Page 134 - index
P. 134


                   Hia grandparent~ were VitQl and Hs~riette Buteau who were married
                   July 12 g l859 at StoFran~oi~ du Sud,PoQ.

                  The parents of Vital were Rene and Madeleine Bouchard-G who were
                  married Jan.14 g 1823 at StoFran~oia du Sud.
                  The parents of Rena w~~e Rene-Toussaint and Madeleine Bouchard
                  who ware married Feb.22,1791 at St.Pierre du Sud.
                  The parents of R@na-Toussaint were Augustin and Judith Talbot who

                  were married Nov91o g 1750 at St@Franyois du Sud.
                  The parents of Auqustin ~3ere Pierre and Harie Boulet who were mar-
                  ried Jan.lO,1707 at Montmaqny.(This couple is on paqe 129.)


                  JOSEPH E. was born in BrunswickgMe and died at the aqe ,of 70 years
                  old after a short illnesso He was the son of Ernest and Eug-enie
                  Lapierre who were married May 25,1903 in Brunswick,Me.
                  His surviving relatives were 2 brothers: Leo J. of Bx'unswick,Me
                  and cyril Jo of LewiatonuMe and 1 sister: Miss Alice M.Morin of
                  Brunswick,Me. He attended local schools and was a veteran of W.W.
                  II - employed at the form~r Cabot and verney Mills and later as

                  a custodian at Casco Bank$
                  His prandparont@l wo~e Ch~les and his second wife M.Adele Blanchet
                  who were married Jan.3!~1860 at IsletqP.Qo He married as first
                  wife Henriette Bernier Oct.23,1849 3t Isleto
                  The parent~ of Charl~~ wer~ Fran~cis-Charles and Angelique Belan-
                 ger who were married July 8~1816 at Islet&
                 The parents of Fran~ois-Chmrles were Jean-Marie and Claire caron
                 who were married Oct.3 q 1785 at Islet.

                 The parents of Jean-Maris were Fran~ois and his first wi1eMadeleine
                 Ruel Who were married 25,1763 at MontmagnY,P.Q. 1;18 ,married .
                 as second wife Marie Pain Feb.11,1772 at Islet.
                                                                                 ,;  J'  ,         ,
                 The parents of Fran~ois were Franiois and Genevieve Bosse who were
                 married Jan.14,1126 at Cap St-Ignace,P.Q.
                 The parents of the second Fran~ois w~re Franyois-Alphonse and Ca-
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