Page 3 - index
P. 3


                                   This book was compiled to stimulate the interest of
                      people in their family. Having a complete list of thei~ ances-
                      tors in direct line from France to Ccmada and to the united-
                      States, they can now branch out in all directions trying to

                      attach to their ancestors as ma.ny members o£ their family as
                      possible. So this book is not an end in itself but a mean to
                      expand and to extand their family tree up to every individual

                      member of their family. This is why a few blank sheets of
                      paper have been added at the end of this book so that other
                      members who have lived or are still livinq or will be in the
                      future may be written and kept within the family for generations
                      to come.

                                  The sources of this book are first the obituaries
                      taken from newspapers and especially those found in the Lewiston's

                     SUDS and Journals; also from the three series o~ books of' Brother
                      ,                              ,  ;
                     Sloi-Gerard Talbot 'Genealoqies deB familles or1ginaires des
                     comtes de Montmaqny, 1'Islet n' :aellechasse' and 'Recueil de
                        ... ,.                     J.
                     Genealogies des comtes de Beaude,Dorchester,Frantenac' and
                      'Charlesvoix - Saquenay' ;a180 from the 'D':'ctionnaire Genealoqique

                     des familles Canadiennas' by Mep:. cyprien Tanguay; and also' from
                     hundreds of other books of marriages from the Province of aue"bec;
                     and finally from books 0'£ marriages of New Hampshire and of Maine.

                                                                                      July 29,1980
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