Page 78 - index
P. 78
(Emerentienne)Bolduc and Mrs Gerard(Denise)Bisson and Miss
Enelda Gagn~ all of Ste Henedineo He lived in Berlin,N.H. since
1925: FOE for 51 years:member of Local 75 and employed on the
service crew at the Cascade Towel Room ior Brown Co. before 1968
when he retiredo
His grandparents were Jacques and Madeleine Guay who were married
Aug.12,l851 at Ste Marguerite,p.Q.
The parents of Jacques were Jacques and Monique Dallaire who
were married Feb o 20,1828 at LauzongPQQe
The parents of the second Jacques were Germain and his second
wife Rose Langlois who were married Augo20 g l798 at St.Franiois
du Sud,PeQe He married as first wife M.Louise Fournier Jan.l,
1788 at St.ThomasoMontmagnyoPoQ$
The parents of Germain were Joseph and his first wife Josette
Landry who were married Octe5,1745 at St.Franyois,Ile d'Orleans.
He married as second wife M.Jeanne Parent Apr.12,l779 at Ste
Marie de BeaucegPoQo
The parents of Joseph were Jean-Baptiste and Claire Buteau who
were married July 5,1706 at SteFranfois,Ile d1orleans.
The parents of Jean-Baptiste were Olivier and Isabelle Lachance
who were married NOve8~1679 at Ste FamillegIle d'Orleans.
The parents of Olivier were Louis and Marie Michel who were mar-
ried in 1638 in Francec
The parents of Louis were Louis and Marie Launay who were married
in Franceo This last Louis lived at St-Cosme-de-Vair(Sarthe) in
1605 and in Ige in 1610 G He died Apro6 1640 and was buried in the
church ofSt-Cosmeo He had Pierre baptized at Ige Jan.2,16l0 and
Louis septe13,1612@ 2ierre married around 1639 Margu'rite Rouzee
daughter of Jehan and Catherine La Barbier of Jauze(Sarthe).He
came to Canada around 1643 with his wife and one son Jacques. He
died of what was called of slow Davers and was buried May 1,1656
at QU~bec City. His brother Louis married around 1638 Marie Michel
daughter of Pierre and of Louise Gory living in the parish of
st-Martin-du-Vleux-Belleme(Orne)8 He came to Canada in 1643 and
died in 1662.