Page 74 - index
P. 74
The parents of Joseph were Antoine and Th6r~se Quirion who were
married July 1°01787 at SteFranfois9Beauce,p.Q.
The parents of Antoine were Joseph and his first wife Josette
Turcotte who were married Jano20,1749 at StoJoachim,p.O. He
married as second wife Marie Caron Jan g l8,1?73 at St.Joseph,Beau-
ce,P.O. He married as thrid wife Madeleine Lagueux who were
married Sept.28 1718 at StoJosepho
The parents of Joseph "sere Julien and Marie Tremblay who were
married June 19,1719 at la Bale St-Paul,p~Q0
The parents of Julien were Jacques and Catherine Biville who were
married June 11 1689 at Quebec CitYe
" , .'
The parents of Jacques were Julien and GeneV18ve Gamache who
were married Nov.ll,1652 in Qu'bec o
The parents of Julien were Jul ien and Harie Lavye Who were mar-
ried Nov&26 1618 at Notre-Daroeos Ch~ch at Notre-Dame-de-Vair,
arrondissement of Mamaib's (sarthe) {J France.Julien his son was
baptized Febe9,1621 and his godparents were Fran~ois Loriot
and Marine-Denise Fouet s Marie Lavye was buried Nov.ll,1628,
on a Friday. Julian es wife Genevieve Gamache was the daughter
of Nicolas and Jacqueline Cadotte of Illiers o diocese of Char-
tres,departement of Eure at LoirffPrancco
PROSPER was born Dec o 6 1911 and died at the age of 65 in Bruns-
wick,Me in an hospital~ He was the son of Auguste and Anna Richard
who were married June 29,1908 in Brunswick,Mee
His wife was Lucienne caroneThey were married Aug.S,1936 in Bruns-
wick. They had one son.:Dennis of Acton and 2 dauqhters:Joanne
Fortin of Brunswick and lirs o Prisca Perrin of West Buxton,Me.
Also he had a survivng sii;ter: ~lrso Arthur Benoit of Brunswick
and 7 grandchildreno He was employed at Fortin Furniture and
Appliances co. and also at Nap's Home Bakery and at Miss Bruns-
wick Diner and at Bath Iron Works ,and at Cabot & Verney Manufac-