Page 126 - index
P. 126
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The parents of JEl&n were Etienne and Elisabeth Fortier who were
married July 22 1828 at StoGervaiseBsllschasse,P.Q.
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The parents of Etienne t'\\'ere Charles and Charlotte Rheaume who
were married in 1798.
The parents of Charl®~ were Pierre and lot.Genevieve Leclerc who
were married 1767 at st.Pierre,Ile d 0rleans g P.Q.
The parents of Pierre were Jos~ph and M@!'ladelaine Drouin who
were married Febel~;,r1730 at Ste Famille, lle d'Orleans.
The parents of Joseph were ~larc Antoine and Jeanne Nourice who
were married Nov o 9 1688 at Ste FamillegIle d'orleans,PeQ.
The parents of Marc Antoine were Alexandre and Anne de CosteplUU.!lle
They were from Lacaune(Tarn) "France€> His wife Jeanne was the dauqh-
tar of Marin and Antoinette Lamoureaux. Marc Antoine's family name
was Canac and it was changed to Marquis 0
IRENE was belen in B~.ddafordt'Me and died Oct@20,1978 in a local
hospital at the ~ge of 1Ge She was the daughter of Philippe and
of Eglephire Dion who ~®~~ married July 3 1886 in Biddeford.
Her husband wu -;qilfred A. Robergs of Biddeford. They had a son
Richard W. of Old OrchardgM~ and one daughtGU' aeatrice Fletcher
of Saco,Me. Her surviving r~latives were one brother Albert- of
Biddefo~d and 2 s1st0~S: Isabelle Nadeau and Carmeline Neault both
of Biddeford and one grandchild.
Her grandparen~a were JGan-P1err~ and H~nriette Pelletier who were
married Oct o 18,1859 at SteAon de la pocatier@ePeQe
The par~nts of Jean-Pierre wers Piarr~-Noel and his second wife
Anastasio Plourde who ware married Aug.S,1814 at RivtBre-ouelle,
P.O. He married as first wife Victoire Hudon Nov.9,1801 at Rivie-
", ....
The p~enta gf Pie~re-Noel w~ra P erT.e-Fran~o s an d M.Genevieve
Boucher who were married Sept.30,1711 at Riviere-oualle.
The parents of Pierra-Fran~ois \'I1sre Fran~ois and Marthe Paradis
who were married J&ne12 1745 at Riv1ere-ouelle@