Page 165 - index
P. 165
His children were Mrs Arthur{Lor~tte)Mathieu of Lewiston,Me
and Dr. G.P o Raynald Roy of Lewiston. His surviving relatives were
Mrs. Henri(Marie)Valliere# a sister from Quebec City and 3 bro-
thers Napoleon of Quebec City and Antoine and Philippe both of st.
Lambert,P.Q. and 5 grandchildren and 1 greatgrandchi1d. He was
tha Propriator of George AQ Roy !:iarket on Lincoln St. in Lewiston
for many yearse
His grandparents ware Etienne and Luce Blouin who were married
Aug.3,l852 at st.Henri p.Q0
,. " ..
The parents of Etianne were Etienne and Angela Bilodeau Who were
married Febo12 g 1828 at SteHenrie
, <I"
The parents of the second Etienne were Etienne and Marie Godbout
who wero married Aug.ll,1801 at St.Garvais,P.Q.
~ , .
The parents of the third Etienne were Joseph and Marguer1te Re-
millard who were married May 24 1762 at St0Va1ier,P.Q.
The parents of Joseph were Joseph and his first wife Agathe Fradet
who were married July 14 g 1729 at St.Valier. He married as second
wife Brigitte Ch~t6auneuf Feb.17,1749 at St.Valier and his third
wife Marie Labrie Apr o 28 g 1160 at SteValier~ (This last Joseph
is with his thr~e wives on p~ge 159.>
(1658 .... 1979)
MARIA was born Nov.20 1890 at SteBernardQ~0Qo and died Aug.23,l979
in an hospital in Barlin,N.B. She was the daughter of George and
Marie Octeau who were married Auq021,1876 at St.Bernard.
Her husband was Frank 00 Lacha.nce who died in 1956. They had two
sons Frank D. of NSt'fPOrtq ~"T and Sylvio of North ConwaY,N.H. and
5 daughters: Mre e Cecile Pive of Newport,V'l' and Mrs Germaine
Titus of Fort Charlotte,fl~. and Mrs Simone Kline of st.peterburg,
Fla and Mrs Madeleine Lurvey of Berlin and Mrs Collette Moore of
Miami,Fla. Har surviving sister was Mrs Evelyn Roy of St.Bernard,
P.Q. and 18 grandchildren and 1 greatgrandchild. She lived in
Berlin most of her life@