Page 168 - index
P. 168
Her grandparents were Thaddea and Elisabeth Beaulieu who were
married Sep~e7,l863 at St.Evariste,p.a.
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The paren'ts of Thaddee ware Thomas? and Genevieve Leclerc.(No
date nor place of marriaqse)
The parents of Thomas were Michel and Franyoise Pouliot who were
married July 14,1194 at st.Gerva1s,p.Q.
The parents of Michel were Jean-Chrysostome and M.Anqelique Richard
Who were married Apr.20,1751 - civil marriaqe con'trac't by Rous.elot.
The parents of Jean-Chrysostome were Iqnace and Madeleine pelletier
who w$re married around 1717.
The paren1:s of Ignace were Pterre and Mar1e Jalber't who were mar-
.. ,
ried Apr.24,l679 at ste Famille,Ile d'orleans,P.O.
The parents of Pierre were ~4ichel and Fran90ise Enqrand from St.
Martin of Rouen, in Normandie,France. His wife Marie Gerbert(Jal-
bert) was 'the daughter of Mathurin a.nd of Isabelle Tarqe.
-..a. ...,.....~_...._.-.- _
M.ANGE was born Feb.~3,l928 at st.Jean Chrysostome,P.Q. and died
at 'the -.age of 49 at her home in Berlin,N.H. She was ,the daughter
of Antoine(An'tonio) and Blanche Mornea.u who were married Jan.13,
1925 at S't.Jean ChrysostomeQ
Her husband was Laurier J .Leclerc of Berlin. They had one son Roger
of Waterville,Me.Her survivinq brothers Leonard and Wlliam of
Cahrny,P.Q. and one sister ~ttso Yolande Cou1:ure of Breakyyille,P.O.
She lived in Berlin for 29 yearsc
Ber grandparents were Michel and Emma Roberqe who were married
oct.18,1898 at St.Jean Chrysostome,P.Q.
The parents of Michel were Michel and Angele Paradis who were mar-
ried July l7 g 1865 at St.Jean Cbrysoatome.
The parents of the second Michel were Michel and Madeleine Dumas
who were married Jan.23,1838 at St.Jean Chrysostome•.
The parents of i:h0 third Michel were Joseph and Anqc(lique Couture
who were married Jmn.23,1798 at Lauzon,p.a.