Page 76 - index
P. 76
LUCILLE was born at St,Simon,P.O G and died June 11,1979 at the
age of 78 at her residence after a long illness.She lived in
Lewis«:on,Me. She was the daughter of Joseph and Flavie Rioux
who were married Feb.23 1886 at St.Fabien,Rimouski,P.O.
Her husband was Joe.A. Rioux of Lewiston,Me. Her 2 sisters
who survived her were MrsGJohnLe(Alice)Lavoie of Lewiston
nad Mrs Leona Pelletier of portland,Me and 2 brothers: Edgar
of Litchfield,Me and Louis of Auburn,Me. She lived in Lewiston
most of her life.
Her gtandparents were Paul and. Adelaide Albert who were married
Oct.23,1855 at St.Fabien,P.Q.
The parents of Paul were Charles Honore and Christine Gagne who
were married Jan.14,1806 at Islet,P.Q&
The parents of Charles Honore were Alexis and Felicite Bernier
who were married Novol6,1767 at Islet.
The parents of Alexis were Nicolas and G'nevieve Langlois who
were married Jan.3l,l719 - civil marriage contract by Michon.
The parents of Nicolas were Jean&Elisabeth Roy who were married
in 1687.
The parents of Jean were Guillaume and Fran~oise Hebert who
were married in 1651 at QuE'fbec Cityo They married was in Novo
20,1651. Guillaume was baptized in 1619 in the parish of Coul-
lemer~~~tement of Orne o in mormandieQFrancee His wife
Fran~oise was baptized Jano27,1638 and was the daughter of
Guillaume Hebert and of Helene Desportes. Mr. Fourn er was bu -
ried oct.25 1699 at Montmagny,PoQo
NAPOLEON was born at Islet,poQ. and died in 1977 at the age of
89 in a Portland,Maine Hospital after a short illness. He was
the son of Auguste and Rosanna Lavoie who were married Jan.~,1883
at Islet,PeQ..