Page 125 - index
P. 125


                 ried oct o 27 q 1829 at SteJoseph of            Beauce9P~Qo
                 Th~ par~nt£ of Olivier were Jacques and G~~eViffi1e Gigu~re who were

                 marr!@d Feb029,1808 ~t St@Jo~epho
                 The parents of Jacquea were Ch~l~s ana Charlotte Lessard who were
                 married Oct o 29 g 1181 at stoJosapho
                                                                             '" " ,
                 The parents of Ch;u-les 'fN<aE"e ChQ'Cles and Genevieve Vachon who were

                 married FebQ 6 1146 ='civil marriage contract by ~oleto
                 The parents of the second Charles were NOGl                      and his second wife
                 M.Madeleine Men~d ~~10 were married NOve8 1117 at Beauport,P.Q.
                 He married ~ fir~~ wife Ursula Giroux Feb G l g 1712 at Beauport and
                 as third wife Angelique Cad©r~tte FSb.ll,1744 at Lauzon,p.a.
                 The parents of No~l w~re Charles and MoCharlotte Grenier who were
                married Apre26,1688 ~t Ange=GaxdienqP.Q.

                 The parents of Charles were Pierre and Jeanne Drouin who were mar-
                ried NOV.11.001659 at QU~bec City,@
                The parents of PierX"G 'l;.;'ere Jea.11l and ~1ich~11e Chauvin. Pierre was
                born at St-Je~n de Mortagne in perchewFrance Dec 0 23,1630& His wife
                Jeanne W~ the daughter of R~bert and Anne Cloutier. ,Pierre's family

                name was Maheuot dSl!$ Ha~a.rd~G H®l was bWJ::"i@d May 13,1717 at seaupor~


                ALBERT W~ born Nov~5vlSOS ~t Ste G~~ain~opoQQ and died Feb.l7,
                1980 in a Le~;1is'ton Hospi!;tall after a short illnease He was the son
                of Alfred and Eulmlie Morin who wer~ marri~d Aug.28 g 1888 at Ste

                Claire PoQo
                His wife was Violetta F~echette of LewistonoMe They had one daugh-
                ter Mrs@ Marcel (Sylvia) I.abbs of Lewisl'ton and one son Normand of
                ChocktowoOklme His surviving relativGs were 2 sisters~ Mrs uea

                Cameron of Le~iston ano 1~3o John(RoBa)Johnaon of Me~de,PA and
                a broth~r     Georg~ of Lewis~on and 6 grandchildzen o He was m retired

                Hi:s gramdpEJJl:~nts vqere Jean and Odile Paquet. who were married Septe

                12 1865 at stGMalchiegPoQ Q
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