Page 127 - index
P. 127
The parents of Fran~ois wer~ Richard and Jeanne Jordan of st.
'" Etienne de Bacillyo arrondi~~ement of Avranchea,Manche in Nor-
mandie,Franc0e His wife Marthe was the daughter of Guillaume
Paradis and Marqutrite~catherineHudonG Fran~ois was buried May
27,1782 at Riviere-ouelleo
ARMAND was born May 21 1908 at StcMethodegPoQG and died Feb.13,
1980 at the hospital in LewistonoMe after a short illness.He was
the son of Joseph and Desneiges Turcotte who were married May 2,
1905 at S~.EphxemeP0Q0
His wife was Laur~tta Be Caron of LQwistonG They had one daughter,
Mrs William (Cecile) Turner of SabattusoMe and 8 sons: Bertrand
of At:hens"Greece and 14aurice and Rosa1Jl:'e and Raymond all of Lewis-
ton and Donald and Jos~ph and George all of Boston and Louis of
portland,MG$ His surviving relatives wer~ 2 ~isters M'arie Goulet
a.nd Mrs Andrew(Rose)Mahewc both of Lewiston and 5 brothers: Arthur
and Alfred and Andr~a and Emilien all of Lewiston and Dolard of
Auburn,Me and 20 grandchildreno He lived in Lewiston since 1920.
Ria qrandpartiillnts were Joseph and Marie Audet who were married May
6 1879 at St.EphremgPoQo
The parents .of Joseph ~ere Augustin and Brigitte Turcotte who were
married Sapt~21q1824 at St.Fran~oisQBemuceQP0g$
The parents of Augustin were Franlois and his first wife M.Louise
Cloutier Who wer@ married Fab0 12 g 1781 at St.JosephoBeauce,PeQ. He
married as second wife Margu6rite Roy NOVe22,1831 at St.Frangois,
The parents of Fran~o1s ~exe Fran~ois and Marie Letarte who were
m~ried Nov o 19 g 1161 - civil marriage contract by NaHuoto
The parents of the second Fran~ois were Jean 8~d Anne Tr~panier
who were married Jan o 14@1137 ~t Ch~te~u=RiehergP~Qe
The par~nts of J~an were Rene and Genevieve Roussin who were mar-
ri~d NOV o 9 1699 at Ange GardieneP~Qo