Page 69 - index
P. 69



               HECTOR L. was born Dec.9,1889 in Canada and died July 12,1979
                in Lewiston,i'1e after a long i11nesse He was the son of Edmond
               and Malvina Latulippe who were married Octo12,l887 at st.Fran~ois,

               His wife was Hedwidge De Daigneault who died in 1975.He had 2
               surviving sisters: Miss Irma Ferland of Auburn,Me and Mrs. Phi-
               lip(Ge;maine)Turgeon of LewistonoMee He spant most of his life

               in Jackman,Me employed by that communityOs Water District. He
               came to L~~iston,Me in 19640
               Hector is the brother of Germaine on page64. 50 his ancestors

               are the same 0


               LIONEL was born Septe 23,1907 at BerlineN.H. and died Apr.l5,1980
               in an Hospital having been a patient for a week. He was                            the son

               Philibert and Demerise Lamontagne who were married July 31,1905
               at Ste     Marie de Beauce~poQo He married his first wife Delvina
               Bisson Aug.7,1888 at 5tandoo g P.Qo
               His surviving sisters were MrsoWlfrid Rousseau of Berlin and Mrs
               Andrew Flynn of Lontana,Flao He lived in Berlin all his life and

               was employed in the beater room at Cascade Mill, Brown, Co. until
               his retirement 7 years ago.
              His grandparents were Frangois and Marie Turcotte who were                              mar-
               ried Oct.4,1842 at Ste Marie,Beauce@P.Q.

               The parents of Fran90is were Jean and Marie Perron Who were mar-
              r~ed oct.14,1820 at Ste Maries
              The parents of Jean were Franjois and M.Anne Turmel who were mar-
              ried June 10,1793 at Ste 14a.rie. (This above couple is also found
              on page 64.)

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