Page 130 - index
P. 130
ROSE A. was born Oct.16,l890 in BruQSwick,Me and died Dec.3l,1976
also 1D Brunswick. She was the daughter of Am8dee and Josephine
Caron who were married Feb.14,1886 in Brunswick.
Her husband was r.eon J. Fortin Who died in 1960. They had 2 daugh-
~ers: Mr•• Qeorge(Alberta)'1'urner of Brunswick and Mr•• Peter
(Madeline)Morin of Warwick,R.I. Her surviving relative. were a
sis~er BYa Menard of Brunswick and 2 grandchildren. She wu employ-
ed in singer's Department St-ore. After marriage .he ownecl and ope-
rated. her own dr... shop for many ye~s - worked in the coat depart-
ment for W.'1'. Grant - wo~ked in the Women's Shop - worked at the
Mercy Hoapital in portland,Me and returned to BrUnswick in 1966.
Her vraDdparenta were Buc1\er and Flore Berger who were married
Bov.ll,18S6 at Islet,p.a.
~e parenta of Eucher were Jean-Baptiste and hi. second wUe
C;'cile Fournier Who were married July 11,1820 at Islet. He married
as first wife Marguerite GuiIDont Jan.19,1813 at Islet.
The parents of aean-Baptiste were Jean-Baptiste and hia firat
wife Marguerite Belanger who were married Nov.14,1791 at Ialet,p.o.
He married as second wife M.Anne Jolin July 3,1837 .~ S~.Franioia
du lud,p.a.
The parente of the .econd Jean-Baptiste were Adrien and his fir.t
, .
wife ADgel~e Dupont who were married Bov.19,1764 at C~ S1:.1-
911&O-,p.a. He married as second wife Charlotte Gamache 1llOV.12,1778
•.civil marriage conuact by St.Aubin.
'lbe parent:a of Adrien were prangois and Louue G~8rard of the pa-
X'ish of Brouillard, Baase-Normandie,France. His first rife waa
~ ~
the daughter of NoVl Dupont and of Angelique Norneau and hie ....
cond the dauqhter of Joachim Gamache and of Scholastique Thibault.
JOSEPH A. was born Sept.2,191l atst.Damien,Be1lechasse,p.0. and