterburg,
Fla. and Mrs. Ike(Doris)Burke of Atl~:ntic Beach,U.C. Also she
had one surviving sister Mrs 0 Yvonne Ducharme of Lac Megantic.
She has lived in BerliDqNoHQ most of her 11£eo
Her grandparents were Nazaire and Theotiste Filteau who were mar-
ried July 1,1846 at St.Anselme,p.Q.
The parents of Nazaire ware Ambroise and his second wife Madeleine
Bilodeau who were married octQ5,1813 at St.Fran~ois du Sud,P.Q.
Naza1re's first wife Marguerite Labrie and they were married Aug.
3,1801 at StoHenriouevis,PeQ.
The parents of Ambroise were Jean-Ignace and Therese Ratte who
were married in 1773 at St.Pierre,Ile doorleans,p.a. Jean-Ignace
married a second wife Genevieve Roy Auq.21,1797 at St.Henri,p.o.
The parents of Jean-Ignace were Jean-Baptiste and Therese Leroux
who were married Nov.28,1747 at Charlesburg,P.O.
The parents of Jean-Baptiste were Jacques and Elisabeth Renaud
who were married NOve27,1702 at Charlesburg,p.O.
The parents of Jacques were Jacques and Isabelle Doucinet who
were married Oct 0 4,1666 at Quebec o
The parents of the second Jacques were Isaac and Marie Girard
who were married Maro20,1644 at La Rochelle,France.
Isaac was a protestant but was converted to catholicism and