Page 5 - index
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                                                           AUBlE (AUBE )
                       THEOPHILE was born on May 8.. 1900 and died on June 23,1979.He was

                       from GOrham,N.H. and died at a.home for the Elderlies in Glencliff,
                       N.H. He was the son of Theophile and of Demerise Tanguay w 0 were
                       married Aug. 8,1899 in Gorham.
                       His wife was former Emma Leclerc who died several years ago. He
                       had two surviving sisters: Mrs Doris Boivin and Mrs. Leona Stiles,
                       bo:th from Gorham.
                       Theophile was co-owner of the Aubie Ice Co. in Gorham - employed
                       at the Cascade boiler house for Brown Co. until his retirement.

                       His grandparents were Henri(Honore) and Blanche Lebelle who were
                       married May 10,1871 at Ange-Gardien,P.O.
                       The parents of the above Henri(Honor.) were Andre( and                         his second
                       wife Euphrosine Hudon dit Beaulieu.They were married Feb.',1832

                       at S1;8 Claire,P.O. Andr'·s first wife was Marthe ~isson and were
                      married Jan.20,18l8 at St.Charles,Bellechasse,p.o.
                      The parents of the above Andrtf were Boniface and Victoire Genest.
                      They were married July 30,1793 at St.Michel,Bellechasse,p.o.

                      The parents of the above Boniface were Boniface and Marie-Made-
                      leine Blais. They were married Nov.lS,1762 at Berthier,p.o. This
                      Boniface also married Marie-Anne Boucher Auq.20,1799 at St.Gervais,
                      The parents of the second Boniface were Andrl and Gen$vieve.Fradet.

                      They were married Jan.7,17lS at StoValier,Bellechasse,P.Oo
                      The parents of Andr~were Jean Obey and Agn.s.o ••••he would have
                      been taken· prisoner aroundCorlar,New Enqland by the french qover-
                      nor of Quebec. On Janol2,1699 he was baptized at'Ile-aux Grues,

                      P.O. and ad~pted by Guillaume Lemieux. He was born in 1683 and
                      was buried at St.Valier on Jan,30,1753.


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