Page 123 - index
P. 123


                O'NEIL was born Nov 0 15 1903 at FrenchevilleoMe and died May 15,
                1980 at Fort KElln'toMe in the ho~p:i.talo He was the son of Damase
                and E11se Cyr who ware married June 19,1890 in Frenchvillee
                His wife was Adeline Cyr of Fr~nchvilleo They h~d' a daughter,
                Mrs. Mike(Rin~tte)Palletierof MadawaskagMe and 4 grandchildren.

                His surviving ralatives '?I?~re 4, sisters: Mrs <> Yvonne Cyr of Mada-
                waska and Sister Marthe Levesque of Rimousk1,P oQo and Miss Annet-
                te Levesque and Sis~er Augustine Levesque both of Franchville.
                His grandparent~ were Germain and Nathalie Cyr who were married

                Octe24 g 1854 at Fr~nehville,Mee
                The parents of Germain were Germain and Salom~G Dionne who were
                married Jan.S,1821 at ste Ann® de Is pocatier~,poQ~
                The parents of the second Germ~in were Germain and Anastasia

                Ouellet who w~re married NOve15 1119 St Roch d'Aulnaies,p.Q.                             ,
                The parents of the ~~d Germain were Fr~n~ois-Robert and Angel~-
                que aeru~ who were m~ried May 4 q 1734 at Rivi~re-ouelle,p.Q.
                The parents of Frango1s=Robert were Fransois-Robert and Charlotte
                Auber who WGr~ married Nove1 1101 at Riviere-Ouelle•. (see for this
                above couple on p~ge 118",,)


               SYLVIO Jo was bor~ at Ste Ann~ do la Poc~t1~e~p.Q. and died Apr~

               11,1980 in LewistonvMe ~fter a               ~hort il1ne~se He was the son of
               Zephirin and Arthemise Lebel who were m~ried Jan.14,1901 at Kamou-

               raska,PoO Q
               His wife wu Irene Ye JBilodeau..They w~re married July 1945. They
               had 3 d~uqhters:         Mrs~   Dav5j(Sylvi~)Hackford of Pennsburg,PA and
               Mrs e Robert(JoAnn)Huske.y of Charlcrtte N.C$                   and Diane Madore
               of Lew1artoD lVle and 3 SOl!'l$ g R.onald of          B@'llfa.$t.CI~1e and Paul and Ar-
               mand of Lewiston~ His ~urviving relatives were 3 sisters: Mrs.
                                                 ~                                                 ,
               Mari~ Dagenais of Montr~~l ~nd Miss Bernadette and Miss Irene both
               of Lewiston and one broth~r~ Roger of Lewiston and 9 grandchildrene
               He lived in Lewiston most of hi~ life and retired in 1967 as a
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