Page 169 - index
P. 169


                                                                           4''' ..
                The parents of Joseph,Jean-Charles and Genevieve Carrier who were

                married July 17 g 1764 at Lauzon.
                The parents of Jean-Charles were Jean-Baptiste and G~n'vieve

                Lemieux who were married J an.23,1736 at Lauzon,P.Q.
                The parents of Jean-Baptiste were                 Jean and Charlotte Lecours
                who were married Apr.26,1706 -"civil marriage contract by Genaple.

                The parents of Jean were Gabriel and Franyoise Durand who were
                married Nov.29,1669 at Quebec City~
                The parent~ of Gabriel were Toussaint and Catherine Chevalier of

                St-Gatien-des-Bois(Calcados) diocese of Lisieux, in Normandie,
                France. Gabriel was born around 1643. His wife was" the daughter
                of Martin and of Fran90ise Brunet of Quimper-eorentin,diocese
                of cornouailles in Bretagne,France.



               MICHEL L. was born AU9024,1891 at St.Eugene,P.Q. and died July 3,
               1980 at the Marshwood Nursing Home in Lewiston,Me. He was actually

               liVing at Saba:ttus,Me. He was the son of Auguste and of palmyre
               Anctil who were married Febo9,1880 at St.Eug&ne.
               His wife was Anne M. Bard. They had 3 daughters: Mrs.. Thomas
               (Jeanne d'Arc)Foley of Richmond,Wash. and Mrs Russell(Fernande)
               Champagne of Farminqton,Me and Mrs Albert(Gertrude)Johnson of

               York,Me and 5 sons: Lorenzo{Joso) and Normand and Harold all of
               AUburn,Me and John and Alphonse of LewistoD ,Me. Ris surviving
               relatives ware 3 broth@~a: Athelbert of Lewiston and Alphonse
               of Biddeford,Me and Cleophas of Montreal and 33 9randchildren

               andl3 'greatqrandchildrene He was a retired carpenter..
               His grandparents were Fel~" "MCt Clemei1i:1ne Kirouac who were mar-

               ried Nov.25,1851 at !sletgPoQ Q
               The parents of F'lu" were Felix and Modeste Morin who were mar-

               ried Sept.28,~813 at Is~et9PoQe
                                                      ..              ;
               The parents of the second Felix were Felix and his first wife
              Marguerite Garant who ware married Jane22,,1785 at st.Fran~ois du
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