Page 71 - index
P. 71


              He was the son of Ontas and Heloise Cate who were married Aug.

              18,1891 at lIe Verte,PcQ& His wife was M.Ange Levesque who died
               in 1956 e He lived in Lewiston all his life.                 ,
              His grandparents were Marcellin and Philomene Marquis who were
              married Jan.29,1856 at StcAnselme,PcQ.

              The parents of Marcellin were Joseph and Victoria Bilodeau who
              were married Jan.15,1816 at St0Henri Levis,P.Q Q
              The parents of Joseph were Alexandre and his first wife Elisabeth
              Couture who were married Maro30 g 1788 at Beaumont,P.O. He married

              as second·wife M~Louise Bussiere who were Feb.4,l811 at St.Henti.
              He married his third wife Ad'laide Blais oct o 30,1826 at St.Henri.
              The parents of Alexandre were Jean-Baptiste and Marguerite Guay
              who were married Oct.7,1760 at Beaumont,Bellecahsse,P.O.

              The parents of Jean-Baptiste were Jean-Baptiste and M.Fran~oise
              Roy who were married'Sept~22,1721at Beaumont.(This above couple

              can be found on p~e 63 e )


              JOHN C.·was born Sep~e 11 1914 and died July 26,1979 at Williman-
              tic,CT after a long illness~ He was born in AubUrn,He but lived

              in Lewiston,Meo He was the son of Alfred and Odelie Chabot who
              were married Novo22,1907 in Auburn,Me.
              His wife was Bernice of WillimanticeCTo They had 3 daughters:
              ~tts. Gerard(Joline)Gagne of Vernon,CT and Mrs. John(Monique)
              Grenier of Lewiston,Me and Mrs. John(Fleurette)Roux of Lewiston,

              and a son Raymond of Lewiston and one stepson Eddie Fortier of
             Willimantic and 18 grandchildren o He was a veteran of W.W. II.
             His grandparents were Jean-Baptiste and Marguerite Lamontagne
             who were       married Jan.12 lC41 at StoAnselme,p.Q.
             The parents of Jean-Baptiute were Fran90is and Angelique Couture
             who were married Sept030Q~8~7 at St.Char1es,Be11echasse,P.Q.
             The parents of Franjois were Antoine and MeCharlotte Picard who
             were married Aug.16,1785 at stGCharles,Bellechasse,P.O.
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