Page 7 - index
P. 7
He had 2 surviving broth@lrs~ Joseph of Lewiston..Me and Alphonse
of Quebec City. He lived in Lewiston since 1964 e
His grandparents were Joseph and Marie-Caroline Fortier who were
married Sept.ll,1865 at St~Lmzare,Bellechasse,P5Q.
The parents of the above Joseph ware Louis and Sophie Chabot who
were married Oct~661840 at StoCharles8Bellechass~,P.QG
The parents of Louis were Ga101rj.el and Marqu~1te Fortier who were
married Oct.17,1803 at St.ValierQBellechasse,P.Q$
The parents of Gabriel were Louis and his first wife Charlotte
Gosselin who were married Oct o 6 1778 at St8Charles. Louis married
his second wife Reine LamQrre Nov.6 1827 ~t St.Gervais,Bellechasse.
The parents of Louis were Jean and his first wife Marie Dalleret
who were married Nov.4,1743 at StcJean, Ile d'orl~ans,p.Q. Jean
married his second wife Margu~ite Emond Oct.21,l765 at St.Char-
The parents of Ja~n were Joseph and Jeanne Pouliot who were married
Nov.5,1703 at StoLaurentoIle d30rleans~poQ.
The parents of Joseph were Nicolas and Madeleine Despres who were
married Nov.15,1670 at St0F~milleuIle d 0rleans.
The parents of Nicolas Audet d1t ~~iDte were Innocent Audet and
Vincente Roy of St-Pierre of Maille:diocese of Poitiers,in poitou,
Franee. Nicolas 3 wif~ tlCW the cl~:a:~gh.ter of Franc;ois Despres and of
Madeleine Le Grand of st-sauveur,paris,France. Nicolas was buried
Dec.10,1700 at St-JeanaIle deorl~ans~
(1676 - 1977)
MARIE A was born Jan~2Q1891 ~t st 0 Pac8me,Kamouraska,P.Q. and died
at the Marcotte Home in Lewiston,Me in 1977 0 She was the dauqhter
of Victor Beaulieu and of Aurora Caron who were married July 19,
1892 at st.Pacomeo
Her husband was Majorique La.gasse'" 'l;'iho died in 1962. She had one
daughter Mrso Normand(Ro~e Aimee)Driscoll of Lewiston,Me and one
son Robert also of. Lewiston~ She also had two surviving brothers: