Page 161 - index
P. 161
The parents of the second Augustin were Fran~ois and his firat
wife Marie Martineau who were married octG28,1800 at ste Marie
de Besuce. He married as second wife Emilie Gilbert Jan.l5,l856
at Ste Marie de BeaUC8.
The parents of Franiois were Fabien and Marie Ferland who were
married Feb.26,1772 at Ste Marie de Beauca.
The parents of Fabien were Jean and his second wife M.Josette
Presseau who were married Nov.7,1735 at Charlesbourg,p.a. He
married as first wife M.~atherine Bernard Apr.24,1729 at Quebec
The parents of Jean were Jean and Anne Chouette of Retaud,diocese
of Xaintes,in Saintonge,France. His first wife was the daughter
of Hilaire and of Madeleine Voyer and his second was the daughter
~ , ,
of ~~an Presseau dit prejean and Angalique Huppe. Jean's family
name was Roudier and it was changed to Routhier.
BLANCHE was born Apr@25,1914 at Berlin,N.H. and died nec.25,1979.
She lived in a Nursing Home. S~e was the daught:cr of Alfred and
Pruden€ienne Comeau who were married Auq.6,1900 in Berlin.
Her husband was Maurice Beaudoin. They were married May 26,1941
in Berlin. They had 2 sons:John M. of Hanover,Me and Richard of
DerrY,.N.H. and a daughter Miss Louise M G Beaudoin of Berlin. She
also had 4 grandchildren. She was employed as a. bookkeeper at the
Berlin City Bank .until her retirement in Apr.197~.
Her grandparents were Antoine and celanire Jacques who were mar-
ried Oct.15,1867 at St.Elzear,P.Q.
The parents of Antoina were Jacques and Sophie Marcoux who were
married sept.6,1836 at Ste Marie de Beauce,PeQe
The parents of JaCques were Fran90is and his frist wife Marie
Martineau who were married oct.28,1800 at ste Marie 'de Beauce.
(see the above couple on top of this page.)