Page 170 - index
P. 170
Sud,Poo. He married as second wife c;enevieve Chouinard Apr. 1,
1788 at St.Jean Port-Joli,PeQ&
The parents of the third Felix were Michel and Marthe Tondreau
qho were married Feb.28,1753 at Islet.
The parents of Michel were Louis and S$bastienne Pelchat who
were married Feb.2B,171S in France.Michel's brother,Louis was
baptized July 22,1722 at Biards,(Manche), diocese of Avranches,
in Normandie,Francae
ELISE was born Sept.23 1897 at stoRomaineP.O. and died at the
age of 80 at a NUrsing Home in Lewiston,Me following a long
Illness. She was the daughter of Alphonse and Philom'Eme Marceau
who were married Aug.29,1881 at St.Romain. Her surviving sister
was Mrs Emelia Pratt of Lewiston. She lived in Lewiston, many years.
Ber grandparents were Jean and Obeline Ruel who were married
Auq.4,18S0 at Lambton,P.Qe
The parents of Jean were Fran90is and Marie Lec1erc.(No date nor
place of marriaqQa)
The parents of Fransois were Louis and his first wife Ange'1ique
Lafontaine who were married Jan.lO,1797 at St.Charles,p.o. He
married as second wife Elisabeth Lacombe oct.29,1811 at St.Michel,
The parents of Louis ware Louis and Marie Audet who were married
Nov.22,17Sl at S~$Jean,Ile d'orleans,PcQo
. "
The parents of the second Louis were BiU"thelemi and Marguerite
Fontaine who were married Novo29,1721 at St.Jean,Ile d'orleans.
The parents of Barthelemi were Pi~re and Gabrielle Minaud who
were married nay 17,1670 at ste FamillegIle d'orleans. Pierre
most probably came from La Rochelle,France and his wife was the
dauqhter of Jean and Jeanne Caille of Fontenay-le-Comte,France.
, .
Pierre was buried Septo12 1.106 at Quebec and his wife NOVe 27,
1701 at St.Jean,Ile d90~1'ans~